Search results

  1. mctavish132

    Does Kosher Salt Work For Treating Fish For Ich?

    Title pretty well sums it up. I have a huge box of kosher salt and I just ran out of my last box of aquarium salt, and I am right in the middle of treating for ich and am about to perform a water change, but I don't know how to measure it properly because the grains are much finer then the...
  2. mctavish132

    Aquarium Products Anti-fluke?

    So one of my fish has come down with gill flukes. The water parameters are perfect as they have been for the past 7months Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, and Nitrate is at 20. There is only one fish who is scratchin at his gills, has been like this for a couple days now, and I'm almost 100% its gill...
  3. mctavish132

    Fish Identification

    Wow of course no one told me this at the fish store when I bought him. :/ I have had 5 cory cats completely dissapear in the last month with no sign of body or anything has been a complete mystery to me. (been doing lots of water changing to compensate the possibility of the bodies still...
  4. mctavish132

    Fish Identification

    What Type of cichlid is this? cannot seem to identify him
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  6. mctavish132

    Are Consistent Water Changes Better?

    OK Awesome thanks man, Was just checking as I know someone who changes "50% of the water at 2:00pm ever friday" and says it's better to keep things consistent so that the cycle stays consistent( no idea what he meant that's why I was asking), He's an old time fish keeper from back in the 60s and...
  7. mctavish132

    Are Consistent Water Changes Better?

    Basically I have been wondering is changing the water on a schedule like 1 50% water change every Friday, better then changing the water 50% once a week but at completely random times? And is it bad to be changing different amounts of water each time for example 25% one week and 50 % the next...
  8. mctavish132

    Diatoms Returned, Why?

    Well, personally I change my lights every 6-8 months, even if they seem like there running totally fine the spectrum of the tube gets altered slightly through the tint slowly changing over time from constant heat. Even when growing other types of indoor plants (not underwater) changing the...
  9. mctavish132

    7 Hour Move + Tank Upgrade

    Thanks for the fast replies, love to hear other peoples experiences moving fish has gone so well. So I'm gonna go with the white styrofoam coolers, gonna get 1 for each species of fish, because any of them could easily rip through a bag on the ride(excluding the cories :P), and they are quite...
  10. mctavish132

    7 Hour Move + Tank Upgrade

    Hey fish forums, been awhile since I posted since everything has been going soo smooth. I'm moving to Vancouver on the 25th of September, from a small little town in Canada B.C and its going to be about a 7 hour drive. I plan to bring most of my fish with me because I've gotten far too attached...
  11. mctavish132

    Established Tank - Nematode/worms

    Both of my tanks which have been running for over 6months each are both swarming with dfferent kinda of micro organisms, planaria and nematodes being the annoying ones. I have posted in the emergency section multiple times in regard to my nematode infestation, i have tried everything, not...
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  14. mctavish132

    The Best Whitespot Treatment To Use

    Have you already tried the heat a salt treatment? I have very effectively gotten rid of a bad whitespot outbreak with a red clawed crab in the tank and 3 corys, using 1tbsp per 5 gallon and keeping the tank at 86F for at least 5 days. My corys have never shown signs of stress at 1tbsp per 5...
  15. mctavish132

    Nematode Infestation

    thanks for the reply, yes I see them free swimming all the time, mostly after water changes or topping off the tank though. Good idea about dislodging them, I don't know why iv never done this to feed the fish. My next plan of action is to again stop feeding the tank extra food for another week...
  16. mctavish132

    Nematode Infestation

    Topic explains the majority of my issue. Water parameters are perfect: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 Fish Symptoms: None whatsoever fish all healthy and happy. fishkeeper not so happy. I posted a topic a month or 2 ago about worms in my filter, these worms were identified as...
  17. mctavish132

    Emergency -- Ich In Tank With Cories!

    Keep up what your doing,as long as no one seems stressed 88F should be fine, I just wouldnt let it get any higher then that and try to keep it a bit closer to a stable 86, other then that I wouldnt do it differently myself. water change every day to every other day is perfect, and yes I have...
  18. mctavish132

    Emergency -- Ich In Tank With Cories!

    what plants do you have?, my plants have always been able to go up to 2tablespoons per 5 gallons for short periods of time (without any scaleless fish in the tank) and they have never seemed to get affected, although I only have Moss balls and a #105###load of java ferns which seem to be pretty...
  19. mctavish132

    Fish With Dropsy For Months? Euthanized Today

    Wow im surprised he's been that bloated/swollen with what looks exactly like dropsy and he's still alive and kickin. I've only ever had one fish get dropsy and it was a guppy aswell. He got extremely bloated so I treated for an internal bacteria infection unsuccessfully for a week then his...
  20. mctavish132

    Emergency -- Ich In Tank With Cories!

    I'm sure that will do the job just fine, and good call, its probably a lot better to stick with that medication instead of switching right away and stressing the fish. best of luck!
  21. mctavish132

    Emergency -- Ich In Tank With Cories!

    If I get ick with my cories I just do the heat and salt treatment, they can easily handle a small amount of salt. I bring the temp to 86F and add 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. My cories have never been negativly effected at this salinity level for short periods of time, salt seems a lot less harsh...
  22. mctavish132

    Silver Dollar Skin Peeling

    How recently set up? Is your tank cycled? were gonna need the basic water parameters, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH at least. How long has his skin looked liked this? I'm no expert but I would try and keep your water quality as best you can and definatly use some melafix in this situation...
  23. mctavish132

    Small Emergency.. Ich In A Still Cycling Tank.

    what you laughing at...... was just trying to be helpfull
  24. mctavish132

    Any Plants Silver Dollars Will Leave Alone?

    whats up fishforums, So lately ive been trying to add all kinds of different plants, but by the next day my silver dollar has completely chowed them down to the stem. Im completely aware silver dollars are not plant friendly. The only plant i have had luck with so far is java fern. only seems to...
  25. mctavish132

    Small Emergency.. Ich In A Still Cycling Tank.

    Ok so I have had many severe cases of ich matching that of yours. First off if you have monitored your heater for a couple hours and it hasnt gone above 86 then chances are it will stay there, maybe open a window to keep the room temp down, so it wont keep building up and heating up the tank...
  26. mctavish132

    Can't Get Rid Of Worms In Filter!

    bump, Nothing else I can do? I don't feel like this alone will get rid of them.
  27. mctavish132

    Can't Get Rid Of Worms In Filter!

    Ok just did a 75% water change, cleaned all my filters and added new cartridges, and Im not going to feed the tank for a week, any other suggestions? because I really haven't been feeding much at all in the last month.
  28. mctavish132

    Can't Get Rid Of Worms In Filter!

    Hey fish forums. So I have been battling a bad case of some type of unidentified worm in all of my filters. Under a magnifying glass they are segmented, so I know their not planaria. They wiggle in an S shape when disturbed in the water and they look about the size of a small eyelash when...
  29. mctavish132

    Flashing, Darting, Swimming Backward

    Ok while thats a relief i really hope they are just bloodworm larvae, even so, how do i get rid of them? They creep me out and look disgusting. Im taking another trip to my LFS tommorow so i will pick up KH and GH test kits, and post back the results. I currently test my Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate...
  30. mctavish132

    Flashing, Darting, Swimming Backward

    So i just did a gravel vac, and noticed that i sucked up some long red squirming nematodes from my substrate, and im really starting to freak out. I always see my molly with long stringy red poo, but never actually looked close enough to tell if it was a worm or not. An internal nematode...
  31. mctavish132

    Flashing, Darting, Swimming Backward

    Thanks for the reply. The only other de-coordinator Ive used is "Jungle start right", and it was a tiny bottle I finished faster then I could notice a difference, and other then that Ive only ever used tetra aqua safe and Ive always had this issue. I just tested my tap water and it says...
  32. mctavish132

    Flashing, Darting, Swimming Backward

    Tank size: 60 gallon pH: 7.6 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 10ppm kH:? gH:? tank temp: 84F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Flashing/scratching on decorations has been going on for months, my parrot fish and balloon molly will...
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    black specs.jpg

  34. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    ok good call, ill put him in a rubbermaid with an airstone till done treating, again thanks for the help i appreciate it
  35. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    alright I have 3 powerheads and an air powerd UGF but ill throw in another air stone to be safe and continue treatment, i hope my blue lobster makes it through the treatments says the jungle parasite clear is really bad for crustaceans or whatever. anyway thanks for the help
  36. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    that would make alot of sence, is using parasite clear going to help the problem? it looked more like little tiny white balls but not ick; they were swaying back and forth, and yes they did appear to be anchored to the fish. And for the mollie she is defenetly being irritaed arround her gills...
  37. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    thanks for the bump, if this helps distinguish the problem at all, her poops are really long, clear, and constant like allll day long since I started treatment. During the constant strand of clear poop there will sometimes be small coloured parts which i assume is the food, (colour is in...
  38. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    ok extremely sorry for the double post but Im starting to get really worried, i took out my mollie and gave her a salt bath at 1tbsp of aquarium salt per gallon kept her in their for 10 minutes while monitoring. added half a gallon of my main aquarium water waited 5 minutes and added another...
  39. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    Ok thanks for the reply, I got a full test kit(liquid), sorry for the lack of information. I removed the rocks which I am now quite certain had some sort of metal in them. New test after a 25% water change: Ph = 7.4 Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 5 Still unsure as to KH and GH, if these are...
  40. mctavish132

    Unexplained Flashing, Please Help

    Hey fish forums, so starting a few days ago I noticed my big fat female balloon mollie, who I have really come to like, start flashing on anything she can, and quite often. she is still the most aggressive eater in my tank and does not seem any less active then when i got her a couple months...