Are Consistent Water Changes Better?


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Basically I have been wondering is changing the water on a schedule like 1 50% water change every Friday, better then changing the water 50% once a week but at completely random times? And is it bad to be changing different amounts of water each time for example 25% one week and 50 % the next week depending on how things seem? or is it better to be consistent and have a certain day of the week you change the exact same amount of water every time? Does beneficial bacteria or the contained nitrogen cycle we have running in our tanks get negatively effecting in anyway by changing the water whenever you feel necessary or are in the mood to do it as long as its once a week and the tank is getting fresh water?

If someone could answer this I would greatly appreciate it. I have been wondering this for a long time now.
Times on a clock? disregard..
The MAIN reason to preform a change is to remove excess Nitates, And to remove excess waste seen evident form the bottom of the tank.
And replenish the now missing nutrients and trace minerals from the water.

The time not to mention the regularity is a self imposed ideal based on stock and ... hey can you fit it in now.. cause it needs it!!!...
Get er done. miss an hour or miss a day whatever... just don't go more than 2-3 off front to back and your doing fine.More than that and it may become a problem Nitrate wise.. depends..
OK Awesome thanks man, Was just checking as I know someone who changes "50% of the water at 2:00pm ever friday" and says it's better to keep things consistent so that the cycle stays consistent( no idea what he meant that's why I was asking), He's an old time fish keeper from back in the 60s and most, if not all of his methods are long out dated.
OK Awesome thanks man, Was just checking as I know someone who changes "50% of the water at 2:00pm ever friday" and says it's better to keep things consistent so that the cycle stays consistent( no idea what he meant that's why I was asking), He's an old time fish keeper from back in the 60s and most, if not all of his methods are long out dated.
Best to be on task than on time.. it only makes scene.. life is never perfect. never seen a fish with a sun dial... gonna be 11 to 12 in that tank all the time anyway,,,
not sure they care about that .. doubt they could.. my fish seem to still love me on time or not. .. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: we shall feed..
So you are a god for the clean water.. YAY ..
Nahh most old school are against weeklies, yet putting the time as a regulation.. not something i even give a 2nd look
I don't think it's essential to do water changes on a clock, meaning same time same day each week. Each tank is different so the frequency and size of the change, for me, depends on what you are growing. I have a lot of SPS and I do not dose so I rely on more frequent water changes to provide the calcium and trace elements for the corals. I once had a lagoonal tank with all softies and lots of macro algae it could have gone months without a change and been just fine. It all depends on your tank and what it needs so the only real rule is do them as often and as many gallons as you need to.

I change 20 gallons out of my 210 about every 2 weeks. I've had other tanks that I did 40% every week and when I kept my 2.5 gallon nanos I did small changes twice a week.

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