Search results

  1. Benakaben

    Brown Bristle Nose Plecs.

    Sorry pal sold the last 7 at weekend just gone.
  2. Benakaben

    Lighting Unit On Juwel Rio.

    I've recently decided i want to install an overhead lighting unit to my Juwel Rio 400, on the top of the tank it measures 151 cm long due to the trim around the top.   Does anyone know if the 150 cm overhead lighting units will fit this, or will the trim cause the unit to be to short?   Thanks.
  3. Benakaben

    Fish Need Rehoming Urgently

    I could i took these off your hand as im in luton, but glad you sorted it.
  4. Benakaben

    Brown Bristle Nose Plecs.

    Livestock: brown BNs ( between 1-2" long) Quantity for sale: around 20-30. Reason for Sale: Change of tank mates Delivery or Collection: Collection prefered can deliver if fuel costs are covered, might post soon. Sales price:£1 Each Postage & Packaging: n/a Location: Luton, 5 mins from J11 of M1...
  5. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Well im 5 mins from J11 M1. so about an hour.
  6. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    I dont have one as of yet, where are you i dont mind you just coming to have a look.
  7. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Still For Sale
  8. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Tried getting the bigger ones but its hard work short of pulling all the plants and wood out lol. Loads Still for sale.
  9. Benakaben

    Common Pleco Eat Fish?

    haha this happens with my neons! i get convinced ive lost one the i look back an hour or so later and all are there!
  10. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plec Ballooned?

    Just been reading on it looks like it could be something called bloat? Anyone heard of it?
  11. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plec Ballooned? Had to do link Because wouldnt let me upload for some reason?
  12. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plec Ballooned?

    Uploading now
  13. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plec Ballooned?

    I have just been catching some of my bristlenose as im selling some, im catching them and putting them into a floating fry trap, first 2 went in no problems put the 3rd one in and it has ballooned right up? is this a defence mechanism or is there something wrong? ill try get a pic up.
  14. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Ten pound total mate :)
  15. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Sure I can Deliver 6 for ten pounds?
  16. Benakaben

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Livestock: Brown BN Plecos, Sizes between 1-5cms Quantity for sale: ~ 80 Reason for Sale: Change of fish stock. Delivery or Collection:Collection, can deliver close to luton. Sales price: £1 Each. Postage & Packaging: N/A Location:LU4 , Luton. Photograph: Will Upload soon.
  17. Benakaben

    Panaque Cochliodon / Blue Eye Panaque For Sale

    very good price mate, wish i had 400 pound spare
  18. Benakaben

    All Pond Solutions Filters

    I would recommend APS i have bought a few filters from them internal and external never had a problem.
  19. Benakaben

    External And Internal Filters

    i have a Juwel Rio 400, and i have the internal filter that comes as standard with this tank, plus 2 external filters, in total i think i have around 3500 L/H on my tank and my water is crystal clear !
  20. Benakaben

    What Plec Does Pets At Home Have?

    yeah there similar to the commons size wise, they stock them near me too.
  21. Benakaben

    Hikari Or Tetra Algae Wafers

    what plecs do you have besty?
  22. Benakaben

    What Plec Does Pets At Home Have?

    the 2 closest pets at home near me only seem to keep common plecs and common bristlenose plecs which are seriously over priced.
  23. Benakaben

    Hikari Or Tetra Algae Wafers

    Soo scap the idea of lettuce and peppers, and maybe get some butternut squash?
  24. Benakaben

    Hikari Or Tetra Algae Wafers

    Just iceberg lettuce, dont give them it often as it is mostly water.
  25. Benakaben

    Hikari Or Tetra Algae Wafers

    Ok thanks for that information, so if i give them lettuce cucumber courgette carrot brocolli maybe some peppers? I have 10 plecs in total in the tank so ill get some of the tetra wafers and that new era catfish pellets they should be fine for a while.
  26. Benakaben

    Hikari Or Tetra Algae Wafers

    ahh i was thinking of hikari purely because there cheaper the tetra, but thats not always a good thing. Also what veg do you feed them? Im feeding cucumber courgette and lettuce, but was thinking mushrooms and butternut squash? Anyone know if this would be ok?
  27. Benakaben

    Hikari Or Tetra Algae Wafers

    I want to know which of these 2 brands are better, anyone recommend one or another make completely. They are for a group of bristlenoses. Thanks.
  28. Benakaben

    Stocking Ideas

    Well i would like some bottom dwellers but only if they wont interfere with the BN's, would any of the listed fish do this?
  29. Benakaben

    Stocking Ideas

    im thinking 3 clown loach, 6 corys, 2 x 1 male and 2 female ancistrus, and a cameroon African giant shrimp for the bottom, already have a hillstream loach in the tank. for the top / middle i already have around 9 neon tetras, 6 black neons, 5 leopard danios, in addition to these i wanted maybe...
  30. Benakaben

    For Sale Bristlenoses-croydon Area

    are these still available?
  31. Benakaben

    Cherry Shrimp 3 For £1

    What plant do you have in the your shrimp tank in the middle? i see the pic on ebay and your setup looks good :)
  32. Benakaben

    Juwel Rio 450

    hi, i have just been trying to fit a new heater into my tank and managed to snap the 2 plastic struts on the top of the tank, if anyone aware if these plastic struts were for supporting the weight of the tank or just purely to hold the light unit above?
  33. Benakaben

    Stocking Ideas

    Im after something of a larger size but at the same time wont eat the neons lol, also something thats not so common. i wanted to try breeding some bristlenoes so didnt want to put any other bottom dwellers in there.
  34. Benakaben

    Stocking Ideas

    Hello! I have juwel rio 450, 5ft tank, and have recently sold the cichlids i had in there as i want to have it as a large community tank. I currently have the follow fish in the tank; 9 Neon tetras 6 Black neon tetras 5 Leopard danios 1 gibbiceps pleco Anyone have any ideas what else i could...
  35. Benakaben

    Cherry Shrimp 3 For £1

    still selling 3 for £1?
  36. Benakaben

    10 Inch Sail-fin Plec

    Livestock: Sail-fin Pleco 10" Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Restocking tank, wont be suitable tank mate. Delivery or Collection: Collection, can deliver if fuel costs are covered. Sales price: £10 Postage & Packaging: n/a Location: Luton, LU4. (5 mins from J11, M1) Photograph: will...
  37. Benakaben

    Red Oscar

    Livestock:Red Oscar around 7-8 inches. Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Restocking tank, Oscar will not be a suitable tank mate Delivery or Collection: Collection is preferred, delivery is available if fuel costs are covered. Sales price: £20 (O.N.O) Wanting a good home for it, but...
  38. Benakaben

    Kribensis Fry For Sale

    fish are still avaliable and are over a month old there starting to get there colours through and are around 20mm long now.
  39. Benakaben

    Motionless Oscar?!

    oscar is fine now i did a bigger water change then normal so the levels were down quite a bit more than usual, i have a rio 400 which is a 450L tank. his back to his energetic self now.
  40. Benakaben

    Motionless Oscar?!

    i have a relatively young red oscar, about 6 inches long, i did a water change that was over due from the weekend so i did more than usual. prior to the water change he was fine, now he is just laying motionless at the back of tank on the gravel, any ideas whats wrong?