Stocking Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
England, Bedford

I have juwel rio 450, 5ft tank, and have recently sold the cichlids i had in there as i want to have it as a large community tank.

I currently have the follow fish in the tank;

9 Neon tetras
6 Black neon tetras
5 Leopard danios
1 gibbiceps pleco

Anyone have any ideas what else i could add to the tank?

More or less anything you fancy. What is your water like?
If your Ph is low you could try discus, or if you prefer an easy community tank what about gouramis, angels or rainbowfish? There are so many species that might be suitable, you're going to have to narrow it down! What do you like the look of?
I always recommend Bolivian rams, just because they are such cool fish. They're bottom-dwellers, peaceful, and breed pretty easily. If you have sand or smooth gravel you could do either cories or kuhli loaches, if you have sand I'd definitely go with the loaches. Really funny little guys. Also angelfish, they're pretty cool looking.
More or less anything you fancy. What is your water like?
If your Ph is low you could try discus, or if you prefer an easy community tank what about gouramis, angels or rainbowfish? There are so many species that might be suitable, you're going to have to narrow it down! What do you like the look of?

Im after something of a larger size but at the same time wont eat the neons lol, also something thats not so common. i wanted to try breeding some bristlenoes so didnt want to put any other bottom dwellers in there.
im thinking 3 clown loach, 6 corys, 2 x 1 male and 2 female ancistrus, and a cameroon African giant shrimp for the bottom, already have a hillstream loach in the tank.
for the top / middle i already have around 9 neon tetras, 6 black neons, 5 leopard danios, in addition to these i wanted maybe 10 endlers and a female beta?

anyone know if any of these fish will fight or will this all be suitable?
I believe clown loaches are better in larger numbers like 6+ rather than 3.

BTW, I am confused by your 2 most recent posts. You said you don't want bottom dwellers b/c of potentially breeding BN plecos, then your next post includes bottom dwellers. :dunno:
I believe clown loaches are better in larger numbers like 6+ rather than 3.

BTW, I am confused by your 2 most recent posts. You said you don't want bottom dwellers b/c of potentially breeding BN plecos, then your next post includes bottom dwellers.

Well i would like some bottom dwellers but only if they wont interfere with the BN's, would any of the listed fish do this?
I've never tried breeding BN, so I can't answer that. Clown loaches get quite large, and any fish that fits in their mouth is a potential meal, especially at the bottom of the tank, where they spend their time.

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