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    live food

    Hi quick question .. where do you keep live food (shrimp, daphnia etc..) I was told in the fridge but is this ok? And how long do they last? thanks
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    Hi Could anyone tell me if this is HITH? He was recently showing symptoms of it (not eating, hiding etc..but seems OK now, still has these holes in his head tho) I'm not sure if I should do anything or not?? thanks
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    Flake food = malnutrition?

    Hi What about the shrimp and bloodworm which comes in packets and you keep in the fridge?? - not frozen or live ..its in a kind of preservative in a packet. Is this oK?? Thanks
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    brown algae

    aahh i see.. well that would be about right ive been wiping it off, but it just comes back dont think ive got room for any more fish tho.. nm
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    brown algae

    I change water every week at least 10%, mostly more By the way this is what it says on the bulb: SYLVANIA STANDARD F18W/156 t-8 DAYLIGHT
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    brown algae

    Hi I have quite a lot of brown algae in my tank it is cycled, and has been for a while the light is 18W and i leave it on for approx 12 hours a day I have 5 live plants 20 gallon tank Anyone have any ideas why?? thanks Actually dont know if it is 18W i'm just presuming becus it says 18W...
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    Hi When you buy rocks from the lfs is it OK to just pour boiling water on to clean them and then put them in?
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    dead fly

    because i think he wants to eat one (or a spider) because when he sees flies going past the front of the tank he goes mad, and also a spider crawled down the front of the tank and he tried to eat it cos he thought it was on the inside I just wanted to give it him cos he seemed to want it..
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    dead fly

    hi..!!! ok then..what about if it was alive..could I then??
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    dead fly

    Hi I found a very small dead fly on my windowledge can i feed it to my angel....or not???