dead fly


New Member
Sep 4, 2004
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I found a very small dead fly on my windowledge

can i feed it to my angel....or not???
I wouldn't. What if it died licking pesticide off the neighbor's tomato plant?

Welcome to the boards, by the way!

ok then..what about if it was alive..could I then??
A lot of people do, I'd use your best discresion. If you live in the country, with clean air and water, I don't see why not, although any live food carries a risk of introducing pathogens. If you live in a city that has dirty air and water, maybe it's not a good idea.
because i think he wants to eat one (or a spider)

because when he sees flies going past the front of the tank he goes mad, and also a spider crawled down the front of the tank and he tried to eat it cos he thought it was on the inside

I just wanted to give it him cos he seemed to want it..
I have feed flying ants to my dish and spiders.
The other night I noticed a moth inside the hood
when i opened the hood to get it out, it hit the water
and was in a mouth before I could do anything :/
anyway the fish loved it even if it did take 20 mins to eat.
bluejules said:
because i think he wants to eat one (or a spider)

because when he sees flies going past the front of the tank he goes mad, and also a spider crawled down the front of the tank and he tried to eat it cos he thought it was on the inside

I just wanted to give it him cos he seemed to want it..
:D My fish go mad when I walk by tank, I dont think they want human
Fish go mad 'cuz they know you=FOOD!!! Anyway, Canarsie, as for feeding your fish a fly or spider etc--go for it (at least I sure would!!)!!! They'd love it. I think it would also probably be good for them, as well. It would be good protein and a nice change from ordinary food. I know my mother loves nothing better than to feed worms and flies and katydids to her fish, which, by the way, could never be healthier or more robust. Besides, from everything I've read, your fish should always be fed a varied diet!! :D So go for it.
Reading this thread with interest (and partially as I've just swatted a bluebottle fly to death).

I'd be unsure about feeding my fishes anything that feeds on dead/decaying matter. Flies are such creatures that can carry all sorts of diseases from what they eat.

If I were to feed my fishes with natural live foods, such as greenfly/blackfly/whitefly, I'd be happy to because I'd know these insects feed on plant sap. My personal opinion, but these live foods are much 'safer'.

However, it's your risk. :)

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