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  1. C.J.

    Best Substrate For Plants?

    Sand substrate works pretty well. I had no issues with it, and my plants were healthy :)
  2. C.J.

    100 Gallon Tank

    If you're on a budget, stay with freshwater fish. Setting up, keeping up, and stocking a saltwater tank will cost you $$$. I'd say go with cichlids. They're not too hard to take care of and your tank will be more than big enough, unless you go with oscars. In my experience with oscars, they get...
  3. C.J.

    Not An Emergency, But Having Ph Problems.

    I also agree. Keep your pH in your tank the same as in your tap. gforce17 gave an awesome quote. Even a small pH change can really stress fish. Changing the pH more than, say 0.2 at a time without letting the fish adjust could send them into a "pH shock", which they could die from. On a side...
  4. C.J.

    Any Eel Keepers?

    I love my fire eel. He's easily my favorite fish. He used to looveee to eat, but lately he wont eat (in front of me anyways). I used to hand feed him every night. I think it was me re-doing my tank that spooked him or something. Not I just drop in some earthworms at night and they're gone in the...
  5. C.J.

    New Black Ghost Knife :)

    BGKs are awesome fish. I've had mine for over a year now. He's maybe 7-8in. He eats everything. Usually it's bloodworms for him but every once in a while he'll pick up an earthworm my fire eel missed...
  6. C.J.

    Thought I Might Share This

    Really cool vid, thanks for posting B-)
  7. C.J.

    Peat Filtration ?

    Peat does soften your water (gH and kH). Fish such as discus and rams need soft water. Neons normally would need really soft water too, but since most are commercially raised, your water doesn't have to be (as) soft.
  8. C.J.

    My Fish Tank

    lol I was like woah! I've seen that tank before! :hyper: Looks good.
  9. C.J.

    First Planted Effort

    That looks amazing! :hyper:
  10. C.J.

    Why Are Rams So Hard To Look After?!

    I don't have much experience with rams, but my friend does. They're picky with their water conditions. The pH can vary with them a little, but isn't as important as water hardness. What's your gH and kH?
  11. C.J.

    Starting A Planted Tank

    Sorry, I don't know what lights you have :/ But I do know that you don't need under sand heating. My planted tank is doing great and I don't have under sand heating.
  12. C.J.

    Fire Eel

    I saw some baby Zebra Spiny Eels at a family owned fish store once. They're in the same family as Fire Eels, but only grow to maybe 1/4 the size. I'd stay away from Fire and Tire Track Eels if you don't want to upgrade to a larger tank.
  13. C.J.

    Aqua Scaping Help

    Looks about 800% better than my tank to be honest. I'm no good at aquascaping.
  14. C.J.

    New Here

    Hey I'm new here. My friend has an acct here and he recommended I come too. The site seems pretty interesting and helpful. B-)