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  1. R

    Fish stand question

    I have an empty 55 gallon tank and stand (both are about 10 years old). I asked a family member to add a little support to the stand since I thought there was a very minor dip in the middle. He also cut me a piece of wood for the tank to sit on. It's just slightly too small (I think he measured...
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  3. R


    I work at a pet store and sometimes we get the random tadpole o crayfish with our feeders. Recently, about two weeks ago, we got two crayfish in with our feeder batch and I decided to adopt them and take them home. Well, they have their own little 10 gallon tank right now, since they are about...
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    Snails and tank mates

    I recently set up a ten gallon for my male betta. i have noticed an explosion of snails in the past few days and decided to search for a natural way to get rid of the buggers, which allows me to get more fish! (: can i perphas put a loach in with him, specfically a yoyo loach? i have heard they...
  5. R


    Well, we've always used gravel and when i get this tank completely stocked again, i would like to use gravel, but i imagine i could put anything there. i can see what you mean, by making a mountain of gravel, then planting the bamboo into it. but then that means i have to have the hood off...
  6. R


    I have a stalk of bamboo that I am wondering if i can plant somehow in one of my fish tanks. it is like one of those ones you see just sitting in a pot of water. i know they do better in soil, but its been doing good in its 'pot' of water, and i would think the addition of fish waste, etc would...
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    before this happened, the piranhas were feed live feeders often (like 6 days a week), but recently my boyfriend doesn't want to buy feeders anymore so i feed the beasts with frozen krill, that's been thawed of course. I wouldn't mind more fish, but in the piranha tank, they'd just be seen as...
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    Sorry for this to be so long getting back. I don't know what flies they are, but they have moved to the piranha tank now. it is really gross because i can see the larva forms in the tops of the water (i assume the larva form, i'm not really good with bug details). I am just worried about two...
  9. R


    :lol: that sounds like a good plan.... the hoods have been washed before, but i am not sure when it was last, so i guess everytime i do a water change i'll have to clean the hoods too. thanks, as long as they won't hurt the fish (ie diseases), it's all good. :)
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    Recently, every time i open the South american cichlid tank, there has been a few flies. i thought they were maybe on the top, and just took note of it. however, today, when i opened the tank, there was four sitting under the hood and i am certain now they must be coming from the tank. we don't...
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    Black mystery and striped raphels

    its ok, i thought somehow his appearence had something to do with it, like if he was past a juvenile stage or something. its cool :)
  12. R

    Black mystery and striped raphels

    yeah, i know what type of fish he is. i was just wondering if he has been eating live fish if he needs to be kept eating live fish or if he will accept bloodworms/krill?
  13. R

    Weird Male Molly Behavior

    I have a male molly that's been doing a behavior i haven't seen before. He's near the surface of the water, and flips his tail in the water across the surface. He'll go across at least half the tank length at a time. It reminds me of a dolphin show. He was recently moved from a 29g to a 55g...
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    Black mystery and striped raphels

    sorry to take so long to respond. i think he has a few scales that are silver, maybe four or so on each side.
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    Black mystery and striped raphels

    Yes, the black mystery does have whiskers he can move independly, and he's about six inches. I would say the stripes are about... hmm... four inches or so. i see them less frequently then the black mystery, and haven't tried to measure them yet. they might not be big in aspect to how big they...
  16. R


    oh man, that means mine two have to get out of the community tanks. thanks for the reply!
  17. R

    Black mystery and striped raphels

    I have two striped raphels and a black mystery catfish. i never saw them until recently (hid all the time) and they are HUGE. I am guessing my small fish that were disappearing were being eaten by them. They are now in a tank by themselves, with no small fish. Do i need to feed them small fish...
  18. R


    Would a comet, five inches or so, eat a small fish, like a zebra danio? Basically, the fish could fit in the mouth, but i didn't know if they would eat fish. Thanks.
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    Clay in a tank

    Max Action- just out of curiousity, what type of clay? I have asked a few different people, from both the clay side of things and the aquarium side and they all believe clay won't dissolve over time in water, since fired clay has been used for thousands of years as jugs and such. Thanks...
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    Clay in a tank

    I am currently taking a ceramics class in college and our teacher said with any free time we have we are allowed to create whatever we want and they will fire it for us. This got me to thinking of making my own aquarium decorations! I could finally customize my own caves and such! but i am...
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    Yoyo Loach

    Sorry bout that, can somebody move my post? Wrong forum :*)
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    Yoyo Loach

    I have two yoyo loachs right now and would like to get more, espectiually seeing they enjoy the company of others. I was wondering if the yoyos will play/interact with other loaches or do they really only prefer other yoyos? If they will enjoy other loaches, does anybody recommand any? I'm...
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    Just wondering if anybody owns some red bellied piranhas, and what do they feed them? Thanks Jess
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    How rare are they?

    i know nothing about these fish mentioned, but 1 to 134 seems hard to do in an aquarium. is that a mistype or is it actually 1 to 134? I know quite a few human males that would LOVE that ratio! :lol:
  25. R

    Green Terrors and Jack Dempsey?

    Bleach does sound harsh (i'd be afraid no matter how much you wash it, that the bleach will soak in), but its good to know there is a way to get rid of eggs if need be. Now that we know it can happen, i'll see if he wants to keep them together. thanks everybody!
  26. R

    Green Terrors and Jack Dempsey?

    This might need to be moved into the hybrid section, but i thought this area was better. i don't know. anyways... is it possible for a green terror and jack dempsey to breed? We have two of each in the same tank, and none of paired off, either way. but one dempsey is getting HUGE and is always...
  27. R

    Problem with growth in snail?

    Sounds just like mine. So yers are ok?
  28. R

    Problem with growth in snail?

    I have one apple snail (i believe, he is a black mystery snail, which is apple, right?) in my 29g community tank. i noticed that his shell is starting to grow oddly. it almost looks like someone sliced him. I tried to take pictures, but they didn't come out nicely. Could it be that my tank is...
  29. R

    Unknown Tadpole

    My boyfriend went to go get feeders from a store today that we normally don't buy feeders from. To our surprise, as we poured out the fish, there came a tadpole along with the bunch! He is now in his own tank, and i'm not sure what to do with him. I know the pet store won't take him back, they...
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    Snails Questions

    you don't think if they dry out and get rehydrated again they'll be good? i have heard of insects doing this before. what would be a good way to kill the eggs?
  31. R

    Snails Questions

    How long does it take from being out of the water before snail eggs can't hach anymore? we have a slight snail problem in the 55g, and i noticed today not only had the snail eaten/destroyed a good portion of my dwarf lily leaves but had also laid eggs on it to. figured i could solve two...
  32. R

    Question about the amount of Africans to keep

    I read somewhere that Africans are best kept kinda crowded. it stops them from defending one terrority and the biggest one or two becoming dominant and bullying everybody. now i know this would vary greatly depending on the African species at hand, but i was wondering in general what everybody...
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    Comet Goldfish

    i know this sounds miserable, so please don't yell at me. but we are not keeping the comets as pets, just as feeders, so we would like them to live at least the couple of days until they are food. i know that's harsh, but its the sad fact of having a fish that eats fish exclusively. i have...
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    Yoyo Loach

    Hehe and this is why it says newbie under my name.... ;) :P So, the two will be ok, just less active? its not like schooling fish where they get stressed out with less members?
  35. R

    Comet Goldfish

    Ok, this is prolly the wrong spot to ask this question, so please forgive me if you have to move this post. i wasn't sure what area comet goldfish belong in. that said, i have a question about comet gold fish. my boyfriend uses them as feeders (as long as i stop saving them and adding them to...
  36. R

    Yoyo Loach

    I read that yoyo loach like to be in groups of three or more but aren't a schooling fish. i have just recently got two and they follow each other around, its adorable! should i get a third one? how urge is a third (ie, would the two be ok with each other, at least for a little bit of time)? thanks!
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    Here They Are! All 22 of 'em!

    Sam- Yer entitle to yer opinion but you could of found a nicer way to ask. and adorable fish! i'm just getting into bettas (only have two females) but i really wish i could have ones that look like yers! :D
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    Pictus or Striped Raphel?

    if either or both are the ones eating the other fish, will they still eat shrimp pellets and other such commerical food or once they have the taste for fish they will keep eating them? thanks!
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    Pictus or Striped Raphel?

    I have a "community" fish tank, with relatively small fish. Slowly, one by one they have been disappearing. The only culprit i can think of is the catfish i have in there, the pictus and striped raphel. however, neither are seen attacking anybody or doing damage. could they be the eater of...
  40. R

    Any breeders recommanded?

    :huh: i'm not breeding, are you talking to someone else? i'm looking for a breeder but not to breed. i don't know where you got that from. and yes, both me and my boyfriend are well experienced in taking care of fish, we have a 75g, 2-55gs, 29, 20, 10. all which we take care of with no deaths...