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  1. flipnshi


    I went with an assorted school of mollies, 10. Thinking that if the school was big enough they would ward off would be predators . Put them into the 60 gallon tank and within minutes they were being harassed. Had to transfer to the 29 gallon and just decided to move some of the plants. I thought...
  2. flipnshi

    Can You Have Too Much Filtration?

    I have to agree with Ps3Steveo, there is no such thing as over filtering your tanks. Excessive, but some have dirty eaters and would like a cleaner crisper tank. I have been a fan of the Marineland 350s they come with a bio wheel to hold some bacteria and all your doing by amping your filter is...
  3. flipnshi


    Welcome to the forums.. Whats the tank size? There are four possible sources from high nitrate levels: infrequent maintenance, overfeeding, crowded tank, or bad water from the tap. Test your water source for nitrate directly if you still have high levels then find another water source, and do a...
  4. flipnshi

    Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another

    Id "float" them just to be on the safe side. There might be something off or different, fish are so much more prone to changes. Don't forget to add some kind stress coat as well, I use Prime, it has always worked out for me. I take it the 55 is fully cycled? How many fish will you be...
  5. flipnshi

    Schooling Fish

    So...I think that will add to much to the bioload, having 10+ of a new introduction. I don't want to mix the feeders with anything and the 55 gallon is very close to being too crowded for me. I decided to think about it more and just get some new backgrounds and change up the lighting specs...
  6. flipnshi

    Schooling Fish

    haha yeah that's the other thing they gotta be cichlid friendly. The "African tribe" stay pretty close to the bottom. Only coming up for pellets. Its a 60 gallon deep approx. 22 inches tall so Im thinking I can get away with a very small but formidable school towards the upper middle and top. Id...
  7. flipnshi

    Feeder Guppies

    That's why I got so many feeders....treating them as regular fish. So that they will grow up to be healthy fish. Weed out the parasite riddled and unhealthy ones. A friend of mine set one up like this and it turned out to be okay...a lot of time involved tho for them to grow mature enough to...
  8. flipnshi

    Schooling Fish

    I was thinking about adding 6 to 8 for school in the 60 gallon tank. Already have a school of Tiger barbs in the 55 gallon. Ive had danios before and thought they would be a decent add. Do they come in a variety of colors, or just the zebra and leopard ones? Something small that wont add a lot...
  9. flipnshi

    Schooling Fish

    Googled them....they look cool. I was thinking more active colors without going the goldfish or koi route. A good variety of different colors.
  10. flipnshi

    Schooling Fish

    I would like to have some colorful schooling fish top to mid levels. Any suggestions?
  11. flipnshi

    Feeder Guppies

    Okay so I would like to set up a feeder tank. Ive transformed my 29 gallon fully cycled into this. I went and bought 60 feeder rosy reds. After a week have had some die off and Ive scooped ones that appeared to be not in the best of health, a white dot would appear on one and Id scoop it out. Or...
  12. flipnshi

    Live Food

    Someone suggested live food to watch the fish act naturally and chase it down. Ive researched and found that earthworms might and might not retain parasites. Kinda up in the air with this one. So I looking for suggestions... have a cray in each tank and know that they would love it. My newest...
  13. flipnshi

    Cycle Tank

    Thanks. Im using micobelift referred by friend, and dropping half a cube of frozen brine shrimp in for a good jump start combined with one bio wheel from each filter. Hoping by like 2 or 3 weeks to cycle. Decided to leave the blue cray put for now and will just some of the bigger fish over to...
  14. flipnshi

    Cycle Tank

    I have a question that has too many specifics to leave to error. I have a 55 gallon and a 29 gallon both have a 350 marineland bio wheel and filter. I have a 60 gallon tank that has been filled and sitting for a week waiting for my amazon order for two marineland 350s for it. Cant over filter a...
  15. flipnshi

    Blue Crayfish

    Only bottom feeders are 1 rainbow shark(catfish) and 1 chinese algae eater. Thing that concerns me would be the 5 zebra danios, 4 sword tails and 5 tiger barbs. All are very young fish, except for the algae eater, rainbow and danios. Already have a 60 gallon filled with water waiting on amazon...
  16. flipnshi

    Blue Crayfish

    I have a blue crayfish that I got and added to my 55 gallon alone with other fish. She hasnt bothered the other fish and has picked out her home as the decorative log. I have just noticed that she now has eggs under her backside. She has been hiding out and now I know why. She was in a tank with...
  17. flipnshi

    Think My Smaller Tank Is Cycled

    Did a 50 to 75 percent water change last night. Will edit post with test results. All fish survived the night. No dead bodies in the morning. Feels like Im doing something right now. Clearly Im not out of the woods yet tho. Ordered another marineland 350 penguin filter and a tetra 100 gallon...
  18. flipnshi

    Think My Smaller Tank Is Cycled

    Gonna leave the fish in their original tanks and do a 50ish percent water change on the 55 gallon. The ammonia has seemed to go down... .50. Sorry my filter is the marine land Penguin 350. That would mean I can retest in an hour or so, instead of in the morning. Is this adequate for a 55 gallon...
  19. flipnshi

    Think My Smaller Tank Is Cycled

    Thanks testing again today. I did the water changes for both tanks about 4 hours ago. My 55 is where Im having the most trouble, its def a cycling and added way too much fish at once thing, only 15 days old. I know the bio load is waaayyyy too much for it, but dont have any other tanks, just the...
  20. flipnshi

    Think My Smaller Tank Is Cycled

    Have a bio wheel for bacteria. carbon filters for water quality and yes I really am new at this. Hence the reason Ive joined a fish forum, to read up on how to properly care for fish and their environments. Problem was I jumped into it too quickly and did "beginners" mistakes. Choices; either...
  21. flipnshi

    Think My Smaller Tank Is Cycled

    Tested my 29 gallon tank today and read out is A-0, ite-0, ate 10. Since I have started with too many fish, making newbie mistakes many have died for this. My 55 gallon has spiked and now reads, a-2, ite- 5, ate-10. My father had bought neons cause he had them when he was younger thing. Many of...
  22. flipnshi

    Need Clarification?

    I decided to transfer 4 tiger barbs and 3 angelfish. Did the test on the tanks and the 29 gallon was more suitable levels as both of my tanks are still cycling. Couldnt find the ammonia in Petco so gave up. Got some mardel biozyme to start the cycle over in the 55 gallon tank. The 29 tested out...
  23. flipnshi

    Need Clarification?

    Okay was thinking bout adding a pleco and 2 tiger barbs from my 55 gallon once the temp reached 78ish heater off and top open now. Plecos can take the nitrite and nitrate levels if Im not mistaken. Just as the ammonia source. Btw my pleco is only 2 weeks old and already eating very small...
  24. flipnshi

    Need Clarification?

    Fishless cycling my 29 gallon tank. Used microbelift and junked it with fish flakes, to spike the ammonia. Turned the heater so that the digital therm read 81.5 and kept the light off for a week now. Took a reading with the API master liquid and the ammonia is 0, the nitrites are in between 2...
  25. flipnshi

    Think I Have Too Many Fish

    Ammonia is at .25 so I'll check it in the morning and go from there.
  26. flipnshi

    Think I Have Too Many Fish

    gonna check the ammonia again to make sure it was accurate. Feeding time was this afternoon too not morning. Sorry fed wrong information, about 3 to 4 hours ago.
  27. flipnshi

    Think I Have Too Many Fish

    After the addition of the neons and black neons ammonia tested out at .25 which was expected. Waited til it read 0 to add them. Been like 3 days now and its back down to 0 again. I feed this morning, just tested the water with the liquid API master kit. Results are ph-7.6 ammonia-.50, nitrIte-...
  28. flipnshi

    Think I Have Too Many Fish

    I think I have too many fish. A 55 gallon tank. Currently have 5 zebra danios, 1 pleco, 2 rainbow sharks, 2 chinese algae eaters, 5 tiger barbs, 3 cherry barbs, 3 angel fish, 8 sword tails, 4 black neons and 15 neons. 48 total. All still small.I know that the neons wont get big but dont like...
  29. flipnshi

    New Fish Owner

    All fish alive. Found a local store. Family owned really informative. Alot of cool decorations too. Added 3 angelfish, 15 neons and 5 black neon tetras and 2 more cherry barbs. Made a decision on that other tank. Gonna go with assorted chichlids, mix of african and americas.
  30. flipnshi

    New Fish Owner

    So I added the microbe lift and then night out the other day to the new 55 gallon tank. Checked the all the levels this morning, all are in the safe range. The ammonia had gone up to .25 which was expected. Bought the Marine Land bio filter with tank per friends recommendation. Added the stress...
  31. flipnshi

    New Fish Owner

    Hey everyone how is everything going? So my friend told me that as a new fish owner I should join a forum to help ease the learning curve. I have to admit I didnt think there was much to it til I delved deeper into it. Very expensive and fish are kinda delicate, Ph levels and all. Have a pool...