Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Okay I just got my 55 gallon ready for my fish that are in my 29 gallon. The only thing that is different between the two is that, the tank with the fish in it is .5-1 degrees fahrenheit lower than the tank that I'm transferring them to. I'm using the same thermometer to measure the temperature. Both of the tanks are in the exact same room, both away from windows and they're about 4 feet apart. Neither of them have heaters. I let them sit over night already and the temperatures didn't change in either tank.

My main question is, is this going to be harmful for the fish if I transfer them with this slight temperature difference? I'm just trying to avoid putting them in bags and letting them float. I've already checked the water parameters and they're the same in both tanks.

Any advice would be great!
I have transferred in the past with out using bags with no problems. Though I am a promoter of floating them.
I have transferred in the past with out using bags with no problems. Though I am a promoter of floating them.

What doe you mean "...floating them." ?
Using bags.

I know a lot of fish are sensitive to quick drops in temperature, but as you are moving them to a slightly warmer tank then I think you will be OK as long as water parameters are the same.
What exactly are the temperatures and what type of fish because some of them may not be at all suitable for the temperature range of the new tank? 5 degrees is a huge difference and I would acclimate the fish in this case. Make sure that at least the Ph is the same too in both tanks. I transfer fish from my tanks literally by taking out and dropping to the other, but they are all set to the same temperature and have exactly the same Ph.

Edit: Missed that the 55 is hotter.How come it has higher temperature if the tanks are in the same room? Did you fill it with warm water? I'd wait until it dropps to the temperature of the other tank.
the tank with the fish in it is .5-1 degrees fahrenheit lower than the tank that I'm transferring them to.

5 degrees is a huge difference and I would acclimate the fish in this case.

The OP stated that the tank was .5-1 degree off, not 5 degrees. Just thought I'd clarify.

I think the fish should be fine as long as ALL parameters (including pH) are the same.
Oh, that's fine then. I don't know what I was reading :lol:
I would still acclimatise them properly, just to be on the safe side.

There is a lot more to water parameters than those we're used to testing for.
Not if the both tan water comes from the same tap. It should be safe enough unless the OP is using special type of soils or RO water, or similar which would mean the water parameters are way different in the tank.s
Id "float" them just to be on the safe side. There might be something off or different, fish are so much more prone to changes. Don't forget to add some kind stress coat as well, I use Prime, it has always worked out for me. I take it the 55 is fully cycled? How many fish will you be transferring? Maybe a small and slow introduction should be done so your bioload in the new tank doesn't spike to the harmful side too quickly. Id watch it carefully.
The OP has probably already moved the fish but generally when there's no need to acclimate, then it's better not to because the stress is way higher to be fiddled around then just to scoop in and out.

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