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  1. luxbear

    *quick Question On Fisk Tank Bulb*

    As you can see in this photo I just snapped, the little hood is missing on the left side (you can also see where the screw rusted out).  
  2. luxbear

    *quick Question On Fisk Tank Bulb*

    Hello!   I have an Aqueon 14 (15-gal) freshwater tank, it came with everything - heater, filter, etc. Today, the small plastic protector over one of the two lightbulbs fell off. It seems that the screw completely rusted out, it can't be reapplied. Is there any danger to leaving that single bulb...
  3. luxbear

    Need Advice: Active Guppy

    Thanks everyone!
  4. luxbear

    Need Advice: Active Guppy

    Hello everyone! Here's the situation: one of my little guppies loves hiding in his fish houses, but it's shredding his tail a bit. I thought it was fin rot, but I've had fish with that before and this doesn't seem to be the case. His tail looks more like a separated feather, he's acting...
  5. luxbear

    Reintegrating A Guppy

    Well, I am sad to report that my little guppy in the emergency tank has passed on. I tried my best, but after about two months in his own tank, he fell victim to an infection. I always get a little upset when one of my guys dies, but I'm sure you pet owners can relate. In any case, RIP Chamomile.
  6. luxbear

    Reintegrating A Guppy

    Yeah, I had fed them before and everything. I'm not quite sure what to do at this point.
  7. luxbear

    Reintegrating A Guppy

    That's actually what we did - we tried reintroducing him after we had done the water change/tank cleaning. We put him in a bag of his own, let him float for 15 min, added some of the tank water and let him float for another 15 to get him fully acquainted. I was honestly surprised that they went...
  8. luxbear

    In An Emergency, How Do You Provide Power?

    I've actually heard about the blanket method as well, and I know some people actually wrap the tank in newspaper. In any case, this makes me feel a lot better - I can't imagine I'd have a power outage for that long, I live in a big city and everyone would be up in arms if that happened, haha.
  9. luxbear

    In An Emergency, How Do You Provide Power?

    Yeah, I guess I'm more worried about the heater going down. I know that once the temperature starts to drop, trouble starts. I read somewhere that placing a hot water bottle into the water and allowing it to float when the power is out can temporarily keep the water warm, but I don't know how I...
  10. luxbear

    Reintegrating A Guppy

    I had previously posted on here about one of my guppies who is currently recovering in an emergency tank. Today was the first time we tried to reintegrate him into the main tank after well over a month alone. We kept a close eye on him to make sure the other fish didn't immediately attack him...
  11. luxbear

    In An Emergency, How Do You Provide Power?

    I've been toying with the idea of buying a backup generator as a source of power for my fish tank at some point. I don't live in a region of the country that has big thunderstorms (I'm in New England), but it always comes to mind in the winter when the weather gets a bit ugly. Does anyone else...
  12. luxbear

    Quick Question About A Recovering Guppy!

    Thanks everyone! I guess my only real concern is that I've never had guppies attacked by these other fish before - they always tend to get along really well. Maybe this was just an isolated incident?
  13. luxbear

    Quick Question About A Recovering Guppy!

    Hey everyone, Just had a quick guppy question for those of you who are experts. I recently noticed that one of my guppies' tails had been damaged. It definitely isn't fin rot, it looks more like he may have damaged it by swimming into a decorative item (or perhaps he was nipped). In any case, I...
  14. luxbear

    Adding A New Fish To A Tank

    Yes, definitely a Rosy barb. We had a guppy in there before and he did just fine. In fact, everything was relatively peaceful until this incident. I'm thinking about rearranging the decorations (that is, if I decide to even re-add him). I guess I'm just surprised that they immediately started...
  15. luxbear

    Adding A New Fish To A Tank

    Hello! I just had a quick question about re-adding a fish to a tank for those of you who have ample experience. In a previous post on here, I discussed my Tuxedo guppy recently recovering from fin rot. Well, I'm happy to say that his tail is about 100% after being in an emergency bowl for about...
  16. luxbear

    Guppy Recovering From Fin Rot

    Thanks for the response! Yeah I figured that even though the tail is there, I should probably wait until it looks filled in before re-adding him, just to be safe. But it's always nice to get a second opinion!
  17. luxbear

    Guppy Recovering From Fin Rot

    Hello! I recently made a post in the Emergency thread about my Tuxedo Guppy who is recovering from fin rot. The good news is that he is about 100%, but I have a quick question for some of you fellow guppy enthusiasts out there. The fish is currently still in his heated emergency tank...
  18. luxbear

    Guppy Recovering From Fin Rot

    Thank you so much! Yeah he's been eating normally and he's swimming like crazy, he kind of looks lonely to be honest. I feel bad, but I obviously don't want to just throw him back into the tank until he's 100%. When he's all better, he'll have another little guppy friend waiting for him. :)
  19. luxbear

    Guppy Recovering From Fin Rot

    He has been in the emergency tank for about two weeks now. I take a look at his tail daily, he's about 80% there. The fin rot definitely isn't getting worse and I can see some regrowth, but his tail isn't completely full yet. (I would take a picture of him but he won't stop moving, haha.)
  20. luxbear

    Guppy Recovering From Fin Rot

    Hello! I am new to this forum and I'm hoping this can soon become my go-to place for answers on fish care. I've had a 15 gallon tank now for almost a year, I'm kind of still new. Anyway, I brought home a Tuxedo guppy from the pet store about two weeks ago and he immediately began to show signs...