Guppy Recovering From Fin Rot


New Member
Dec 28, 2011
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I am new to this forum and I'm hoping this can soon become my go-to place for answers on fish care. I've had a 15 gallon tank now for almost a year, I'm kind of still new.

Anyway, I brought home a Tuxedo guppy from the pet store about two weeks ago and he immediately began to show signs of fin rot on his tail. I put him in an emergency tank, gave him a little MelaFix, clean water and a heater. Since then, he has begun to show signs of recovery, I like to think of him as my little "rescue." I guess my question is, when is the right time to re-add him to the tank with the rest of the guys? His tail is not completely 100% back yet, I'd say it's about 75% there. I'm still changing 50% of his water daily and giving him a drop or two of MelaFix.

In the 15 gallon tank, I currently have another guppy, a honey gourami, a rosy barb, two zebra tetras and a white skirt tetra. Thank you in advance for all of your help!
Hi, the right time to re-add him to the tank is when you are 100% sure he is healthy and shows no sign of illnes. It may be a while for the fin to grow back fully so take a look at him for a week or so. How long has the guppy been in the emergency tank, i would keep him in there for about 4 weeks seeing as he is a new fish from the lfs just to make sure.
Hi, the right time to re-add him to the tank is when you are 100% sure he is healthy and shows no sign of illnes. It may be a while for the fin to grow back fully so take a look at him for a week or so. How long has the guppy been in the emergency tank, i would keep him in there for about 4 weeks seeing as he is a new fish from the lfs just to make sure.

He has been in the emergency tank for about two weeks now. I take a look at his tail daily, he's about 80% there. The fin rot definitely isn't getting worse and I can see some regrowth, but his tail isn't completely full yet. (I would take a picture of him but he won't stop moving, haha.)
( won't stop moving, haha. ) That is a good sign. as i said i would leave him there for a couple more weeks , if he is active and eating then he may well be on the mend. After the next 2 weeks and if he looks fit , well and active and also eating with no signs of illness then you could move him to the main tank but he will need to been acclimatized to the water in the tank which may take an hour as guppies easily get stressed and that could put him back to Square one.

Fingers crossed :)
( won't stop moving, haha. ) That is a good sign. as i said i would leave him there for a couple more weeks , if he is active and eating then he may well be on the mend. After the next 2 weeks and if he looks fit , well and active and also eating with no signs of illness then you could move him to the main tank but he will need to been acclimatized to the water in the tank which may take an hour as guppies easily get stressed and that could put him back to Square one.

Fingers crossed :)

Thank you so much! Yeah he's been eating normally and he's swimming like crazy, he kind of looks lonely to be honest. I feel bad, but I obviously don't want to just throw him back into the tank until he's 100%. When he's all better, he'll have another little guppy friend waiting for him. :)
I would think that if he was from your tank ( been there for quite sometime ) then i would have been tempted to put him back in but as he came from lfs then i think i would wait to see if he falls ill with something else, i know some people who always keep fish from lfs in a quarantine tank for 4 weeks and also my lfs does the same but for 6 weeks. :)

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