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  1. Z

    Feeding Fish Dry Dog Food

    I have read that some people feed their fish of all types dry dog or cat food and apparently they loved the stuff. Is this okay to do?
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    Oscars, Easy To Breed Or No?

    Well funny thing is all those fish have been in my 55g for the last 2 years and they are fine. Not everyone is a fish nut man and is able to buy their fish their own 100+g tank... Also I have got to point this out because it drives me crazy hearing you people say that peoples tanks are...
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    Male Or Female Jack Dempsey

    ya just goto an image hosting website, theres alot of free ones, make an account, then upload ur pics from that site after u have chosen which ones
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    Male Or Female Jack Dempsey

    no pics!
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    Oscars, Easy To Breed Or No?

    2 common plecs and 1 rhino plec. ya i guess ill prolly just leave the tank as it is. might just get some shrimp for my 10g now that i got rid of my cons that had grown up. hey also do you think that trumpet snails would be good in an oscar tank to help clean the gravel?
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    Oscars, Easy To Breed Or No?

    I have an oscar that is 6inches but I dont know the sex of it. I was thinking of getting another one of around the same size and hoping they are diff sex but that could go bad if they are same sex =/.. also my current oscar is in a 55g tank with 2 convicts and 3 plecos but im getting rid of...
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    Trumpet Snails With Oscar Okay?

    I have a 55g with an oscar and 2 plecos and am always having to clean the gravel like once every week. I hear these trumpet snails are good at cleaning gravel so do yall think it would be good to get some to try and lessen the required amount of cleaning? I have about an inch of gravel the...
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    Tub Of Water Okay For Fish?

    ok thx yall
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    Tub Of Water Okay For Fish?

    I have like 20 adult black convicts that were once fry and have grown up. I was curious, I have a big blue toy tub in my garage and was wondering if I filled it with water and got the water right and all, would it be okay to put the convicts in?
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    Strawberries And Plecos!

    I put a strawberry in my tanks today and the placos love it! a new discovery!
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    Inbreeding Convicts?

    okay well i cant really stop em until i can find a petshop that will take the fry so ill just have to hope for the best, thanks for the info tho :good: edit although actually the male is my pristine bull and he is really flawless so maybe it will be okay
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    Inbreeding Convicts?

    Is it okay to breed the father of a spawn with one of his daughters? cuzz they getting ready
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    Plain Potatoes Okay For Fish?

    Will plain potatoes be okay for my catfish? the plecos i mean
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    Parrot Fish Andoscar

    are these two compatable>? my oscar is 7 inches and in a 55g with a bunch of convict fry and i want a parrot sorta
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    Bristlenose Plecs

    so they will eat plain potatos>?
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    Convict Cichlid Pond Suitable?

    okay thx
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    Convict Cichlid Pond Suitable?

    My oscar didnt manage to eat off all my con fry and theres about 40 mature ones now that i wana put in my parents pond. It still gets down to like 65 if a cold front comes thrue so im wondering if cons could survive that in an outdoor pond?
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    Pleco Popeye Now Has Only One Eye

    my small pleco had popeye about a week ago now the eye is gone and there just a crater all the way into his skull where they eye used to be the thing is he doesnt seem to notice he is swimming around fine and eats still (he still has one eye)
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    Japan Sanctioned Animal Cruelty (dolphins)

    [url=[/url] Japanese have a long way to go on the humane treatment of animals clearly...
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    Green Terror Fry Mystery

    fairly strong filtration but i dont think thats it as iv had many fish spawn in that aquarium, and never had any sucked up. Im thinking it was my sydontis or my rafiel cat that got em, they really mean at night. Also the convicts who usually breed in that tank would move their fry into the holes...
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    Green Terror Fry Mystery

    mm okay ya catfish prolly got em =/
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    Green Terror Fry Mystery

    My gt's fry have totally dissapeared, atleast from my view. The odd thing is they were 4 days old which would make the scenario that the catfish got em at night not fit because they had been there 4 days already w/o catfish interference and with their parents protection. Could it be that they...
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    Are Gt's Slow Or Moving Water Fish?

    I ask this because my two 5inch GT's have spawned and im afraid that when the eggs hatch the might not like the semi-current my cannister filter causes. Then again the eggs are behind this bogwood and she dug em a big pit in two places one right under eggs and one on other side of tank so im...
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    Male Green Terrors Not Good Parents?

    Yea the time he ate them it was his 2nd spawn. Hopefully he wont eat the fry this time cuzz he seems to have left the eggs alone so far.
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    Male Green Terrors Not Good Parents?

    My male GT ate his own fry when my female last spawned, and he ate some eggs too. My female has just laid around 500 eggs now so im wondering, are male GT's just not as helpful as say, convict males in taking care of fry? Or do female gt's generally do all the work?
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    Octopus Eats 4ft Sharks In Seatle Aquarium silly aqurium pplz
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    Vid Of Thousands Of Plecos In River so many plecos!
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    What Is Your Biggest Fish?

    7-inch common pleco
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    Ooo La Laa

    HELL YEA NEW DECOR FTW!!!!!!!!!!! +)
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    New Tank Setup

    in us gallons how much is ur tank?
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    Freed My Shovelnose Cat Finally

    Well, you people clearly arent going to change heh, and I have no prob with that, I purely wanted to wittness yalls reaction to see just how nutty it was, and boy leme tell you, I am not dissapointed lawl... Anyways I can assure you that anymore fish that I feel require re-homing ill make sure...
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    Howdy, Its Been A While

    love the GT :drool:
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    Freed My Shovelnose Cat Finally

    I respect yalls environment concern, however when its a huge golfcourse pond that has nothing in it other than perhaps a few hundred frogs and some water insects, theres no reason to go all bloody harry on me, its not like theres endangered trout in their or something that my fish are gona wreak...
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    Freed My Shovelnose Cat Finally

    lol thats ridiculous, its a golfcourse pond, stop being nutty...
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    Freed My Shovelnose Cat Finally

    Took him to the country club and let him and two of my male convicts out into one of the huge ponds there on the golf course. I think it was the best option and or only option at that point considering none of the LFS's would take them due to their size. The pond is huge, the size of half a...
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    Convict Fry+ Oscar Tank Pics

    na he just ate 6 last night heh i was a lil worried but he doing fine this morn :rolleyes: still 2 left in his tank tho hiding
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    Oscar Species Tank

    my oscar just bit the nob off my heater im so mad cuzz now i have to unplug it instead of use the nob cuzz of him :angry:
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    Convict Fry+ Oscar Tank Pics

    [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=]...