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  1. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    @Betta Fish I'll keep you all updated with photos if I can.   @RCA I'm using oak leaves at the moment, as I understand they have a similar effect to almond leaves, without being quite as big. My fluval came with halogens, but I upgraded to LEDs.
  2. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    @betta fish: I've had him for a good six months or so, and he has never ever changed colour before this last month. I think when I first picked him up from the LFS (maidenhead aquatics, located at Beverley Garden Centre, East Yorkshire), he was fairly immature, but no one mentioned anything...
  3. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    UPDATE   Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but I have a couple of updates since a fortnight ago.   So the white patches have continued to spread, which leaves me to believe the betta was stressed and turning white, either as a consequence of water conditions, diet, temperature etc. I've...
  4. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    Huh, I'm reading around, and I've suddenly realised that this might not be fin rot at all, but the betta just naturally changing colour. Apparently whiteness can indicate stress, but judging by this link, it can be simply a quirk in the genetics. Nothing else seems to be indicating that the...
  5. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    What really?! Huh. I thought that it was compulsory because the chlorine kills the bacteria. I'll have to look into that...
  6. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    Ah sorry Paradise<3 De-chlorinator? I use it because I can't just add untreated tap water to the tank during the partial water changes. There's chlorine and all sorts of other junk in it. At least, that's what I thought you're supposed to use; a product for making tap water aquarium friendly.
  7. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    I use the API freshwater master test kit. It's a liquid test kit and it still works, as far as I know. I don't see any sell-by dates on the thing. I say Ammonia is 0.0 to 0.2 ppm because of the ambiguity of the colours produced during testing - yellow means zero ammonia whilst light lime green...
  8. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    Hi and thanks for the reply. Here are a couple more photos, one with the discolourations highlighted. It's hard to get the little guy facing the right way! It might be hard to tell with the lighting, but the circled parts on the fins have turned completely grey within a week. Meanwhile, the...
  9. maninahat

    Fin Rot?

    The shop nearly always take back the fish - though don't expect a refund. I recommend you take him back, especially as zebra danios prefer to be in groups, and there is no where enough room for one danio, let alone an entire shoal. When I first got a tank, my LFS recommended I put in Giant...
  10. maninahat

    Severe Betta Illness - Medication Not Helping

    Hello there folks. I've been having problems with a bacterial infection with my betta fish. I've been treating for what looks to be severe fin rot, but medication has yet to have any positive effect. Over the week, the condition has worsened, and the bacteria is continuing to spread. Further...
  11. maninahat

    Betta With Columnaris?

    Request Help Tank size: 5 1/2 gallon pH: 7.9 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH and gH: unknown, but water is fairly hard tank temp: 26 C My new Betta has a white/yellow patch around mouth, chin and belly. No other obvious symptoms, like lethargy or shyness. I'm worried it might be columnaris...
  12. maninahat

    Unhappy Guppies?

    Update on the situation: The guppies were still lethargic, even after changing water flow and temperature. I gave it a few more days and returned them to my LFS. Right now, the tank is empty, save for a few amano shrimp. Which leads into my next question - it'll be a while before I can get some...
  13. maninahat

    Unhappy Guppies?

    1. The temp is a bit higher than usual, due to the hot summer: 26 - 28 degrees C. 2. I use water conditioner on any water I add to the tank. I don't add bacteria. The fish keep in one place, but flap their pectorals and make tiny movements. They are quick to respond if they see me coming close...
  14. maninahat

    Unhappy Guppies?

    EDIT - see posts below for updates on situation Hi there folks. I have a trio of male guppies which I've been keeping for a few months now. For a while they've seemed happy and active (though one of them would get bullied occasionally). More recently however, they've seemed a little lack...
  15. maninahat

    Aquarium Heater Help

    Thanks. So that means I keep the rubber portion (the it with the temperature control) above the water line, right? EDIT: Also, the box describes it as "a submersible mini-heater". But it still contains a line in the instructions about there being a water level indication on the heater.
  16. maninahat

    Aquarium Heater Help

    Hello folks, I got a brand new 50W superfish nano heater for my tank, and I have a quick question before I install it. The instructions are kind of vague; it says that the heater should be placed at the correct water level, as "clearly indicated" on the heater. I can't find any such indication...
  17. maninahat

    Two Different Symptoms On Two Celestial Pearl Danios

    Help! Tank size: 23l (5.5 gallon) Fluval Edge pH: 7.8 ammonia: <0.15 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 0 ppm kH: Hard water (don't know specifically) gH: - tank temp: room temp (approx 20-25 degrees celcius) Fish Symptoms: Fish a) CPD appears to have developed a severe deformation. Its stomach is...
  18. maninahat

    What On Earth Is That?

    What are their habits? I've been looking around for it ever since posting it, but the wiley little guy got away. Any suggestions on how best to find and get rid of them? (I have Cherry shrimp and CPDs, and I don't want to see them disappear).
  19. maninahat

    What On Earth Is That?

    I was just rearranging my Fluval Edge when this weird looking creature pops out from hiding. It might not be clear in the photo, but the thing is over 1 cm long, thin, pale, sig legged and has a tail that branches into three prongs. Is it a hazard to my baby shrimp?
  20. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    I've received my new master testing kit, I've being getting 0 ppm readings for a while, and have increased the number of celestial Danio. Thank you to everyone for your help! Interesting development as well - what I thought at first were baby shrimps swimming around at the top of the tank, look...
  21. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    I've gone with celestial pearl danios/microrasbora. I've only added a few so far. When will it be safe to add another few? As for testing the water, the kit is in the mail. Why so expensive?
  22. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    It has been about 5 days now. How soon is it safe to introduce new fish to the tank? I'm concerned they'll eat my baby shrimp. EDIT: Would Platies be appropriate? What are the smaller breeds of platy available?
  23. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    OOhh! One of my shrimp have given birth! I've stuck a pair of pantyhose over the filter. Are there any other recommendations on how to keep them alive? Do the naupli larvae need feeding?
  24. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    Will do, thanks for the advice!
  25. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    Would 4 white cloud minnows be appropriate?
  26. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    In response, during the initial setup, I followed the Fluval guide's advice and added "Nurafin cycle". Also, despite me only adding the shrimp today, the tank has been in operation for over 2 months. During those two months, I made the n00b mistake of keeping 4 giant danios, being unaware of how...
  27. maninahat

    Stocking A Fluval Edge

    Hello everyone! (My first forum post) I've recently set up a fluval edge aquarium - (23 l or 6 gallons) and have already introduced 5 cherry shrimp. I'm wondering what fish would go well with them. I am aware there are a number of restrictions due to the titchy tank size, the small aperture...