Stocking A Fluval Edge

I've gone with celestial pearl danios/microrasbora. I've only added a few so far. When will it be safe to add another few?

As for testing the water, the kit is in the mail. Why so expensive?
I've gone with celestial pearl danios/microrasbora. I've only added a few so far. When will it be safe to add another few?

As for testing the water, the kit is in the mail. Why so expensive?

When you get that test kit, monitor your ammonia and nitrite levels daily. If you've saved enough bacteria, you will show 0ppm for both for a week, in which case, I'd be happy to buy some more CPDs.

If you start showing levels of either ammonia or nitrite, you will need to change water to keep those levels down as close to 0 as you can. Don't get any more fish until you've gone a week with Double Zeros.

I'm trying to tell myself that I don't have room in my bigger tank for a small shoal of CPDs, not sure how well I'm doing, tbh.
I've received my new master testing kit, I've being getting 0 ppm readings for a while, and have increased the number of celestial Danio. Thank you to everyone for your help!

Interesting development as well - what I thought at first were baby shrimps swimming around at the top of the tank, look more like tiny fish fry - perhaps from the previous danios I owned. Is it likely for fish eggs to hatch, days after their parents have been removed? Or do shrimp larvae just happen to be fish shaped?

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