Stocking A Fluval Edge


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Beverley - Yorkshire
Hello everyone! (My first forum post)

I've recently set up a fluval edge aquarium - (23 l or 6 gallons) and have already introduced 5 cherry shrimp. I'm wondering what fish would go well with them. I am aware there are a number of restrictions due to the titchy tank size, the small aperture (bad for bettas, apparently), and the fragility of shrimps to aggressive fish. So what do you recommend?
how long has the tank been setup? and did you cycle it firt?
Four or five male guppies or Endler's, or six or eight microrasboras or one of the smaller tetras are the best inhabitants for an Edge, imo.

Have you cycled the tank at all?
In response, during the initial setup, I followed the Fluval guide's advice and added "Nurafin cycle". Also, despite me only adding the shrimp today, the tank has been in operation for over 2 months. During those two months, I made the n00b mistake of keeping 4 giant danios, being unaware of how large they would grow. They survived the two months, but I returned them to the store when I eventually discovered my mistake.
Ok, so your filter should be cycled then, that's good news, although I would strongly advise you to buy a liquid test kit of your own if you haven't already; shrimps are very sensitve to poor water conditions.

Just remember, when you're buying fish, that the eventual adult size of the fish is not the only thing you need to take into consideration; you also need to think about the activity level of the fish. Zebra danios, for instance, although small in size, are very active swimmers and wouldn't really be happy in an Edge.

Have a look around your LFS at all the fish they have that grow to les than an inch, make a note of the name (the scientific one if possible) and people on here will soon tell you if they're suitable or not :)
I would say no to the white clouds; like the danios, they're a very active fish. Try and look at something slightly deeper bodied, like ember or flame tetras, which tend to need less swimming room.
OOhh! One of my shrimp have given birth! I've stuck a pair of pantyhose over the filter. Are there any other recommendations on how to keep them alive? Do the naupli larvae need feeding?
Four or five male guppies or Endler's, or six or eight microrasboras or one of the smaller tetras are the best inhabitants for an Edge, imo.

Agreed with the above suggestions, and would also suggest a pair of Peacock Gobies as another option.

In response, during the initial setup, I followed the Fluval guide's advice and added "Nurafin cycle". Also, despite me only adding the shrimp today, the tank has been in operation for over 2 months. During those two months, I made the n00b mistake of keeping 4 giant danios, being unaware of how large they would grow. They survived the two months, but I returned them to the store when I eventually discovered my mistake.

How long has the tank been without fish? The shrimp don't produce ammonia in anything like the quantities that fish do, so whatever level of bacteria you built up is starting to die off.
Four or five male guppies or Endler's, or six or eight microrasboras or one of the smaller tetras are the best inhabitants for an Edge, imo.

Agreed with the above suggestions, and would also suggest a pair of Peacock Gobies as another option.

In response, during the initial setup, I followed the Fluval guide's advice and added "Nurafin cycle". Also, despite me only adding the shrimp today, the tank has been in operation for over 2 months. During those two months, I made the n00b mistake of keeping 4 giant danios, being unaware of how large they would grow. They survived the two months, but I returned them to the store when I eventually discovered my mistake.

How long has the tank been without fish? The shrimp don't produce ammonia in anything like the quantities that fish do, so whatever level of bacteria you built up is starting to die off.

It has been about 5 days now. How soon is it safe to introduce new fish to the tank? I'm concerned they'll eat my baby shrimp.

EDIT: Would Platies be appropriate? What are the smaller breeds of platy available?
Pygmy cories and ottos are perfect tank mates for shrimp and for the edge as they do not grow large at all, I keep both in my shrimp tank and have no problems at all.
Four or five male guppies or Endler's, or six or eight microrasboras or one of the smaller tetras are the best inhabitants for an Edge, imo.

Agreed with the above suggestions, and would also suggest a pair of Peacock Gobies as another option.

In response, during the initial setup, I followed the Fluval guide's advice and added "Nurafin cycle". Also, despite me only adding the shrimp today, the tank has been in operation for over 2 months. During those two months, I made the n00b mistake of keeping 4 giant danios, being unaware of how large they would grow. They survived the two months, but I returned them to the store when I eventually discovered my mistake.

How long has the tank been without fish? The shrimp don't produce ammonia in anything like the quantities that fish do, so whatever level of bacteria you built up is starting to die off.

It has been about 5 days now. How soon is it safe to introduce new fish to the tank? I'm concerned they'll eat my baby shrimp.

EDIT: Would Platies be appropriate? What are the smaller breeds of platy available?

5 days will have seen a significant die-off of the bacteria colonies - you need to get fish in there as soon as possible. Yes, they may predate on the shrimplets, but that's what would happen in the wild.

When you go buy the fish, definitely invest in ammonia and nitrite tests, as a minimum, and if you can afford it, get the nitrate and pH ones as well (liquid-based, not paper strip based), I fear that you are going to see ammonia, unless you get something very small, in very small quantities.

1 or 2 platies would probably be ok, but not really any more than that. All the platies that you see in the shops are basically one species, with different colour morphs - they are all the same size. Bit like with humans!

Pygmy cories and ottos are perfect tank mates for shrimp and for the edge as they do not grow large at all, I keep both in my shrimp tank and have no problems at all.

How many of each do you have? My concern with both these is that they are both shoaling fish, and to have groups large enough for them to feel happy may be too much for the tank in question.
I have an edge with 6 guppies , they love it. Great tank.

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