Search results

  1. Rozairo

    *my New - B&w

    Thnx guys, yeah sorry it's VT my mistake!!! no name yet.. Onyx will work i think!! :) now his in a breeding tank,
  2. Rozairo

    *my New - B&w

    one of my newcomers............ :hyper:
  3. betta.JPG


  4. Rozairo

    My Betta -- Video my betta!!
  5. Rozairo

    I Have My Eye On My Little Fry

    my Green HM has dots on the Fin, not all over the body u r one looks great..
  6. Rozairo

    How To Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs?

    this was really helpful, it doesn't have any instruction on the package it's on small Packets, have some question * what u mean by "basic sea salt mix" is that "Magnesium Sulphate" ?? * the below video showing he put light on it And your Info Said Put them on Dark place Little confused...
  7. Rozairo

    How To Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs?

    hi just got some Brine Shrimp eggs and want to Hatch it proper way! i'm new to these things sorry guys pls help
  8. Rozairo

    Oh My Betta Count Going Up! ♥

    :) i ♥ big ears! anyway i never saw them in the local petstors............ Cheers! Good Luck!
  9. Rozairo

    Oh My Betta Count Going Up! ♥

    oh is it! thanks for sharing u r knowledge!!
  10. Rozairo

    Oh My Betta Count Going Up! ♥

    today i brought 5 female bettas. they were amazing Two White, 1 dark blue, 1 black and one Metallic double tail♥... just want to know if i breed Female double tail Vt and male HM what kind of frys can be except?? sorry 4 my english...
  11. Rozairo

    Vt Breed But Just Few Eggs Why?

    Got it! thnx!
  12. Rozairo

    Vt Breed But Just Few Eggs Why?

    hi i'm from sri lanka, my Vt breed this morning but there is only few eggs on the nest, i remove female soon after breeding no chance female ate them, why is that i condition the water with Teak leaves, well feed. i'm in tropical country so we never use Heaters. but these time of the year...
  13. Rozairo

    My Fighting Kings!

    he's a VT first betta! he had dropsy for few weeks and now he's totally cured, he is the biggest and strongest fighting fish i ever saw!! :) * and i brought new HM one yesterday .. he has really interesting black dots all over the fin. I'll upload a image when i get some time, cheers!!
  14. kING.jpg


  15. Rozairo

    My Fighting Kings!

    :)thnx Fatknee!
  16. Rozairo

    My Betta! ♥♥♥

    thank u Fatknee!! :D Cheers!! seizethecupcake!
  17. Rozairo

    My Fighting Kings!

    MY FAV♥ BETTA AT ALL time....
  18. superstar.jpg


  19. superstar01.jpg


  20. Rozairo

    My Betta! ♥♥♥

    this is a one of my bettas, he has nice coloration. it's normally greenish but when i captured in my cam green turns to blue... he's one of my fav♥...... sorry 4 my bad English!!!!!!!!!
  21. ray.jpg


  22. Ray1.jpg


  23. Rozairo

    Who Need Indian Almond Leaves?

    Hi guys!! i'm from Sri Lanka! i just realize usage of the Indian Almond!! in our country this is common tree & we did't use for anything except for seeds as a snack! ;) So I want to share some leaves for Brine shrimp eggs (just small quantity is enough) bcuz in here pet shops don't have Brine...
  24. Rozairo

    Winter Is Brooding!

  25. Rozairo

    My New Betta

    thnx guys!!!!!!!!!!!
  26. Rozairo

    My New Betta

    this my new vt betta, brought 3 days before...
  27. be.jpg


  28. Rozairo

    Betta With Dropsy Any Possible Cure?

    thnx... he is fine now. but still there some color loss in his stomach....
  29. betta.jpg


  30. Rozairo

    i have 3 female bettas now, last week i breed my fav betta! now frys are there!!!! and...

    i have 3 female bettas now, last week i breed my fav betta! now frys are there!!!! and yesterday i brought 2 new betta males!!
  31. Rozairo

    Betta With Dropsy Any Possible Cure?

    hey guys...Miracle!!!!!!! when this morning i check the fish his stomach is turning to normal, no pineconing scales,color is back... he is active now, may be this things help him to recover i guess- *i stop Frozen food and live foods * put him beside the my other battas(he is aggressive and...
  32. Rozairo

    Betta With Dropsy Any Possible Cure?

    thnx for the kind words...
  33. Rozairo

    Betta With Dropsy Any Possible Cure?

    hi guys... my betta fish having Dropsy . is there any possible cure? for this & problem get worse bcuz in our country fish supplies are limited specially medicines, (but the good thing is Fish price is low :)) i use tetracycline but it's didn't work, his having this for 3 weeks for now..
  34. Rozairo

    Betta Splenden - Breeding Problem

    Thank u very much 4 fast reply, i'll change the female today, Cheers!!!!
  35. Rozairo

    Betta Splenden - Breeding Problem

    hi this is my new betta fish, i want to breed this one now but my female betta isn't not interest on him, what to do... if its ok to change the female now,???????? Sorry for my bad English!!
  36. betta spl.jpg

    betta spl.jpg

  37. Rozairo

    My Poorly Bettas :(

    oh poor.. bettas...