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  1. T

    Cheap Co2 Supply

    many thanks folks, after initial teething problems ( shoke it and foamed evrywhere, which took a bit of effort to clean pipes ), been producing a nice stream of co2. cheers many thanks folks, after initial teething problems ( shoke it and foamed evrywhere, which took a bit of effort to clean...
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    Cheap Co2 Supply

    I have a simple canister, connected to a bubble diffuser which goes to a ladder in the tank, which then supply CO2 to the system. I bought the packs from nutrafin, 3 packs of activator and 3 packs of stabiliser. I would say this gave me a suply of 3months co2. However, this cost me 8 quid, and I...
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    Size Of Shoals?

    tizer, im merely making the point that now I have them, what do you expect me to do with them? If you want to take your point further, should we keep fish in tanks at all? Ok so 4ft tank is better than a 2ft tank, but wouldnt a lake or a river be even better still.? And anyway, i would throw the...
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    Size Of Shoals?

    well its bigger than the tank they were in, in the fish shop! i hope you are all dont buy salmon from the supermarkets. They too are kept in cages and farm fed which is why they can be produced so cheap...even worse than that, there existence in the coastal water is to the detriment of wild...
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    Size Of Shoals?

    not sure on the algae, its not really bad, just a brownish colour... As for the danios,i had no idea they had to be i tank that size, think ma tank is 60cm at its longest...hmmmm, they seem happy enough. I have never tested the water for harness as its suppose to be soft enough. I buffer the...
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    Size Of Shoals?

    Hi all, got ma 64L tank cycled 6weeks ago and started with 4 zebra danios. Then a fortnight later added 3 Black Phantoms. I reckon my tank is good for 18 small fish of that size (1.5") and testing the water, its looking really good. I worked on the rigs, so was very happy when i got back...
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    Position Of Outflow Pipe

    Hi All, I have 3 zebra danios and 3 black phatoms in my new tank. Cycled it without fish and water condition is fine. Howver, I read recently in a boook that the airstone I had running would not do my live plants any good as the extra oxygen wasnt required due to the plants producing oxygenand...
  8. T

    Are These Results Possible

    I have a 64Litre tank, plants, and have just started running a Co2 unit. I have an airstone on for 10hrs a day and the lighs on for about 12. I have been adding the recomnended dose of filter start by interpt 1.5ml every 2 days and initial dosed the system with 5ppm Ammonia... Below are my...
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    Co 2 Or Not?

    oh i meant to say, the reason Im adding the oxygen via the airstone is because I read oxgenated water is best for bacteria growth.... Trying to breed bacteria, keep plants alive and not get algae seems to a tall order, can it be done Or im thinking of just pulling the plants out, turing the...
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    Co 2 Or Not?

    ok I have a problem.I started cycling my new 64L tank 2days and I think its going ok.... still have 4to5ppm ammonia,7ph,and got 0.25ppm nitrite tonight,so thats going ok i think....Problem is I stupidly planted the tank before starting, and now my plants are looking a bit sick,due to hoow im...
  11. T

    Sera Test Kit For Fishless Cycling?

    I think things are going ok...I did take into accout the displacement, i think I needed about 2.5ml to get 5ppm, but iv added only 2ml and think im getting a rerading of just below 5ppm for the ammonia..... I wish they could give you colours for 2,3,4ppm and not just 1ppm then 5ppm....makes it...
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    Sera Test Kit For Fishless Cycling?

    Thanks for the help Kat, I think I now understand, certainly it makes sense in my head now anyway, I have just added 0.5ml ammonia which has brought my total ammonia up to 1ppm.... Sorry, but I would rather get it up to 5ppm as I have read that this is the way to do it, and I have my heart set...
  13. T

    Sera Test Kit For Fishless Cycling?

    Hi all just joined the forum....Hopefully I will enjoy being on it, as I will enjoy having my first fish tank....Today I finally found a bottle of household ammonia at my local hardware store, sold by a company called Home Hardware. I called them and they sent me an MSDS data sheet for the...