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  1. B

    Anyone use slate to create hiding spaces?

    Wow harmonic great post! I loved the information, and I'm glad to see some people still follow the family trades. In fact like you said about slate being used for roofs, that is where i got it from. There are so many different colors it looks awesome in the tank! Pufferpack, that is a great...
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    Anyone use slate to create hiding spaces?

    Well, when I began my 20 gallon tank, I decided it would be cool to use stacked slate as decoration in the back. I had lots of red, green grey and white slate that was left over from roofing my parents colonial house. Since my girlfriend used to run a landscaping crew, she built the wall for...
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    How much light do i really have?

    Wow, I can't wait for my plants to take off! My banana plants got huge already! I have one stem plant that I'm not sure the name of. It had green leaves with tints of red when I got it, but I put it in my 20 gallon tank (very low lighting) and it turned light green. But when I put it in my...
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    I have little platies!

    Hello, I went down to the community tank the other morning and there were little platies swimming around! I managed to save four of them before they were eaten (I'm not sure if any were eaten, but I captured four). They are happy, and have huge appetites! I am curious though, are baby platies...
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    How much light do i really have?

    Lesgerber, Thanks for the info, I can't wait to see how my plants respond! :D
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    How much light do i really have?

    Hello, I just upgraded the two incandescent bulbs in my 10 gallon hood to the spiral compact flourescents that screw into the existing incandescent holder. My question is that the bulbs say that they use 14 watts of power, and output 60 watts (800 lumens) of light. Are these bulbs equal to 14w...
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    Ammonia Absorbing media?

    Well my tank is fully cycled, I was simply trying to think of ways to reduce how fast the nitrates build up...but thanks for the info.
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    Ammonia Absorbing media?

    I was just curious if anybody has any experience with the White Diamond Ammonia absorbing media? My thinking is that... if I can reduce the amount of ammonia going into the nitrogen cycle, then I can reduce the amount of nitrates at the end. Does this work? Has anyone tried? Glad to hear...
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    What oddballs do you all have?

    I have a bumblebee goby and a flower shrimp, both of which are awesome and funny to watch. Don't know if these really count but....
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    Plant Problem

    Bigfish, when I had problems with plants at first. How old are your tanks? Second, try a liquid plant supplement from your lfs. I also don't have a CO2 injector, but plants seem to grow great in both my flourescent and incandescent tanks. Good luck :hyper:
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    Welcome big fish! Enjoy your time here (it's easy) :P
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    Bumblebee's 10 gallon tank

    Here is the first tank that I started about 8 months ago. Oh how much I have learned since then! The tank now contains (it has changed a lot due to my mistakes :( ) : 2 Platies 1 Blueberry tetra (didn't know they were dyed when I bought him) 1 two inch common pleco named Zoe 1 3/4 inch...
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    Is salt harmful to plecos?

    I have had my plecos for about 8 months now, one in each of my tanks. I just read in a different section that salt in the water is very harmful to the plecos. Is this true? I usually keep about one tablespoon per five gallons, but want to make sure this isn't going to hurt them. They seem...
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    Hi everyone! I am reletively new to freshwater fish keeping, my three tanks have been running for just over 8 months now. I have a 5 gallon eclipse, that has a banana plant and three black skirt tetras in it. My 10 gallon tank has two platies, a bumblebee goby (which I love!) and a common...