How much light do i really have?


New Member
Apr 1, 2003
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Hello, I just upgraded the two incandescent bulbs in my 10 gallon hood to the spiral compact flourescents that screw into the existing incandescent holder. My question is that the bulbs say that they use 14 watts of power, and output 60 watts (800 lumens) of light. Are these bulbs equal to 14w flourescents, or 60w flourescents, or somewhere in between? Anyhow, does anyone know approxiametly how many watts per gallon I should figure this setup now has (two of the above described bulbs, in a 10 gallon tank)? Oh yeah, and today was the first day of my DIY CO2 injector too! Everything seems to be going great, after i raised the ph, as the CO2 brought it down (the fish never even showed signs of stress during this!). I'm looking forward to great results from my plants! I'll keep everyone informed as they continue to grow (I hope).
If I am not mistaken the wattage of a compact flo is the wattage that it uses. I will double check to find out for sure......

After do some research at a different forum I was able to find some info for you. You said that you added 2 14 watts compact flous. So that would mean that you have 28 watts of growing power. That is 2.8 watts per gallon which is good. Along with CO2 you should have some killer plants


Thanks for the info, I can't wait to see how my plants respond! :D
With 2.8 watts of light, and with CO2 even if it isnt a large amount you should see tremendous growth. I am running less than a watt of light per gallon as I will have to buy a new lighting system to go with more lights. But even with the lighter lights.My CO2 is making the plants grow like crazy. I have got Anachrais that was 4 to 5 inches then I got it and it is now over a foot long and thats just in a week or so.

Good luck on your growth

Wow, I can't wait for my plants to take off! My banana plants got huge already! I have one stem plant that I'm not sure the name of. It had green leaves with tints of red when I got it, but I put it in my 20 gallon tank (very low lighting) and it turned light green. But when I put it in my 10 gallon the veins in the topmost leaves turned red. Will all the leaves turn red eventually? If so, the plant would be gorgeous, but I'm not sure if the red is a good thing or bad thing. What do you think?
Personally I like a touch of red in my plants, sounds like you got a real beauty for a plant. The rest will take off soon and you will be pleased


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