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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. L

    cloudy water

    I'm having cloudy water in my tank. The tank has been set up for about 5-6 months. Everything is going well, no ammonia/nitrites pH 7.2. I tried changing the filter and tried changing the water (25%) The tank is still cloudy although it is better. What else can I do? :crazy:
  2. L


    Thanks for the info luv.... Great.. Bought fish that are injected.. Figures... I'm not getting rid of them though... Just won't buy any more.. The painted tetras.. are they dyed too? They're solid pink/blue. Looks very natural. Only have 2 glass fish left. Don't want to take them back...
  3. L


    I was just repeating what I read on one of the posts here. I've never had to do it. Sorry I offended you.
  4. L


    I read on one of these posts to use Ice cubes. Put them in a little bowl of water and put in Ice cubes for 20 minutes.
  5. L


    Ok.. Fish have been dyed???? What do you mean? :/ I did the water change and the rest of the fish are doing pretty good. My other Kisser died on Monday, but he was looking kind of putrid anyway. Everyone else seems to be doing fine. I'm no longer treating for anything. I don't know why my...
  6. L


    My fish are dying. I got some new fish in my tank last Friday. Some glass fish and some painted tetras. 2 of the glass fish had some white on their fins (not ich). I called the LFS and they told me that the disease is specific to glass fish that they get it and get over it not to worry about...
  7. L

    Please help lol

    When you get your bottom feeders, stick with corrys... I have some pictus catfish and although awesome fish, when i went to get some more, the LFS told me that neon tetras would be fine in my tank.. WRONG!!! The pictus cats ate them. So, don't get anything with a bigger mouth then what's in...
  8. L

    Nasty gourimi! HELP!

    I had a Gourami that was like that. An Opaline. I took him back to the LFS and the Gourami taht he chased decided to be the boss and chased everyone else. I took him back too. I still have 1 smaller Blue Gourami and 2 Kissers and everyone is cohabitating peacefully with the other fish. I...
  9. L

    help with gourami

    I have gourami's in my tank. 1 Blue and 2 kissers. I have a 30g. tank. My community tank works just fine with them in there. Although I also have 2 pictus catfish, they're very neat to watch and have lots of character. I made the mistake of getting some neon tetras. I wanted them, but...
  10. L


    I thought that Neon's would be ok in my tank. one of the LFS said they would(not the one that I usually use). I bought 10 of them and The next morning 8 are gone. 2 lone neon's survived. I was going to scoop them out and take them back to the store, but had some things to do and figured taht...
  11. L

    Using a cycling product???

    I used Cycle in my tank. Still took the same amount of time, but I was able to cycle successfully with out losing ANY fish!! Amazing. I would recommed that stuff.
  12. L

    Algae eater?

    Well, the score is 4-3 in favor of the Otoes. Guess that's what I"ll check out. Thanks!! Jeni
  13. L

    want more fish!!

    Thank you!!! I'll keep that in mind and let you know what I end up with... May try the Cardinal's first... Then add some Neon's... Then possibly a couple of catfish...
  14. L

    Gouramis too big?

    I have 4 Gourami's in my tank. 2 kissers and 1 Opaline(the bully) and 1 blue. The LFS told me that they'd be fine in my tank, but in doing some research to decide what else to put in my tank, I've come across taht they will get pretty big. If so, how long does it take to reach the 6-8 inches...
  15. L

    week old tropical fish tank Nitrite off the scale

    I used "Cycle" to help my cylce. You have to have ammonia in the tank to get it cycled. (that's what my LFS) told me. I had a hard time with my pH also and finally found that "Proper pH 7.0" helped. Cycle is dormant bacteria that when added to the tank begins to grow the beneficial bacteria...
  16. L

    Algae eater?

    I've been worried about what kind of fish to add to my tank, and have totally forgotten about adding an algae eater. I know that common Pleco's get relatively large and I only have a 30 gallon tank. What should I get? :dunno:
  17. L


    I have 2 pictus catfish. I bought them because they told me that they were bottom dwellers... YEA RIGHT! They're everywhere but ont he bottom.:) They really love the bubble curtain in the back of my tank. I love these fish, and they love frozen bloodworms. They'll push the Gourami's out of...
  18. L

    want more fish!!

    I've decided on some Cardinal Tetra's, Neon Tetra's and maybe a couple of more catfish. May just do some neon tetra's instead of mixing cardinal's and neons. In doing this research, I've come to find out that Gourami's get really big. They failed to tell me that at the LFS. I have 4 of them...
  19. L

    want more fish!!

    Thank you! I'll check them out!!! :thumbs:
  20. L


    I used Cycle on my tank. I was having difficulty getting it to cycle. COme to find out I was being too clean, but adding cycle helped me! You have to give it a few days to work though. Good Luck!
  21. L

    vacuum gravel?

    I was told not to vacuum my gravel because that's where some of the bacteria grows. Now, I know that there's fish poop down there that needs to be cleaned up. I had difficulty cycling my tank because I was "too clean". It's cycled now though!! :kana: I have a gravel vac that works very good...
  22. L

    vacuum gravel?

    I was told not to vacuum my gravel because that's where some of the bacteria grows. Now, I know that there's fish poop down there that needs to be cleaned up. I had difficulty cycling my tank because I was "too clean". It's cycled now though!! :kana: I have a gravel vac that works very good...
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    another Rookie

    Hello all! I've been here a couple weeks, but didn't come to this site. I've gotten some good information so far! Thanks!
  24. L

    want more fish!!

    :lol: Guess no angelfish for my tank. thought they were pretty cool looking...Probably won't work if cardinal's are their primary diet in the wild... ;) Would the cardinal tetra's work without the angelfish? Will they get along with the others? Is there a website taht I could go to that...
  25. L


    I have 2 betta's... They're Amos and Andy. The red one is Andy and Blue one is Amos... :D
  26. L

    White Spot

    I got ich in my tank while it was cycling. I treated it just fine. I've since finished the cycle and everyone is alive and well. This is my first tank, so don't take my word for gold, but I didn't have any problems treating for ich while cycling the tank.
  27. L

    want more fish!!

    My tank has finally cycled!!! :kana: I successfully did it without killing ANY fish. Knock on wood. Now, I've got 2 kissers, 1 opal gourami (who's a bully) and 1 blue gourami, 2 pictus catfish and 5 zebra danios. I like the angelfish and cardinal tetras. Would those be good to add? (Slowly...
  28. L

    high ammonia

    ok.. Here's the deal. It seems that everyone that I've talked to has a different answer for me. I'm trying to get my tank cycled. My ammonia is high. pH is hovering around 7.0-7.2. Temp 78 degrees and some nitrites and nitrates. My ammonia level is about 2.0. I know that's too high. I was...
  29. L

    Feeding Bloodworms.

    Thanks... I don't know about live blood worms... :sick: lol..
  30. L

    Adding More Fish

    Thanks.. I apprecaite it!!
  31. L

    Adding More Fish

    Thanks Tuffers.. I'll check them out...
  32. L

    Adding More Fish

    I have a 30 g. tank. It's a rectangle one with glass. I'm ready to add more fish. I currently have 4 Gourami's, 5 Zebra Danio's and 2 pictus catfish. I'd like to add neon tetras maybe.... Kind of like the angelfish too. Don't want livebearers. I want a little bit of color in my tank if I...
  33. L

    Feeding Bloodworms.

    Thank you. Yes, you're right, they do love them!!! :S
  34. L

    Feeding Bloodworms.

    My LFS told me to feed frozen blood worms to my fish. I just got my tank established. It's a 30g. tank with 4 Gourami's, 2 Pictus Catfish(added later) and the 5 Danio's that I used to cycle the tank. What is the opinion on blood worms. The fish seem to really like them. I can't find any...