Feeding Bloodworms.

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Jul 28, 2004
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My LFS told me to feed frozen blood worms to my fish. I just got my tank established. It's a 30g. tank with 4 Gourami's, 2 Pictus Catfish(added later) and the 5 Danio's that I used to cycle the tank. What is the opinion on blood worms. The fish seem to really like them. I can't find any information on feeding them. :crazy: I also feed them tetra min flakes. Rotate days. Only feed once a day. Also, How many more fish can I put in this tank. I don't want to overstock it. Any advice is appreciated. :)
I use frozen blood worm and brine shrimp but as a treat, because a full cube at one time in my tank they stuff themselves till they nearly explode.

one option is to cut the cube in half or even quarters b4 u defrost it in a cup full of tank water. So then through the day u can mix and match the foods.

one of those cubes holds a lot of frozen stuff.
I feed my fish Hikari Freeze-Dried Bloodworms every 2 days. They love it!!! :)
Bloodworms freshly frozen as opposed to freeze dried are more nutritious and natural for your fish. It causes less internal complications such as constipation and fish love them, to boot. Most specially prepared packs you buy from an LFS also has the added protection of being irradiated. so you know when you feed your fish, the worms are bug free. Freeze dried are good but fish tend to eat them before they have time to absorb water so when the dried worms are in the fishes gut and water is absorbed through the fish internal system they swell and bloat the fish causing problems, especially if the've overfed on dried stuff.
flakes and pellets are fine, they have been scientifically prepared with a balance of vitamins etc in mind.
Feed frozen food in the quantity that they will eat in about 2 minutes, anything left over will decay and pollute the tank. Remember to thaw the worms first before feeding. Never throw a block of frozen food into the tank and hope the fish will eat it as it melts. It's not condusive to good fish husbandary do to this.
My lot love their frozen bloodworm, but nothing beats the live bloodworm that I buy fresh once a week from my lfs.
My lot love their frozen bloodworm, but nothing beats the live bloodworm that I buy fresh once a week from my lfs.

I second that!!! I get the giant bloodworm for my Severum, and he goes ballistic tearing them up!!!
I tried live daphnia (I thinkthat was what it was) in my community tank, and they loved tham. they swim round more than the bloodworm, so the fish had a bit of a challenge catching them all!!!!
Feeding live bloodworm are fine, but it does take a lot more messing about. You shouldn't just buy them from your lfs and empty the bag into your tank. You will cause all sorts of problems doing that. The best way to feed live bloodworm is to buy a bloodworm feeder. Pour the contents through the feeder over a sink, so that the worms are trapped and the pink liquid drains away, close up the trap and place feeder in your tank.As the worms wriggle through the feeder, the fish gobble them up.

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