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  1. R

    Need a Good Site

    to purchase corals or what? and are good info sites.
  2. R

    Snails on a Log

    Hi everyone - I have a log in one of my tanks that I would like to move to a new tank... HOWEVER, I dont' want any of the snails (or their eggs) to go with it. I read somewhere that I could bake the log? Would that work, or is there a better alternative? Thanks in advance.
  3. R

    Strangest looking fish.......

    maybe a brackish anablep?
  4. R

    Freshwater Clams

    I have six of them in my 55 Gallon tank. They don't do a whole lot. The water chemistry didn't change because of them and they don't seem to be beneficial or detrimental to the quality of the tank. I think it is neat to have them in there though. They aren't something you see in every aquarium...
  5. R

    Are these fish compatible?

    I'd leave the angels (and possibly the barbs) out of the mix. Make sure you don't put those barbs with anything that has long fins. Other than that, everything should get along fine. Remember to add slowly!
  6. R

    ghost shrimp

    I've got a couple of dwarf gouramis (and opaline, flame, and gold) and they leave my ghost shrimp and my amano algae eating shrimp alone. Sometimes, they take the food from the shrimps at feeding time, but the shrimps spend all of their time scavenging for food anyway. They all do fine. (They're...
  7. R

    Ghost shrimp

    Mine are doing fine (and have been for quite some time) in a 55 gallon with a couple small iridescent sharks, two bala sharks, several feeder guppies, many gouramis (opaline, gold, flame, and dwarf), some assorted danios, freshwater clams, glass catfish, paleatus cory cats, and some amano algae...
  8. R

    Sand or Salt first?

    We're putting together a Fish and Live Rock set-up in a 75 gallon tank. Should we add the aragonite sand or the salt first? :huh: