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  1. S

    What should I get?

    Well I'm not sure whether I did the right thing or not. I bought 4 guppies, all males. 6 Neon tetras - 3 of which are very small 1 Catfish, I forget which type, but I asked the guy in the store to recommend me one which doesn't grow too big.
  2. S

    What should I get?

    I know that my LFS has Otos as there were loads of them when I went in there today. But would just one of them be wrong? I do like neon and cardinal tetras, but should I be looking at guppy, molly, platy types to add first? As these seem to be the types people mention most in posts.
  3. S

    What should I get?

    Sorry, I realise everyone asks this question. I'm excited because tommorow I can finally add some fish. I've been doing a fishless cycle for over a month now and its ready to add some. I want to start small and just add a few fish. I would like to add like one bottom dwelling catfish and a few...
  4. S

    Water Quality Help

    Water straight from the tap: PH = 7 KH = 17 GH = 10-15 somewhere in between NO2 = 0 NO3 = 20 I live just outside London which is well known for being a hard water area, limescale etc builds up really quickly on kettles. I have just removed the plants. The tank water looks very unclean and...
  5. S

    Water Quality Help

    I haven't actually tested the tap water yet, I will do that shortly. Im glad you agreed on removing the plants, I shall do that also.
  6. S

    Water Quality Help

    Hi, I could do with some advice about my tank, as I seem to be running into some problems. I bought a 10 gallon tank setup three weeks ago. I added four plants to the tank and did nothing else other than add a few fish flakes to the water. Just over a week ago I started added Boots Household...
  7. S

    question about tank fluff

    I'm a total noob to tropical fish keeping, but I am currently cycling a tank with ammonia. When I first added Ammonia, I got a bacterial bloom, ever since then, all my tank has been coated in white fluff like you describe. Infact the plants don't look so green and I can scrape fluff off if I...
  8. S

    High temperature

    I was going to ask this myself. I have my heater set to about 25 degrees, but with the weather it can be touching nearly 30 degrees during the day. Is this a major problem for fish? As it is a steady rise rather than an instant one. I assume that in the wild, water temp naturally goes up in...
  9. S

    How much Ammonia do I add?

    OK thanks for your help. I want to make sure I've got things just right before adding any fish, so I've been making a record of what I've done to the thank, and I began testing for the first time today.
  10. S

    How much Ammonia do I add?

    OK well I've just added under 5ml and the water has suddenly gone cloudy. -_-
  11. S

    How much Ammonia do I add?

    Hi there, this is my first post on the forums, but they have already been very useful from reading up on the posts. I bought a ten gallon tank which I setup a week ago. I had began by adding Stress Zyme, but after reading up on it, this appears to be more of an ongoing aid, rather than a...