High temperature


Jul 12, 2004
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Bedfordshire, UK
My tank water is 29C (84F) today, and has been at 27-28C (80-82F) since I set the tank up two weeks ago. And...this is without the heater plugged in!

The room temp is always hot in my flat (neighbours above and below), especially today due to hot weather. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about the tanks location, but it is not near any radiator (switched off anyway) or too close to windows.

Will this give me any problems when I add fish? The specs for most fish that I am thinking of adding say temp up to 78-79F. How critical, for fish in general, is this?

I have this problem, and asked about it yesterday, heres the replys:
Keep tank well oxygenated.
Put some ice cubes in a sandwhich bag and place them on top of the water.
thanks corrosive, I didn't see your thread.

who would have thought that we would have this problem in the UK!
daza said:
thanks corrosive, I didn't see your thread.

who would have thought that we would have this problem in the UK!
i know, its quite cool :crazy:
With my fry being in my greenhouse it gets mega hot, so i had to ask the question :D, didnt want to let the little critters die, and also i would have needed the advice anyway, as some more fish are going to be put in my bed room, and that gets so friggin hot, due to "PC" etc...
I was going to ask this myself. I have my heater set to about 25 degrees, but with the weather it can be touching nearly 30 degrees during the day.

Is this a major problem for fish? As it is a steady rise rather than an instant one. I assume that in the wild, water temp naturally goes up in the day anyway?
You could try getting a large fan and setting it up to blow air over the surface of the water. This will help evaporation and thus cool the water a little. It will mean you'll have to top up the tank occasionally.


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