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  1. Z

    Sick Clown Loach, I Think?

    He's not flicking at all, just very docile. I'll start treating with Pimafix tomorrow - could he pass this infection on to the whole tank?
  2. Z

    Sick Clown Loach, I Think?

    Below is a picture of one of the other loaches, you can see the difference in colour.
  3. Z

    Sick Clown Loach, I Think?

    Thanks for the info. very interesting article. I am concerned that he has an internal bacterial infection - I have been dosing with Melafix and Pimafix for a week now. He is definately 'skinny' compared to his mates and now has a different overall colour than his mates. Unfortunately I can't...
  4. Z

    Sick Clown Loach, I Think?

    I think I might have a sick clown loach and I wondered if anybody could help. I have four clown loaches in a 55 gal and they have always been very active and entertaining - but one has become a loner and appears to be going darker along the top of his body and around the mouth. I don't know...
  5. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    Thank you for your help Wilder, I suspect what you say could be right although I am going to attempt to get some Hikari wafers tomorrow - I know there is a shortage and everybody is saying there is none in the Country - I'll phone some fish stores in the morning. I have checked the anus on the...
  6. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    I can't isolate them as both tanks appear to be affected. I do weekly water changes - with gravel clean - I have two filters on each tank which are cleaned alternately and logged. I have just done the tests on the other tank (which I do weekly) and ammonia is 0ppm and Nitrite 0ppm. The vials...
  7. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    An up-date. In my 190 litre tank, I have just checked my plecos in their caves and I have a sick 6" L014 - it looks as though this is a food issue. Could be frozen blood worm or algae wafers - My two zebra plecos, in a separate tank appear to be fine - they are fed blood worm and Tetra Prima...
  8. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    I think I am going to lose them - I have just fed with some flake and the other fish are there normal hungry selves - all very active. This is a picture of my panaque it looks as though his rear has shrunk (skin wrinkly) - he didn't move when I took this with the light on and I feel, from the...
  9. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    I havn't added any meds, they look almost shrunken, no colour change, all upright, hardly moving, the flash pleco was a lot smaller (2.5 ") I havn't added any fish for months. I have just had a thought - I have always fed them Hikari wafers nightly with cucumber ocassionally, I havn't been able...
  10. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    Hello, Wilder It's quite a new set - I've done two ammonia and Nitrite - I've done two on the lower PH tester and one on the High PH tester. On the high it didn't look the exact colour but similar to the 7.6 level which is the lowest. It's only the plecs, they are out of their hiding places...
  11. Z

    Help - Problem With Tank

    I need advice - urgently please. My plecos are in big distress in my 240 litre tank - all other fish, including clown loaches, parrot fish, tiger barbs, pictus catfish are fine. My 4" yo-yo loach died about an hour ago. I have checked water parameters - 0 ppm Nitrite - 0 ppm Ammonia - Nitrate...
  12. Z

    Help - urgent

    Hi Sylvia, Thanks for your reply. Yes, I've already done a 50% and it's still reading 0.25ppm. I've put a Nitra-zorb bag in the internal filter and will test again at 12 o'clock and then do another water change in the morning. It's 45 imp. gal and no problems in the tank, I have had the...
  13. Z

    Help - urgent

    Having two filters and all except one of the plecos are max: 6" , 25% water changes every week, gravel clean weekly, this tank has been running for the past 6 months with perfect water parameters. It's a busy but very happy tank with no aggro. so I don't think it is overstocked. I would agree...
  14. Z

    Help - urgent

    I was just wondering if the stress would do them more harm. In the 2nd tank I have 2 x blood parrots, 4 Silver Dollars, 12 tiger barbs, 4 large clown loaches, 9 corys, 5 pleco External Eheim 2126 and internal Juwel filters I also have a 70 litre with three small pleco - I could put the two...
  15. Z

    Help - urgent

    Since adding the external filter my water readings have been excellent - when it was just the internal I did have a few problems. When do you think it will be OK to change the water again? - Should I take the 2 zebra plec out and put them in my 240 litre.
  16. Z

    Help - urgent

    Sorry forgot to answer, internal has been running for 8 months and external has been running since February (I think) - Just looked for my book log but couldn't put my hands on it.
  17. Z

    Help - urgent

    Hi, I cleaned the mechanical rings and rinsed the biological basket in tank water, rinsed the foam in tank water and replaced the white top filter. I have gouramis 5 x 4-5", 2 x 3-4" black widow, 1 x betta, 10 cardinal tetras, 7 xharlequin rasboras, 2 farlowellas, 9 corys, 2 african dwarf...
  18. Z

    Help - urgent

    Hi, can you help me please Checked all water parameters in my community tank yesterday, along with the 25% water change and Nitrite 0ppm, ammonia 0ppm and Nitrate 40ppm. Today I just knew from looking at the tank that something was wrong, did a another check and Nitrite 0.50ppm. Just...
  19. plec.leopard.cory.jpg


  20. Z

    Come share your pictures with me and my friend

    Hi, everyone - I do enjoy looking at all your lovely photos, some great tanks and some fish I have never seen before. What a pleasure. Thought I would share a few of mine.
  21. Tank1.jpg


  22. Z

    Male sailfin molly

    Hi again, I have taken a couple of photos (not very good ones) to give you an idea of the problem.
  23. PICT0309.JPG


  24. Z

    Male sailfin molly

    I am looking for some help please. My orange male sailfin molly's mouth has gone white and isn't eating. The day before yesterday he was being 'bullied' by the other male sailfin molly causing him to become exhausted but he was still being harrassed. I put the 'bully' in a breeding net for a...
  25. Male.sailfin.and.partner.jpg


  26. Z

    Big problems!! Two dead mollies!!

    Hello, Are they black mollies. If they are I had the same problem and found that, as they like 'brackish' water I added a very small amount of aquarium salt to the water, approximately 6 weeks ago and they have looked beautiful ever since. It only took a couple of days for them to get back to...