Sick Clown Loach, I Think?


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
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I think I might have a sick clown loach and I wondered if anybody could help.

I have four clown loaches in a 55 gal and they have always been very active and entertaining - but one has become a loner and appears to be going darker along the top of his body and around the mouth. I don't know whether you can see what I mean by the photo below. He does eat but is not as keen as he used to be, this has been going on for a couple of weeks now.

I have tested the water and readings are 0ppm Nitrite, 0ppm Ammonia, and Nitrates 60 ppm (which are a bit high but my tap water is 20ppm). No other fish are affected. I live in a Hard water area and wondered if this could have an affect - the PH is 7.4. - I havn't tested the hardness.

Any help would be appreciated.

He dosn't look well at all, can you issolate him, need to get them nitrates down, going dark in colour can indicate a bacterial infection, has he always had that dusty white appearance on his dorsal fin.
I would read this link this what it has to say about water quality.
Clown loaches make no demands on extreme water elements, normal pH and KH will do excellently. On the other hand one should be careful with extreme water changes, these fish are sensitive to sudden changes in the quality of the water. Frequent small water changes are best. I reccomend changing water at least once every second week, preferably more often.
If these fish are sensitive to water quality then doing bigger and more frequent water changes to bring the nitrates down I would have thought would help.
Thanks for the info. very interesting article.

I am concerned that he has an internal bacterial infection - I have been dosing with Melafix and Pimafix for a week now. He is definately 'skinny' compared to his mates and now has a different overall colour than his mates.

Unfortunately I can't isolate him as I don't want to risk infecting my other tanks and I havn't got a quarantine tank.

I have checked the water again and all is fine. I carry out regular water changes/gravel clean - 33% weekly and the weekend just gone I did rearrange the tank and added a tiered cave ornament made out of slate and glued together with aquarium silicone, although I don't think this has caused the problem as he has been behaving abnormally for some time.

I really don't know what to do as I have a number of plecs in the tank and I am always hesitant to medicate the whole tank other than with the natural products.

About a month ago I had a small ammonia spike and, luckily, noticed abnormal behaviour in the tank straight away. I did a 50% water change immediately and again the next day. Tested again and readings where back to 0ppm. I have never found out what had caused this but I have tested daily since and all tests on Nitrite and Ammonia have been zero.

Do you think I should do my water change this weekend and then start the Melafix and Pimafix again.

By the way the tank has the internal Juwel filter and an external Eheim 2126.
He dosn't look skinny in the photo, how skinny is he a wasting away look which is common with loaches.
Internal parasites which they can get bacterial problems on top.
Below is a picture of one of the other loaches, you can see the difference in colour.

Compared to the last pic like i said he dosn't look well at all, i can see some white dust on his fin, how long has it been like that, that fish is not well, and you don't want him spreading the desease, any signs of flicking and rubbing as if parasites are left untreated they can get bacterial infections on top.
He's not flicking at all, just very docile.

I'll start treating with Pimafix tomorrow - could he pass this infection on to the whole tank?
I don't like that power look on his fin as velvet and whitespot can cause a fish to lose weight, plus they can get bacterial infections on top as parasites are nasty.
Need to know about the fin how long has it been like that, plus do the other fish have that on there fins.

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