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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. N

    Hungry blue lobster

    I dont know what it is about neons, but perhaps they are wearing an 'eat me' sign. I have fish in a tank with my A/Blue lobsters and they remain untouched, yet the neons have been caught and been eaten. Euther they taste good or are too curious for their own good. :D
  2. N

    Tank Size, Breeding

    Hmmm, well, at least youve taken the time to look around. I have a male and female, and was told that it was more likely that one would eat the other. In fact, a friend of mine put a deposit on a male and female, only to be told when he came to collect them, that the male had killed and...
  3. N

    Thai Plum Crabs

    Thanks for that Ava_Banana. It could possibly be the ricefield crab, Sayamia bangkokensis, although Im still not sure, the picture there isnt very good. I wish maidenhead were more specific with their information. It seems like "thailand plum crab" is sufficient, but not for me. I have...
  4. N

    Lobster crisis, will it survive?

    Heh, if thats the little grabbin things by their mouth then yeah, and thanks :) Latest news on my limbless lobster is that its moulted :) but still dosent look very good. Its got to be good news though that its moulted. I cant see that its grown anything back, I'm leaving alone to get on with...
  5. N


    I have guppies in a tank full of lobster/crayfish young (biggest being about an inch and a half) and so far they remain untouched. However thay are expendable (of course I wouldn't want to see anything happen to them but I have no choice at the moment). I would definately not keep any fish that...
  6. N

    Thai Plum Crabs

    You could be right. For instance my australian blue lobster isnt a lobster, its a crayfish. I think I'll call them and ask more questions. :rolleyes:
  7. N

    Lobster crisis, will it survive?

    Er, no, I know what pincers are (Im not that stupid...yet :) ) but thanks for your input. I mean the the things on both sides of its mouth, they hold food pellets with them while they are eating. :)
  8. N


    Yeah, I had some red crabs and they seem to recover quickly. paul_v_biker..."1 of my lobsters only had 1 leg on 1 side. " How long did it take to recover? I have one lobster without any limbs and after two weeks has shown no sign of recovery.....yet!?
  9. N

    Fire eyed crabs

    No offence ment to you Tomcattwist, but dosen't Petco educate their staff. Or at least have a member of staff specialise in at least one or more areas of pet care. Its not your fault but if they all died then shouldn't your boss have found out why (he/she is responsible). Fire eyed crabs...
  10. N

    Thai Plum Crabs

    Today I went (with Red) to Maidenhead Aquatics in Chichester. As she was searching for her stuff, I noticed a tank with Thai plum crabs. Apparently they are newly imported. They looked great and Ive decided that I really got to get another tank 'cos I want some. Has anyone else seen them? :)
  11. N

    Lobster crisis, will it survive?

    Well, today, its still rolling around and feeding. I'm surprised really, 'cos it still dosen't look like it will make it. No sign of sheding. I still have hopes for it but maybe its only a matter of days before it dies. :(
  12. N

    Crayfish / blue lobster

    Not that I know of. My lobsters/crays have been put into uncycled tanks and survived. In fact they look very healthy. Only one of the ones I gave to my friends have died. I can't even put that down to an uncycled tank, I think that was lack of care given to it, while my friend was away and...
  13. N

    Intesresting Ebay Item

    Ah! well, as Red has said, I have two subs and one boat (purchased recently). As far as I am concerned, its all good fun for my fish and lobsters. :D It really dosent do them any harm.
  14. N

    Lobster crisis, will it survive?

    Yeah, its true that they can grow their limbs back but this one is in a real bad way. My other lobsters/crays have shed a few times and grown their missing limbs back already. This one hasn't got any limbs left at all. :( Ive got it in a seperate net in the tank and I am feeding it. It can...
  15. N

    Lobster crisis, will it survive?

    Well, its still hanging in there. Although, not looking very good. Having all your limbs ripped off cant be good. Its just a body rolling around, I feed it but... Im hoping it will shed and grow new limbs but I think I will be waiting for awhile, if it survives that long. Ive never had a...
  16. N


    Sounds like the sponge must have had chemicals in it. I assume that you have done a big water change......?
  17. N

    Lobster crisis, will it survive?

    Ive have a tank full of australian blue lobster/crayfish young. Today I discovered one of the young with all of its limbs missing. The others were closing in on it (gulp!). Ive removed it and placed it in a net in the tank with some food. Its still capable of eating. I'm hoping that it will...
  18. N

    most be that time of the month!!

    Quick question Paul What crabs have you got with your blue lobster? My baby blue lobsters are happily killin each other at the moment. One molts..the others dive on it and eat it or its skin/molt. Awwww, bless. :) The circle of life... (The Lion King has got alot to answer for). :D
  19. N

    blue lobster

    Keeping a cray/lobster with fish is always a risk. Just don't put expensive fish in with them. :)
  20. N


    Just a thought here.... maybe that crab was in the process of sheding/molting. Would explain his lethargy. :)
  21. N

    When your broke with no silicone.....

    PVA glue is water soluble, sorry to disappoint, I would love to find a cheaper alternative to aquarium sealant but I am still looking, as most glues break down over time (in water) and releases chemicals that will harm your fish. -_-
  22. N


    I was very pleased for you when you told me earlier. At least this time you won't have to move them to another tank. Hopefully I won't see you shed any tears over these ones ;) Looks like they have a good chance of survival. Go! Red (danio breeder) Go! :D
  23. N

    look what ive seen

    Heh, I have one o those,(I see Red has already mentioned that), they are good fun or a while. The one you have pictured has a limited usage time, and you have to charge it (as you already know) but I bought another one cheaper that that, it takes one AA battery and last a long time, and has...
  24. N

    I got all this.........

    Nice find, well done B)
  25. N

    what an awful tank

    Nice sink but I wouldnt keep fish in it. Lobsters, however, would probably cope. They seem like thay can put up with almost anything. :D
  26. N

    What does everyone use as a background

    Why go out and buy backgrounds, you can get wallpaper samples from DIY stores for free or you can get posters for almost nothing (if you look hard enough), or just simply paint the back (although I wouldn't recommend that 'cos you can't change it easily). :)
  27. N

    conecting tanks

    Wow, that looks great! I might even try it in the future. Maybe I'll get some more tanks,,,, no no no no, I have enough tanks, hmmmmmm ;)
  28. N


    I think I may experiment with that, just to see what the effects are like. Good idea :)
  29. N

    Coloured female guppy?

    I was led to believe that the female Guppy was plain and the male was colourful. I bought my guppies like that and they bred (heh, and then some). I was looking in my tank to night and what I thought was a male guppie looks more like a female. Anyone have any ideas? Ive seen female guppies in...
  30. N


    I've never heard of it. What Fish book did you read that in? ????
  31. N

    Boiling sand

    My advice was that you should wash it in a bucket untill the water goes clear. My experience has been.. sometimes its a few times, sometimes its alot of times. You can't really put a number on it. Wash 'till water's clear. ;)
  32. N


    I didn't know crabs were good for tanks. I know that they will eat some of the leftover food and any dead fish but.... other than that, I thought they were just interesting to look at. :D
  33. N

    Is Quarts really safe

    I have quartz in my tank and ... well... nothing unusual has happened. :)
  34. N

    pregnant guppies??

    Good luck with your breeding... all I know is mine won't stop :D
  35. N

    im new

    Hi Jcruik :# and welcome :drink: ^_^
  36. N


    Welcome billy bunter. There are loads of information in these forums, hope you find what you are looking for and (of course) questions are welcome too. :D
  37. N

    sand in my tank

    I have coral sand in my tank, Ive never had really fine sand seems too messy to me. However I like the sound of black onyx sand. :) Has anyone had two types of sand in their tank, or dosen't that work very well?
  38. N

    Boiling sand

    I agree with Da_Oz. You will still have to wash it, boiling it will do no good.
  39. N

    What is your fish's diet!?!?

    Hmmm, roughly the same but sometimes (rarely) I feed them live food. Well, they seem to like it. If it wriggles ... its food!!! :D
  40. N

    Male/Female Guppy Ratio

    I was told that you should have one male for every two females. ;) Ah, fish don't know how lucky they are (sigh). :D