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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Clown trauma

    Firstly......I have 4 clowns and 1 hardly ever swims with the group. He's a shy little man and preffers his space.....he's healthy in every way though. As for the obvious distress of your clowns. Firstly I thought it could be ich as you mentioned they were rubbing. But this was a very fast...
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    I keep hearing this line "the plec will be stunted" and I have 2 problems with this: 1) stunting the growth of a fish will considerably effect its health! 2) In 10 years fish keeping I've never seen a stunted comman or gibby plec yet. Why do you think people have to take them back! They are...
  3. C

    Sailfin plec

    They can grow bigger than 14"! Mine is currently about 16" I'd give them a miss
  4. C

    strange neon???

    Unfortunately neons ar prone to this......its known as neon tetra disease. for some reason their spine twists leaving them looking like they are hunch backed. I've heard talk that its caused by a bacterial infection but I've never managed to cure it. I've also read that its a genetic thing...
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    Funy shaped tank

    I've seen them in shirley aquatics in the midlands! One point to consider though......mudskippers have a habbit of jumping to get up the bank they require in their habitat. Not sure how big these jumps are......maybe the low height of this tank would be good for them? I'd try a bit of research...
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    Noisy Filter

    assuming the UGF is air driven then this will be providing more than enough air into the water. I'd just pull the air line off the IPF if I was you. Chew
  7. C


    Quick note.......I'm not being patronising but you said pH7.3 was not! pH greater than 7 is alkaline. pH less than 7 is acidic. Which make pH7 neutral.
  8. C

    Reinforcing the floor?!

    I put a 55gallon upstairs. I asked a friend who is an architect if this would be ok and he told me to pull up the carpet and have a look for the nail holding the floor boards down. These will be in lines indicating which way the beams run under them. Then place the tank against the wall so that...
  9. C


    I'm actually in the middle of writing to PFK about their "Dyed Fish Campaign". I was kicked into action after a similar thread. I'm suggesting that they as an officially recognised aquarium body with a bit of clout behind them target getting a petition together to take to the relevent people to...
  10. C

    Are figure eights poisonous?

    The Japanese do eat puffers. You have to have a licence as a chef to cook and serve them. Apparently its certain organs in the fishes gut that have to be removed without damaging them else the poisen is released. On a business trip to Japan our host was explaining to us what the dishes were...
  11. C

    Too many bubbles?

    I have my venturi on about 1/2. Ya gotta remember that unless you have an air pump unall its gotta be a reliable supply of air. The strength of the flow of the filter will drop as the filter becomes a little glogged before a clean and thus because the flow is less the pull of air into the tank...
  12. C

    Plec in filter

    I wouldn't worry too much.....I was more than worried the first time one of mine went filter sufing!!! I sat there for about 2 hours until I saw him swim around the tank. Then I was happy there was no problem and he could get out ok. chew
  13. C

    Plec in filter

    I've got a couple of fish who occationally pay a visit to my filter. As long as they can get out if they want to I don't worry to much. Chew
  14. C


    Are we talking mean in looks or mean in personality?
  15. C

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    The problem be a pet store they have to have a licence in the UK and to get a licence they have to pass an inspection from their local coucil pet store inspector. And as things go.....generally they are interested in the well being of fury things and not our wet friends. It doesn't...
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    I disagree with the "get a clown loach" comments. Clowns can grown very large and ontop of this need to be kept in groups. Unless you have a big tank I would not advise. There are however several other sutable sized botia loaches that have already been discussed. Once they are in your tank...
  17. C

    baby snails...

    From what I snails lay their eggs just above the water line. They can sometimes be tricky to spot if they are tucked right up to the hud. Sorry thats all I know! Chew
  18. C

    1 of my Oldest Black Kuhlis Died

    I read something recently about fish and cancer. Like all higher life forms, fish can get cancer too. And apparently.....due to large ammounts of selective breeding that has gone on over the years, tank bred fish in the aquarium trade are more prone than their wild friends. Funny unexplained...
  19. C

    oscars and goldfish

    I'm slightly took 10 replies before someone commented on goldfish being coldwater whilst oscars are tropical fish!!!! :unsure:
  20. C

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    Unfortunately this tends to be the case with big chain pet shops that have fish as just one section in the store. The people who work there tend to have little or no experiance in fish and thus there is no wonder the tanks are in such a state. Now I know there are exceptions to this rule and...
  21. C

    Funy shaped tank

    Being above a rad is definately an issue! Other than that......I've seen a long, not very tall tank setup as a fast flowing river bed with a couple of power heads at one looked amazing. Not sure what fish would be suited to this though. Would have to do some research. Chew
  22. C

    Dwarf Cichlids

    Dwarfs are considered 'New World Cichlids' Chew
  23. C

    lake victoria

    Most lfs have limited tank space so they stock what they think will sell. If you are after anything a little differant just approach one of the staff and ask them if they take orders. Most do and normally can get all but the rarest of fish in within a week or two. Chew
  24. C

    Favorite 10 Gal. Fish

    You could always skip fish and go with crabs, etc!!!! Chew
  25. C

    Getting Nitrates out of tap water

    Luckily I touched the tablets with wet hands first which effected the tips of my fingure only and I realised before I did anything stupid like submerge my whole hand. Could of been a hard one to explain......not sure it would have been as hard as explaining to the women in the pharmacy that I...
  26. C

    Smallest pleco

    The smallest plec I have seen is a zebra plec (L-46 for those of you into numbers) which reaches a max of about 3". However, these are rarely seen and highly sort and thus fetch some serious prices. As the others have said I'd go with the corys! Chew
  27. C

    Gourami's Dying

    Because of the nature of male betta's they tend to get a bit agressive with anything they think might be another male......I've seen on several occation a betta bullying male dwarfs until they lost the fight for life through stress alone. Maybe this is what happened to yours?!?!?! Chew
  28. C

    Getting Nitrates out of tap water

    A quick tip on avoiding introducing snails on plants....... Get down your local pharmacy and ask for 'potasium permanganate'. Comes in christals and tablets. Christals are prefferable becuae you only need a small ammount each time. If you get tablets then you can always brake them down a bit...
  29. C

    misty water

    Firstly the cloudy water...... Cloudy water can occur even in a tank that appears to have been running smoothly for a while. The most comman cause is over feeding. Try cutting down on the ammount you feed your fish. The "only feed as much as they can eat in a couple of mins" rule is ok as a...
  30. C

    Neons, Cardinals and Phantoms!

    Hi You'll find that most tetra's of about the same size will school together. Beause of their small size they tent to have an instinct that safety comes in numbers. Chew
  31. C

    Hmmm.........Should I Change Water This Way?

    I'm reading this with my jaw on the floor! Sorry all if this sounds like a rant as its not meant to be. I've been keeping fish for many many years now and I feel it my duty to help inform new fishkeepers about the hobby. After all fishkeeping requires more science and experiane than keeping...
  32. C

    Juwel lighting solution

    For all of you who suffer as I do from the lack of light in a Juwel aquarium, I thought you might be interested in this: Mine is on order as we speak!!!!! Can't wait as it's full steam ahead on the reef tank once it arrives!!!! Chew
  33. C

    Emergancy rehoming

    A friend who is relatively new to fish keeping called me the other day and said....."HELP I brought these new fish which the shop said would be fine but they are killing all their tank mates!" So I jump in the car and race to his house to have a look. First think I see looks like 3 cichlids...
  34. C

    Live Rock and Lighting

    Thank you both!
  35. C

    Live Rock and Lighting

    I have a wee question about Live Rock and lighting. I have read on here several times that for FOWLR systems you don't need too much lighting compaired to true reef systems. I'm sruggling with this a little! I've also read thousands of articals/postings about how you can get all kinds of life...
  36. C

    Trigon 190 as marine

    Cheers you've been a great help! It is possible to pull the bar housing the lighting unit and the 2 flaps completely off. This leaves the rim as well as 2 kind of corner pieces where the bow front meets the two flat back pieces. I'm not even sure I understand that myself but I hope you do. It...
  37. C

    Trigon 190 as marine

    Cheers guys you've definately given me some things to think about. I think I'm going to keep the standard filter in and run it just for water turnover and also for basic machanical filtration and carbon etc (also adding a couple of pumps for more turnover). I'm probably goning to add a skimmer...
  38. C

    Trigon 190 as marine

    The filter is a large internal box holding about 5 stages of filtration. The first is a filter floss, followed by course sponge to get rid of large bits clogging the rest up. Following is an active carbon layer and a nitrate removal layer. To prevent too fast a flow over the biological section...
  39. C

    Trigon 190 as marine

    Hi all I have a pair of trigon 190's at eather end of the living room. Both were tropical tanks one community and one discus/angel. I've managed to slowly empty the community tank. Having been keeping tropicals for about 15 years I'd like to start on my first marine tank and since I have this...
  40. C

    Trigon 190 as marine

    Hi all I have a pair of trigon 190's at eather end of the living room. Both were tropical tanks one community and one discus/angel. I've managed to slowly empty the community tank. Having been keeping tropicals for about 15 years I'd like to start on my first marine tank and since I have this...