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  1. G

    Cory Attacked or something else

    We have another cory in the tank, no problems ever with him, 24 gallon tank ( details below)
  2. G

    Glass Cleaning Fish

    We were thinking about getting a fish that would clean the glass on our tank, were thinking of snails or loaches, but have heard: Loaches tend to eat other fishes eyes out :S Snails have a tendancy to redproduce rapidly Any suggestions out there, or does the suggestion simply include the words...
  3. G

    Cory Attacked or something else

    Well, thought I would let you know, he is still with us, he seems to have got a bit more colour back, his tentacles, they are still not there, but we shall see!
  4. G

    Cory Attacked or something else

    Cheers for the advice, have put some fin rot stuff in the tank, he seems to be the only one affected, unfortunately we can't isolate him. Though having looked at him, it does not seem to be the case, he looks quite anaemic (if it is possible for a fish! :) ), pale, and quiet.
  5. G

    Cory Attacked or something else

    Hi, a bit worried, we have two Bronze Corys, and it would appear one of them has been attacked, his fins are slightly smaller, but more importantly, his tentacle seem to have disappeared, not sure who has attacked him, the neon tetras or the Black widows. Willt his affect him big time? Cheers Edward
  6. G

    Fish Cleaners

    Are there any fish or snails good for cleaning glass?
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    Electricity Outs

    Think we are going to route a 30m extension lead in frm another buidling, safest option for our fishes! Cheers for all the advice Edward
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    Electricity Outs

    Just found out that our department are switching off our electricity for a whole week! Any chance of them surviving that week on their own? ( the room can be quite warm 22°c odd, but oxygen? Any ideas? Cheers Edward
  9. G

    Shoaling or Schooling

    Is there a differnece betweena schooling and a shoaling fish? Also we have a 90 litre (26 gallon) we have two Bronze Cory's is this a good amount? Cheers Edward
  10. G

    Fish recognition needed

    I think that is the one! I remember soemthing about fatehrs and rainbows! Ours is not as colourful as that yet, but sure it will after time! Many thanks Edward
  11. G

    Fish recognition needed

    Hi there, t he fins onthe top and bottom are much longer extending to nearly the tail, size wize, he is about hte same length as a neon tetra, but thinner (top to bottom) , think it may have had feathered in the name ( useless I know, everytime I search google with feathered in the title I get...
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    Fish recognition needed

    I think the fish is slightly see through, the top and bottom fins are a faint yellow, and the tail is very slightly orange/ red on the extremitiers, it is difficult to tell as it is only about 2cm long ½inch. Many thanks Edward
  13. G

    Fish recognition needed

    Hi there, just got back from the LFS with some neon tetras and a Bronze Corydoras, and discovered we have been given an extra fish free, but not sure what it is! The fish was in the tank with the neon tetras, he/ she is quite thin, and silver, he also has two feather fins, top and bottom, and...
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    New to Fishes

    Thats the one! Coryadoras! Had a look at some pictures!
  15. G

    New to Fishes

    Hi all, have just inherited a fish tank in our new office, 90 litres ( think that is 24 gallons). We have a Catfish (think it is a bristlenose0,a nd 1 black widow Tetra left, no idea how they survived, the tank has been uncleaned for over a year, and had no filter! So far we have done pretty...
  16. G


    Hi all, just inherited a fish tank, so trying to the best for our...two fish (soon to be more!). Our Fishcam Edward