Fish recognition needed


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Hi there,
just got back from the LFS with some neon tetras and a Bronze Corydoras, and discovered we have been given an extra fish free, but not sure what it is!
The fish was in the tank with the neon tetras, he/ she is quite thin, and silver, he also has two feather fins, top and bottom, and think the top one is yellowish.
thanks for your help,
Does the top and bottom fines have black and yellow dots on them? Does the fish look slightly see through? Is there an orange/red tint to the fishs tail?
I think the fish is slightly see through, the top and bottom fins are a faint yellow, and the tail is very slightly orange/ red on the extremitiers, it is difficult to tell as it is only about 2cm long ½inch.
Many thanks
Hi there,
t he fins onthe top and bottom are much longer extending to nearly the tail, size wize, he is about hte same length as a neon tetra, but thinner (top to bottom) , think it may have had feathered in the name ( useless I know, everytime I search google with feathered in the title I get something about birds in petshops!).
Could it be a threadfin/featherfin rainbow?

I think that is the one! I remember soemthing about fatehrs and rainbows! Ours is not as colourful as that yet, but sure it will after time!
Many thanks
Cool :) glad I could help. got any space to get him some friends? I think they like to be with some of their own kind.

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