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  1. T

    New Aquarium

    Actually, having looked at my aquarium, I could perhaps even put both filters in the new aquarium. I have an undergravel filter in the other tank, so I'm not worried about filtration in that tank.
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    New Aquarium

    Actually, I dont think I can, as they are different sized filters. As for my first question, do you think that tetras, gouramies, and rams would be compatible?
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    New Aquarium

    Oh okay. I don't actually have sponge in my filter, it is an Aqueon quiet flow filter, so it has other biological media in it. I have also considered putting some of the 4 big rocks in my new tank.
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    New Aquarium

    I do. It is a ten gallon tank. It has been running for a long time, and has a few tetras and catfish in it. Not to sound ignorant, but what do you mean by a 'nosey mate'?
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    New Aquarium

    I don't know that I can do a fishless cycle. I have never seen any aquarium ammonia at my fish store, and at grocery stores, I have know idea what you would do with ammonia such as that.
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    New Aquarium

    Hello everyone, I recently purchased a new 29 gallon tank, and plan to keep tetras, otocinclus, corys, and maybe rams or gouramies. So, my first question is, would all of these fish be compatible. My second question is, which of these should I start cycling with? Also, I intend to have a sand...
  7. T

    Suicidal Plecostomus?

    Well, before I had an undergravel filter, and I added an outside power filter. So, no I didnt transfer any filter media, but I did leave my undergravel filter running and have tested for ammonia and found nothing (0ppm).
  8. T

    Suicidal Plecostomus?

    I apologize, I must not have been clear. I only recently added the new filter, I was merely stating that the dissolved oxygen is higher than it was. I apologize for being unclear, or if that was not relevant. Cooper2085, the royal pleco was not mine, it was my friends. The bushynose was mine.
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    Suicidal Plecostomus?

    I was testing, except for ammonia because I cant get ammonia test kits where I live. What I meant is I am not sure if the water is ideal for plecos.
  10. T

    Suicidal Plecostomus?

    As far as I know, the water quality was fine. The oxygen levels may have been low, I recently bought a new filter which is increasing dissolved oxygen levels. I do not think that there was anything wrong with ammonia, as I have never had ammonia problems before. The temperature was between 78*F...
  11. T

    Suicidal Plecostomus?

    Hey everyone, So, both my friend and I have bought plecostomus from the store in town, and both have done something that we cannot explain. His pleco was a royal and mine was a bushynose, and both have attempted (or so it appeared) to eat algae above the waterline. They swim up and stick about...
  12. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    Ludwig, I am surprised to hear that. I have always heard that the atlas was a great book. If you remember the name of the thick book, I would love to hear it. I have never heard of Exotic Tropical Fishes, but I will certainly search for it.
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    Informative Aquarium Books

    Thank you all. I very much appreciate your replies, and hope to get at least a couple of these books.
  14. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    Thank you, StuartLarge. I shall look into that.
  15. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    I have not heard of either of these books. Is the subject just general fish stuff, or is there anything more specific?
  16. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    Ludwig Venter, Is the book to which you are referring The Atlas of freshwater fishes? If so, I have heard this is a marvelous book, but have been unable to obtain it. I am sorry for your loss.
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    Informative Aquarium Books

    Thank you, envious. That definitely sounds helpful. Has anyone read The Manual of Fish Health, by Chris Andrews? If so, how up-to-date is it?
  18. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    Thank you, Lufbramatt, I shall look into that.
  19. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    I shall have to look at both of these. I will also have to look at stuff on the internet. At the moment, I do have The Idiots Guide to Freshwater Aquariums, by Mick Wickham, and found it informative. It actually did mention cycling in depth. Thank you for your advice, everyone.
  20. T

    Informative Aquarium Books

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering, does anyone know of any good aquarium books that might be helpful? My main interests would be tetras, corydoras catfish, and planted aquariums, as well as general aquarium information. Thanks in advance.
  21. T

    Aquarium Store

    Mendocino county, CA?
  22. T

    Is Freeze Died Tubifex Better Than Freeze Dried Bloodworm?

    I am not an expert by any means, but I have heard that bloodworms are beneficial. I have never heard that they are better than tubifex, though. I also feed my fish bloodworms(freeze dried) and they seem to like them.
  23. T

    Cory Cats

    Thank you very much. I do have a power filter, so I may consider turning of my undergravel filter and just running the power filter. I would certainly love to keep cories, but I wouldnt want them to suffer.
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    Cory Cats

    Oh well thats a pity. I still have one peppered(plateaus)cory still, he/she doesnt appear to have any problems at the moment. Thank you for your replies, they have been most helpful and informative.
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    Cory Cats

    So, its a 10 gallon tank, It has been set up for around five years, probably, though it has only been tropical for about a year. I have an undergravel filter and an Aqueon 10 power filter, i do about 25% water changes every other week, The tank was cycled, though it was a long time ago and I am...
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    Cory Cats

    Hey everyone, I am new to the forum, and relatively new to the hobby. I have been having problems with my cory cats. Over the course of a month or two, for no apparent reason, two of my cory cats have died. They start swimming strangely, such as in corkscrews or upside down, and then, after a...