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  1. fishlover900

    Sustrate Or Tabs?

    Hi, Quick question. Im currently starting my tank again and in the past I have used TetraPlant Complete Substrate under the gravel. My question is should i replace it or would I be just as good using the tablets which you put near the plant roots. Cheers
  2. fishlover900

    Female Guppies (free)

    I have far too many guppies and the tank is suffering because of it so i would like to get rid of as many as i can. I live near dereham if anyone would like some Pic isnt amazing as there not in the tank at the moment
  3. fishlover900

    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    The first one is correct although the second one look like the same thing but a different colour
  4. fishlover900

    My New Tank Design

    Got some plants today! inc two albino corys
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  8. fishlover900

    My New Tank Design

    Well i managed to find some old rocks and stuff that i had stored away from a old tank and set them up in the tank, hopefully plants coming tommorrow!!!
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  10. fishlover900

    Amazing Value At £100

    ive seen lots of those small aquaones and never have they been made to look so nice!
  11. fishlover900

    My 55gallon Angel-community

    very nice fish and tank!
  12. fishlover900

    My New Tank Design

    Yer im gonna plant it as soon as the temp has settled down. I dont know what fish im gonna get completly yet, but i know id like some albino cory catfish as they would show up really nice against the black gravel
  13. fishlover900

    My New Tank Design

    Ok, well after letting the background dry last night ive got around to filling it with water. You should see how much water there is on the floor compared to in the tank!
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  15. fishlover900

    My New Tank Design

    Havn't decided on what to have in it yet. Any suggestions?? I used to have sand in it, it might have been me but i found it a pain to keep looking nice.
  16. fishlover900

    My New Tank Design

    Hi everyone! Im doing a revamp of my tank so this time Ive decided I'd take some pics to show you all. My tanks a Aquaone 620. To start with i liked the black small gravel and 3D background ive seen so i decided to put that in. You can see this in the first pics. Ive got to wait for the silicon...
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  19. fishlover900

    Tank Plans

    Ive got a bit of money so woud like to change the layout of my tank. I've been keeping plants and i hav good lighting and co2 but is there anything i can put on the bottom with the gravel. I wish to change to black gravel, the really small and fine stuff. After the gravel i would like to find...
  20. fishlover900

    New Guy Saying Hi

    i love the fish in your pic!!! :P
  21. fishlover900

    What Should I Do?

    do you have a water test kit?
  22. fishlover900

    Question About Activated Carbon

    Carbon is used in tanks mainly to remove bad smells and colours from the water. I havnt found it to be too successful and you do have to replace it every few weeks.
  23. fishlover900

    Keeping Fish And Working Full Time

    Hi, In the last couple of months ive started my first full time job and have suddenly found how little free time i now seem to have. Now my tank isnt that big (Aquaone 620) but i find it difficult to find the time to keep it clean. (or it could be im a bit lazy :rolleyes: ). But what i...
  24. fishlover900

    What A Perfect Day!

    :hyper: I was driving along minding my own buissness when i had an idea, i know, i think ill pop into my local fish shop. I stopped on the way to get a bit of cash out and made my way there. When i got there the place was packed and i woundered why, i went into the fish section and the best...
  25. fishlover900

    Washing Sand

    Ive recently bought some sand to put in my tank but how do i go about washing it without losing it. With my old gravel i would just fill a bucket up but with sand i can see it going out with the water?
  26. fishlover900

    Best External For My 120l 30g Aquarium

    Most external filter are actually very quite. You could either run botth at the same time or simply add the old filter media into the external filter
  27. fishlover900

    How, What, When

    i would like to convert my 30ukg tank into a Cichlids tank but i dont know th efirst thing about them. Can you advise me on what fish i can have and how to keep them and look after them Thanks
  28. fishlover900

    Tank Weight!

    I now have a 30g tank and a 12g tank next to each other in my room which is upstairs in my house. How much weight do you think should be the total placed upstairs?
  29. fishlover900

    My New 90l Tank

    ok, thanks for your advice, ill keep them while i can :hey: the severums are now 5 months old (well thats how long ive had them) how much longer do they spend growing?
  30. fishlover900

    My New 90l Tank

    id love a new tank but thats the largest one i could fit in im afraid! :angry:
  31. fishlover900

    My New 90l Tank

    thanks the severums are there because someone else didnt want them, i wark at a quatics shop so can put them in the display tank there. The gouramis should be alright as they only need a 20g tank
  32. fishlover900

    My New 90l Tank

    Ive nearly finished my new tank which i got for £90 which is normaly £130!!! It came with a built in filter and light. ... ... ... ... ... ...
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  40. fishlover900

    New Shop

    For anyone who lives in England near norfolk you night be interested to know that there is a new large aquatics centre opening at a place called bawdeswell in march!