My New 90l Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Ive nearly finished my new tank which i got for £90 which is normaly £130!!! It came with a built in filter and light.








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Great Setup, but have to say that those severums are gonna get BIG !! They gonna need at least a 300 litre tank when adults ! and proly will need to get to a bigger tank in a couple months or so ! Just a word of warning, as its for the severums benefit !

Overall, its a nice setup
the severums are there because someone else didnt want them, i wark at a quatics shop so can put them in the display tank there. The gouramis should be alright as they only need a 20g tank
nice tank I like it :good:
great fish

but yes you will need a bigger tank,but just think how great you can make that look
the severums are there because someone else didnt want them, i wark at a quatics shop so can put them in the display tank there. The gouramis should be alright as they only need a 20g tank

not to be there bearer of bad news, but blue gourami's will out grow the tank and will become territorial with time, as they are labarynth fish and are quite territorial. Many times they are seen at pet/fish shops as not being aggressive because they come in and are sold quickly enough to where they do not have time to set up their "territory"

be prepared for those gouramis that you have to get around 4" in size... and once the flaring starts, be prepared for overstressed gouramis, one of them being picked on and then eventually going into shock because of the stress and dieing... although they are not as aggressive as the aggressive species of gourami, they are still territorial.

best bet is to have only 1 in such a small tank (although nicely set up ;) ) with such small surface area...

otherwise looks good!
ok, thanks for your advice, ill keep them while i can :hey:

the severums are now 5 months old (well thats how long ive had them) how much longer do they spend growing?
that tank is great!! i had one of them for a few months an upgraded to th aqua1 850 due to th fact i wanted more fish.!!whats in ur top filter?mines never looked like that.ur set up is cool some nice fish 2!
Nice set up:)

With Gourami, I'd say just keep an eye on them like you would any fish. We have one and he's one of the most gentle and friendly fish in the tank. He's not territorial (and never has been) We actually had a Blue Pearl Gourami (who passed away at around 3 years old)and he was fine too. Actually come to think of it we've never had a problem with the Gouramis we've had. The only one that had any territorial nature to it was a dwarf that we had. I think it's a per fish thing. Some fish are what their stereotype says, some aren't. (Personally I think our Pleco keeps everyone in line :nod: )

Keep up the good work! :good:

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