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  1. R

    Have I Messed Up

    So nobody knows anything about this ?
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    Have I Messed Up

    A few months ago I got a pets at home my first fish tank for my son to look at and tell me what he wanted in it, take care of it and feed whatever we put in it. First we put some shrimp in it but they got a bit boring for him and once they all pasted over ( not sure why ) my mate gave me his 4...
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    Help Id The Algae And Unknown Grass Problem

    ive had this algae growing on the leaves of my anubia and the blades of my common vallis for a couple of weeks now. i thought it was just a common growth which i could kill off and remove with some water changing,cut down on light and trimming off the infected plants but its not working. i've...
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    Can I Put Fancy Guppies In With My Shrimp

    A friend of mine gave my his 4 fancy guppies and I have them in my 60l tank but they are lost amongst the larger fish, so I was thinking could I put them in my shrimp tank or would they swim around eating the baby shrimp.
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    Can You Help Me Id This Fish

    Belfast norm iron !
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    Can You Help Me Id This Fish

    If you had of been close moochy you could of had him.
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    Can You Help Me Id This Fish

    Tizer, your amazing !! And he has been hassling my cories this morning. Best rehome him then, best for him and my fish. Would he couple better with cichlids ?
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    Can You Help Me Id This Fish

    thanks gidge, i thing your right, if it's not a mossy barb it's some sort of barb lol. i know it's a crappy picture but the fish is almost a torquoise with orange on his face and fins.
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    Can You Help Me Id This Fish

    i got it from a friend whos tank cracked over the weekend and he is seeking refuge in my tank along with his cardinal tetras and some white cloud minnows. so far everything seems fine with these new characters but i want to double check to make sure it's going to be fine with my stock. my...
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    Whats Going Wrong ?

    Well I've found my problems. First my amonnia and nitrate levels have rocketed, I don't know if this is due to my ottos dying and me not being able to find one of them, or because my grass is started to go brown at the bottom and no matter how hard I try I can't remove it all. I've done two...
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    Hoovering A Shrimp Tank....

    my shrimp tank has developed a lot of waste at the bottom of the tank and i want to use my tank hoover to suck it all up but i have noticed a lot of baby shrimps floating around by the glass so i'm worried about hoovering up some of these babys. how are you guys removing waste from your tanks ?
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    Whats Going Wrong ?

    hey guys, my 60 litre tank has been going the very best since april last year with only 1 or 2 deaths and the grass/plants were going great but recently ive had 3 unexplained deaths within the last fortnight and my grass and my anubia have started to develop a furry looking algae on them and it...
  13. R

    How Can I Encourage My Cherry Shrimp To Breed

    sorry for my late reply. i'm not 100% sure what the little things are "swimming" around on the glass, there is 100s of them swimming around which makes me think maybe they aren't shrimplets ? but i will have babies. here's the tank ( the brown film at the bottom isn't poor maintainance but i...
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    How Long Does It Take .....

    I've noticed little white ( baby shrimp ) swimming around the sides of the glass on my tank but how long does it take for them to grow up in size?
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    How Can I Encourage My Cherry Shrimp To Breed

    Oh my.... What an update..... Popped in to look at the tank today and noticed these white 1mm long 'things' floating around the glass on the sides and front, after looking closely I think I have babies.... I think I'm a daddy !
  16. R

    How Much Current Is Too Much ?

    For 6 months now I've had my filter on its lowest setting as I read bettas come from areas of water that are very still and water movement is minimum , but today I turned is up about until the grass I have at the back has a slight movement in it. Have I done wrong ?
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    How Can I Encourage My Cherry Shrimp To Breed

    Yeah I've had that but I put it down to the beginning of the moulting process.
  18. R

    How Can I Encourage My Cherry Shrimp To Breed

    Thanks for the reply, I'll start daily water changes and try the sock. Forgive me but 'saddles'?
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    How Can I Encourage My Cherry Shrimp To Breed

    Ive had my tank going now for a few months, about 4-6 weeks ago I put in 5 more ( bring stock levels to only 8) cherry shrimp and everyone seems happy enough. A few girls have large tails but I haven't seen any eggs in them. My tank is a P@H 'my first tank' with the filter rammed with media...
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    Ssshhh, Don't Tell Anyone

    This happened a few years ago and I still haven't been back. I worked into my local bank to lodge some funds in my 'fun account' ( it buys me fish/bike still and I generally waste it on crap), I asked the girl to lodge £130 and what was the balance, she replied £50, I said " unless my Mathis...
  21. R

    I Think My Lambchops Pregnant !

    Watching my fish today I noticed 2-3 of the 'females' ( I say '' because I'm not 100% sure) look to be really swollen around the belly area which leads my to think they might be ready to pop. What do I do now?? I have a small 6"x6" netted cage thing I could put in the tank and put them in but...
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    Help, I'm At Me Wits End....

    I checked this morning and the 3 of them are swimming around and being more active than any of the others ever were. Fingerscrossed.
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    Help, I'm At Me Wits End....

    never used medicine, the only thing i have added is lead to hold down plants and cucumber
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    Help, I'm At Me Wits End....

    8-10 frozen bloodworm (i thaw out half a block for the 60l and save a few over for this 15l) thawed out in tank water once a week and 3 days a week flake, a small pinch.
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    Help, I'm At Me Wits End....

    a bit of media from my 60l and a bottle of amonnia from boots. i followed a few guides on here and my 60l cycled up fine so tired the same here.
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    Help, I'm At Me Wits End....

    hi guys, so i'm having some trouble with my "shrimp" tank. it started live as a pets at home "my first fish tank" ,so it came with a filter,i put some sand in, a cryptcoryne ,a coconut with some moss and i got a heater off ebay (22*). a few weeks later after i cycled the tank ..... first...
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    Are My Lambchops Flirting Here's a quick video of two of my lambchops swimming beside each other, sometime backwards, shaking there body's with all fins extended. Are they flirting? Is one stamping his authority ? What's going on?
  28. R

    Are Snails Pests

    I've been on holiday for two weeks and when I returned I've noticed 2-3 snails In the tank that weren't there when I leftso what should I do.. I don't mind them being there of they are going to cause any trouble and they'll add to the "ecosystem". Sorry if this is a FAQ but I did check for...
  29. R

    My Shrimp Tank ....

    Mesh is for the moss to help it root and grow, I'll be coming out soon and I'm having trouble with shrimp dieing. I must have put 7-8 shrimp in and the last lot only lived 3 weeks. My pump flows very high, could the current be troubling them? I was giving them fry food but I never saw them...
  30. R

    I Think I Have The Neon Tetra Disease

    Because of the reasons above. If it could be another else I'd be happy to hear them
  31. R

    I Think I Have The Neon Tetra Disease

    Last night while watching my tank I saw one of the tetras had a patch of colour missing on it's side. I sat longer and watched the rest and they all have a vivid blue stripe but this one has a small patch missing that breaks the full stripe in two, this morning I caught him and put him in my...
  32. R

    My Shrimp Tank ....

    Ph,nitrites,nitrates and ammonia the same but temp is 21* not like the main tank at 23/24*
  33. R

    My Shrimp Tank ....

    Earlier hours sat morning before work I spotted the last two shrimp in my main tank so acted first and scooped them up and popped them into the shrimp tank. Hoping they would be ok I set off to work. When I returned one had died. Nightmare. Still its better than being eaten in the other tank...
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    Cherries Going Great

    Fantastic, what's the light unit?
  35. R

    Marina S15 Filter Sponge Question

    Right, got the foam, get new cartridges cut the old ones up and put them in too, I'll update of my progress.
  36. R

    My Shrimp Tank ....

    I'm not sure how many shrimps to put in but I started with 8 in my main tank but I think the betta or the neon tetras are stressing them to death. I think the vallis survived ok so I put it in the main tank in the hope it grows from strength to strength.
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    Cherries Going Great

    Make time dude.
  38. R

    Marina S15 Filter Sponge Question

    Coldcazzie, your a star.
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    Marina S15 Filter Sponge Question

    Sponge ordered and I'll pick up the new cartridges tomorrow, should I replace both cartridges and leave the carbon one since I'll be putting the old ones in as described in your picture
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    My Shrimp Tank ....

    heres the pictures i promised. here's the tank in it's new surroundings ! and here's the coconuts cut,emptied,cleaned and drilled. and the moss arrived from the forum member (thanks again) so i got it hooked up to the wire and mesh, covered the coconut and put both in the tank, also i had a...