How Can I Encourage My Cherry Shrimp To Breed


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Ive had my tank going now for a few months, about 4-6 weeks ago I put in 5 more ( bring stock levels to only 8) cherry shrimp and everyone seems happy enough.

A few girls have large tails but I haven't seen any eggs in them.

My tank is a P@H 'my first tank' with the filter rammed with media to slow the flow and help bacteria, a heater set to 23*, sand substrate, a flow stones for hiding, moss, common straight vallis.

Water tests are
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20

They are feed blood worm once a week, fry food, algae wafers and they seem to be eating well.

I was thinking could the filter be too strong still and it's effecting the shrimpets or should I just wait longer ?
Only things I can think of to help:

1. Do a few 10% daily water changes with cooler water (Seems to stimulate mine to shed and emit the breeding hormorne - sends males wild). If you regularly change the water then try a larger water change.

2. Cover the intake of the filter with a pop soc or a cut up tight and secure with an elastic band. (its the only thing I've found that stops the shrimplets being sucked up also needed a thin piece of sponge inserted into the gap caused by the flow adjuster)

Hope this helps

PS have any of your shrimp got saddles? I have a few males with 'long tails' so use the saddle method to 100% id the sex.
Thanks for the reply, I'll start daily water changes and try the sock.

Forgive me but 'saddles'?
Saddle the area where unfertised eggs are stored before mating. Once fertilised they drop to under the belly. Link shows how the area resembles a saddle on a horse.
Yeah I've had that but I put it down to the beginning of the moulting process.
Oh my.... What an update..... Popped in to look at the tank today and noticed these white 1mm long 'things' floating around the glass on the sides and front, after looking closely I think I have babies....

I think I'm a daddy !
Oh my.... What an update..... Popped in to look at the tank today and noticed these white 1mm long 'things' floating around the glass on the sides and front, after looking closely I think I have babies....

Sounds a little strange, I would'nt expect babies to be floating around. It's been a while since your opening post, so any updates? Were they babies?
sorry for my late reply.

i'm not 100% sure what the little things are "swimming" around on the glass, there is 100s of them swimming around which makes me think maybe they aren't shrimplets ?

but i will have babies.

here's the tank ( the brown film at the bottom isn't poor maintainance but i have done this to help feed everyone )

and here is the proud mother and her egg's ?
so how long is it before they hatch, before they are big enough to see as baby shrimp and is there a shrimp per egg or 100's ?


and here is the next mother !!
Shrimp fry are born and by the time you can see them, they will look like shrimp. Like the others said, cool water changes and some Almond Leaves. Now i have loads!
One Shrimp per egg. around 2-3 weeks to hatch. I never see my newborns, Only when they are around 5-7mm do I really start seeing them out and about (I would estimate this is around 3 months old, but cant really be sure) One thing is for sure though - Soon you will have loads!!!

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