Help, I'm At Me Wits End....


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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hi guys,

so i'm having some trouble with my "shrimp" tank.
it started live as a pets at home "my first fish tank" ,so it came with a filter,i put some sand in, a cryptcoryne ,a coconut with some moss and i got a heater off ebay (22*). a few weeks later after i cycled the tank .....

first attempt.
5 cherry shrimp didnt go very well. shrimpys lived for about 2 weeks then slownly everyone died. i checked the filter and it was blowing quite hard, even on the lowest setting so i filled it with more media to try and slow the flow.

second attempt.
5 cherry shrimp and 3 from my 60l tank. again everyone died after a few weeks, the filter had slowed, the water had stayed at 22*,the water was still good ie amonnia 0-10,nitrites 0.nitrates low/very low. i put it down to there being not much to eat,even though they are feed fry food everyday.

new approach.
4 white cloud minnows,i left them in the tank for 3 months,kept a very close eye on the water quality but not so much on the sand or removing the uneated food (if there was any), the filter inlet has started gathering up waste so i think it's slowed the flow more.

third attempt.
white cloud minnows removed to the 60l and 3 cherry shrimps added today,i have removed the coconut and replaced it with stones from my brothers front garden ( cheers bro) and i have put the moss in and around them in the hope the shrimp have more areas to go and chill out out of sight.

what can i be doing different?
if this doesn't work what other avenues can i go down to try and keep the shrimp ?
and if this doesn't work what small fish can i keep in my 15l tank, i have a betta in my 60l so something other than that would be good.
a bit of media from my 60l and a bottle of amonnia from boots. i followed a few guides on here and my 60l cycled up fine so tired the same here.
What do you feed them other than fry food?
8-10 frozen bloodworm (i thaw out half a block for the 60l and save a few over for this 15l) thawed out in tank water once a week and 3 days a week flake, a small pinch.
Algae pellets and blanched courgette always go down well with mine. They eat scraps but if I was keeping just shrimp I'd consider feeding specific shrimp food along with bloodworm, veg etc.

24 might be a better temperature as well.

I don't think current will be an issue - I have quite a few living inside the filter quite merrily!
hi guys,

so i'm having some trouble with my "shrimp" tank.
it started live as a pets at home "my first fish tank" ,so it came with a filter,i put some sand in, a cryptcoryne ,a coconut with some moss and i got a heater off ebay (22*). a few weeks later after i cycled the tank .....

first attempt.
5 cherry shrimp didnt go very well. shrimpys lived for about 2 weeks then slownly everyone died. i checked the filter and it was blowing quite hard, even on the lowest setting so i filled it with more media to try and slow the flow.

second attempt.
5 cherry shrimp and 3 from my 60l tank. again everyone died after a few weeks, the filter had slowed, the water had stayed at 22*,the water was still good ie amonnia 0-10,nitrites 0.nitrates low/very low. i put it down to there being not much to eat,even though they are feed fry food everyday.

new approach.
4 white cloud minnows,i left them in the tank for 3 months,kept a very close eye on the water quality but not so much on the sand or removing the uneated food (if there was any), the filter inlet has started gathering up waste so i think it's slowed the flow more.

third attempt.
white cloud minnows removed to the 60l and 3 cherry shrimps added today,i have removed the coconut and replaced it with stones from my brothers front garden ( cheers bro) and i have put the moss in and around them in the hope the shrimp have more areas to go and chill out out of sight.

what can i be doing different?
if this doesn't work what other avenues can i go down to try and keep the shrimp ?
and if this doesn't work what small fish can i keep in my 15l tank, i have a betta in my 60l so something other than that would be good.

Have you used any medication in the tank that uses copper? Copper is a death wish for invertebrates...
never used medicine, the only thing i have added is lead to hold down plants and cucumber
I checked this morning and the 3 of them are swimming around and being more active than any of the others ever were.


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