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  1. R

    First Time Treating Ich

    Hello all, I've got some questions about my Ich treatment. First my stats: Tank size: 20 gallon pH: 7.6 ammonia: 0.0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20ppm kH: gH: tank temp: 80 degrees F Tank inhabitants: 1 red tail shark, 4 tiger barbs, 3 danios, 1 golden algae eater, 1 black molly, several plants. No...
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    Eheim 2213 Tube Cleaning

    Hey all, I've had an Eheim 2213 since July for my 20 gallon tank and it is a fantastic filter. I recently stopped it and restarted it (to remove the carbon layer) and when it came back on, all the air in the tubes came flying out the spray bar and it caused a lot of junk to come loose and it...
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    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    It didn't work at all... :( The little guy passed away overnight :(
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    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    No worries, thanks for all the information. I appreciate your replies. I read more about Pimafix and it says that it's best used when combined with Melafix anyway, so I'm giving the two a go. The downsides I've read about is a potential decrease in oxygen and I think I can compensate for...
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    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    The front of my Pimafix bottle reads "Antifungal fish remedy - All Natural, extracted from west indian bay trees - rapidly treats fungal infections on fish." On the back it reads, "Benfits: A safe all natural way to treat a broad range of fungal fish infections. Also treats internal and...
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    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    Okay all, here are three more pictures that show his scales better. I think I am going to treat with Pimafix. I dunno, it just looks like fungus (and Pimafix also has antibacterial) to me and I'm getting anxious. His behavior has improved slightly in the past several days, but his scales...
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    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    I just noticed that the white area seems kind of crusty/flaky in spots... I wonder if something is healing?
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    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    I posted a video of my shark on YouTube. You can see his spot on the left side and that his tail looks crooked. I don't know why he would want to be directly in the path of the spray bar, but that's...
  9. R

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    I'm still not sure how he's doing. We've seen a lot of changes in the last few days. Sometimes he seems to be swimming fine for short periods of time, but most of the time he just swims in place in different corners at the top of the tank. Sometimes he's horizontal, but other times he's...
  10. R

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    His swimming seems to have more direction today. The slight redness on one side is gone, but the white patch remains on the other. His front fins are no longer red - they almost look clear, so that has me a bit worried. When he come out of his tree today, the molly and algae eater nipped at...
  11. R

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    I did two 50% water changes shortly after Ruskull's post (that was after a 25% change when I noticed the problem) and the water is much better. pH: 7.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 10 ppm I was not home Saturday and the shark spent all of Sunday in his tree. Still alive, but swimming in...
  12. R

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    Thanks, I have done a few large water changes and will re-test. Should I add any salt? Feed as normal? I guess all I can do is wait and see at this point? EDIT: Should I adjust the temperature at all?
  13. R

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    I know... I feel terrible. I got complacent with my tank and I'm paying the price... I want to do whatever I can to save them :(
  14. R

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    Tank size: 20 gallons pH: 7.6 ammonia: 0.1 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 150 ppm (i know... i did a 25% water change immediately) kH: 4 gH: 9 tank temp: 78 degrees Fahrenheit Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Whitish scales and bloating around...
  15. R

    Adding Plants

    Sorry to jump in your thread here with more questions, dtaylor, but I also am trying to add some successful plants to my aquarium. The biggest problem I have seems to be securely planting them in the substrate without damaging them! Is there a secret to this or am I just uncoordinated?
  16. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    Thanks, that is great information! No, the water is definitely cloudy. Could it be bacteria blooming? That's kind of what I was hoping :)
  17. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    Hey there, Ray again. I came home from work today and my sword's tail is off!! :( He seemed slightly dazed, so I checked the water. The pH and KH are slightly lower than they have been. I know my tank is re-cycling, but I added some plants and the ammonia is actually down. Here's the...
  18. R

    Filter Mistake - Replacement Suggestions?

    I'm looking at the numbers and it's interesting: The Tetra Whisper EX20 I'm currently using says it's rated for 10-20 gallon aquariums and a 110gph flow rate. The Eheim 2211 is rated for tanks up to 39 gallons at 60gph, and the 2213 is rated for 66 gallon tanks and 116gph! Much higher quality...
  19. R

    Filter Mistake - Replacement Suggestions?

    Wow, this looks like a great filter. Thanks for the recommendation. I think I might go with the 2211. The 2213 looks like it might be a little beastly for my 20 gallon. Where do I want the intake and exhaust tubes in the tank and what direction should I point the flow? Also, for the "media...
  20. R

    Filter Mistake - Replacement Suggestions?

    Thanks. Could you recommend a model? All in all, I'm just looking for a filter that is quiet, moves enough water, and has the kind of filtration I need for a healthy tank :good:
  21. R

    Filter Mistake - Replacement Suggestions?

    Hello all, My tank is about four months old and I've been learning a lot. Especially about the role filter and filter medium play in the nitrogen cycle. I'm currently on my second HOB power filter. The one that came with my 20 gallon tank was poor and loud (and it didn't have any kind of...
  22. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    Thank you for all the information - that is very helpful. The reason I was so concerned was that it used to be around 6.8 and when it swung lower (it may have been lower than 6.0, I need to get a low-range kit) my mollies started dying. I also added a small amount of baking soda to the water...
  23. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    First, the good news is that the sword and danio still seem better and both ate heartily the blood worms I put in for them. The bad news is that pH and KH have dropped again. Measurements are 12 hours after my last post: pH: 6.0 ammonia: 0.0 nitrite: 0.1 nitrate: 5 ppm kH: 1 drop gH: 7 drops...
  24. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    My filter is a hang-on-the-back Tetra Whisper EX20. It has a slot for a carbon filter pouch, which the water passes through first, followed by some kind of "Bio Scrubber" thing... I was under the impression bacteria was held here, too, allowing one to change the carbon pouch. I had kept the...
  25. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    My tank was set up initially in March. I was following the kit instructions when I got it (I did not know about fishless cycling) and started off slowly. Unfortunately I lost some fish while the tank was cycling (I should not have trusted the kit instructions - I should have researched on my...
  26. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    Okay, here's the latest: My red tux sword is still alive, he was just hiding in the tree decoration. Latest tests: Tank size: 20 gallons pH: 6.0 ammonia: 0.1 nitrite: 0.1 nitrate: 5 ppm kH: 1 drop to change to yellow gH: 7 drops to change to green tank temp: 79* F (Please explain the...
  27. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    Sorry, I should have added more info. I haven't tested anything but pH since 6/18. I will test again tonight after work. Tank size: 20 gallons pH: 6.0 (6/21) ammonia: 0 (6/18) nitrite: 0.1 (6/18) nitrate: 5 ppm (6/18) kH: Not tested. Test kit ordered. gH: Not tested. Test kit...
  28. R

    Ph Crashing Fish Dying

    20 gallon, tropical fish Hi all, I feel terrible, but here's my sad tale: My tank had finally finished cycling. Then I went on vacation for two weeks, and when I came back, everything was absolutely FINE. Levels were consistent and fish were happy (5/29/11). My vacuum pump broke, but I did...
  29. R

    What's Wrong With My Opaline Gourami?

    Thanks. I wish I had done a lot more research before trusting the starter kit instructions and my fish store. I wasted money on the strip test kits (they were obviously wrong) and my fish aren't happy. I'm figuring things out now, so hopefully I can set it right. I purchased a much better...
  30. R

    What's Wrong With My Opaline Gourami?

    Update: I noticed her eyes and scales had a reddish hue and saw that this could be from a fungal infection, so I bought some PrimaFix and applied it to the tank. Her reddish hue is definitely gone and her eyes have cleared up, but she's still staying in the corner. She came out briefly...
  31. R

    What's Wrong With My Opaline Gourami?

    Hi all, Shame that my first post is about a sick fish... I have a new 20 gallon tank that is about one week old. I followed the instructions in the starter kit for going fishless the first few days, saw the bacteria blooming in the tank, and added an opaline gourami and a red-tail shark on the...