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    Ideal Tank

    ive not kept fish in a good while but fancied some bala sharks any ideas for a tank for me? i know it must be a big tank lol
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    Rehoming Fish

    ive got 1 problem if someone comes for my fish how do i give them the fish lol
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    Few Fish :)

    6 Harlequins 4 Bronze cory catfish 2 dwarf gouramis free youll also need bags or something to take the fish in Elgin Moray
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    Rehoming Fish

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    Rehoming Fish

    theres 6 harlequins,4bronze cory catfish and 2 dwarf gouramis
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    Rehoming Fish

    going to be moving soon and ive no room for my tank so i have to rehome my fish unfortunatly but how do i go about should i ask a pet store and if any one wants to take them how do i go about giving them the fish for example the pet shops have the fish bags do i need them?
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    my ph is currently at 6.4 would i need to up it or no and if i do need to how can i?
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    Floating Plants

    thinking of buying a floating plant ive never really had live plants before so any suggestions for a floating plant and where to get them from? and also how to keep them
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    Sparkling Gourami

    thanks for the info people i was thinking of some floating plant but dunno which kind and also how many could i get ive currently got 90litre tank with 6 harlequins and 5 bronze catfish
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    Sparkling Gourami

    might get a few sparkling gouramis i was wondering if any1 has kept any and wouldnt mind some info in keeping them ive currently got 6 harlequins and 5 bronze cory catfish and its a 90litre tank
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    Cleaning Filter Pads

    goin to be doing a water change soon and clean my filter im not goin to clean it in the tap but the water i siphon out could i clean it in that?
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    Pureification Bacteria

    your right its useless lol
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    Pureification Bacteria

    heres a link of the stuff at my local fish shop
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    How Do I Clean Silk Plants?

    i had the same problem but i got a toothbrush and gave them a good scrub with that and it came out fine :)
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    Pureification Bacteria

    has anyone used sera bio nitrivec? and is it any good?
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    i did do a fishless cycle to start off with ive been doin water changes now and its gradually goin down so hopefully it clears eventually
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    was about 3 weeks ago i added the last fish but im goin to clean my bogwood aswell there may be food stuck in some bits there
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    well bought the tank gived it a wipe down and put in dechlorinater to the water put the water in and left it for a week
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    nope suppose it will just have to be a good water change and gravel clean lol
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    well ive got 6 harlequins- they get about 2 flakes sumtimes 3 twice a day and 6 bronze cory catfish they get about 4 catfish pellets then a algae wafer at night
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    ye was thinking of a big water change i think its cause i was overfeedin them but ive cut down on that
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    ye had it for about 2 month now cycled it when i got
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    my ammonia is quiet high but im not overstocked and ive cut down on the feeding i also bought a bottle of ammonia remover and waste control but how much water changes do i need its a 88litre tank? anymore help would be appreciated
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    Opaline Gouramis

    currently got a 88litre tank it has 6 bronze cory catfish and 6 harlequins but i was looking at mayb 3 opaline gouramis 1male and 2 female would they be ok for my tank or would they grow to big?
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    Water Change

    ive just took a quarter of my water out my tank and ready to put in the new water but on my bottle of water clearer it says 5ml for every 10litres is that for the whole litres of the tank or the amount of litres of u new water?
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    Honey Gourami

    88 litre tank
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    Honey Gourami

    was goin to wait another month just thought id get some1 elses word for it incase lol
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    Honey Gouramis

    got it checked last monday but goin to get it checked again possibly tomorrow
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    Honey Gouramis

    holds 88 litres
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    Honey Gourami

    had my tank up for a month now got 6 harlequins and got 6 bronze cory catfish wondering when i could put a few honey gouramis in?
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    Honey Gouramis

    had my tank up for a month now got 6 harlequins and got 6 bronze cory catfish wondering when i could put a few honey gouramis in?
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    Finding Out Sexes Of Honey Gourami

    im getting 1 male and 2 female honey gouramis but i cant remember how you find out which is male and female is it the males top fin is pointer at the back or the females cant remember lol any1 tell me?
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    Harlequins Just Home

    well ive a 88litre tank lol but ive got 6 of them
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    Floating Plants

    im also wondering this too lol im thinking getting a floating plant but dont know any
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    Harlequins Just Home

    im not sure how many harlequins you could fit but ive got a few bronze cory catfish there usually on the bottom and eat algae and all that
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    Harlequins Just Home

    ive 6 harlequins to but there greedy buggers i would put pics up of mine but they move to quick lol
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    Dwarf Gouramis

    ye wasnt to sure about 2 males at 1st ether
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    Dwarf Gouramis

    owell that it is then 1 male and 3 female :) lol
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    Dwarf Gouramis

    id say the corys are about 4inch at max just now was thinkin of 2 male honeys and 2 female honeys so would that be fine?
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    Dwarf Gouramis

    so if i was to get sparklers how many could i get? or instead if i got honeys how many could i get?