Sparkling Gourami


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2011
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might get a few sparkling gouramis i was wondering if any1 has kept any and wouldnt mind some info in keeping them

ive currently got 6 harlequins and 5 bronze cory catfish and its a 90litre tank
I only recently got 4 sparkliing gouramis (and thanks to a mix up from the place I ordered them from I now have 8), I have them in a well planted 4ft tank of apporx 214L. They are in with some growing out/up bristle noses, peppered catfish, emerald cat fish and a couple of many spots with some cherry shrimp. So far I have found the sparkling gouramis to be pretty shy pretty much just hanging around the various plants and minding thier own business. I think there are more people in the gourami section of this forum who have kept them for longer and would have had more experience with them.
I don't have any ATM, but they are great little fish that are good for small tanks. I never really thought of mine as shy, they were quite bold for their size once they settle in. It is one of the more social gourami species and should be in a group... for your size tank I would have four or so. It should be densely planted(live plants) with lots of floating plants and they will do just great. Its the kinda fish that really needs a proper planted tank with similar sized fishes to really show off what it can do. I've had them spawn before in a setup like I just described. They also are known for making noise... since they are a very close relative of the croaking gourami. Mine were quite vocal, been awhile since I had any, but I have a video linked below in my sig.
thanks for the info people i was thinking of some floating plant but dunno which kind and also how many could i get ive currently got 90litre tank with 6 harlequins and 5 bronze catfish
Not really hard to keep them. Unfussy about water conditions, eat flake, are compatible with most fish. As with most gouramis, only keep 1 male with a few females unless you want some beef going on ;) And plenty of plants too, they are usually shy in 'empty' tanks
I have a Fluval Edge tank almost ready to go, all planted etc...and i was thinking of having Sparkling Gourami in the tank, how many would you say would be suitable for a tank of this size? (iwas thinking 3)
Also 3 or 4 Cherry Shrimp !

Please let me know your thoughts on my stocking decision.

Many Thanks Lewis

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