Search results

  1. L

    wittle oscar

    Green Terrors, or Other Oscars
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    out of luck again.

    How sad : (
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    can a convict mate with a flowerhorn????

    No There genetic Make up are totaly different, lets say they do breed ( in 1 out of a billion chances ) there eggs will not be fertilized.l
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    Experts wanted

    LOL what a gimmick LOL!!!!! All they are are discolored ( meaning 2nds ) Tiger Oscars WOW some bs lfs...... Eventually but hopefully there colors will not turn to shibby like my friend who had low grade oscars..
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    My plecs

    Very nice coloration on yer common it its a common that is...
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    Angelfish compatability

    or the patience and the dedication, Your tank with Angels and discus will look very delicate, if u had a bigger tank maybe you could do it. What about tertra to school around the angels?
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    Clown Loach's VS My cichlids

    Ive seen some huge ass loaches from the cichlid scene 10+ so i bet they can live in piece.
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    Convict pair

    Digital Is correct, The offspring will be marbled, and if your lucky youll end up with a dark grey with a pink tinge to it making it look like a shurbert color.
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    convicts eggs

    hes wasnt replying to you bean.
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    minimum tank size for a convict couple

    10 gallons will suffice
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    30 gallon

    Cons Kribs Exodons thats pretty much it other than firemouths but you already housed them so what can u say, all depends on what u want i know exos arnt cich but they make great dither
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    Oscar friends

    yes they can Bean, but if you have a pair of cons watch out there bad mofos as i seen in Ex-amps tank before a breeding pair of cons will not back out to anything for there offsping. Now about the oscars If the oscars are 1 foot thats even worse, The oscars are pigs and they are prob 3 = 4...
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    Oscar companions?

    Rofl Cant u guyz communicate on the telly phone? For god sakes spamming 10 post on a single thread is ridiculous
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    should I?...

    When you goto the lfs see if any are paired up, but the ratio is 1 : 1 cause if 1 cpl pairs then the other is screwed and will be attacked becuase the parents will defend its offspring
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    are convicts afraid of you?

    Your Cons Have just been moved to a new living enviorment give them time and space theyll be fine, When i got mine though they ate feeders 5 min after being released.