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    My Fish's Eyes Are Shrinking Into Their Socket

    For hole in the head I used Hex-Out but then switched over to Methylene blue. It kind of hard to tell whether the hole in the head has returned because they scars on their heads from when I had a hydra infestation. My cousin told me the parasites should be gone but the scars will remain. I...
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    My Fish's Eyes Are Shrinking Into Their Socket

    I have a 55 gallon tank with 9 blood parrots and 1 pleco. I noticed that one of my blood parrots appeared a bit pale, his stomach was different from the others (it was not round like the other but pinched in), but what scared me the most was his eyes. His eyes were getting smaller and they...
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    Internal Parasites - Worming Medication In The Uk

    Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I live in New York (US). I found a place (in the US) to purchase the medication already. But thanks anyways.
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    Hydra Infestation?

    Do you know which type of medication has the Flubendazone 5%? I asked to guy at the fish store for this but he told me it is only one of the ingredients. Do you know which company manufactures its?
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    Hydra Infestation?

    Hey anyone know what these are? I found them in the tank this week. My sister told me they are hydras. Attached is a picture (I found on the web) of what they look like. They are mostly on the drift wood and the plastic plant, I removed both but there are still some left on the sides of my tank...
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    Ich on my blood parrots!

    Two days ago I realized my blood parrots had ich (forgot to leave the heater on :-( ). I raised the temperature of the water to 84, added medication (Super Ick Cure- has anyone used this medication? Is it effective?), changed 30% of the water, and removed the activated carbon from the filter...
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    Fish water smells.....why?

    Father's fault, 18 lucky# so 18 fishes. The set up has been like this for I think 2 or 3 years. I had Angel for about 3 years. At first my father took care of everything until he got lazy I took over (about a year ago). I'll consider everyone's advice, I'll find them new homes and maybe keep...
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    Fish won't eat

    Temp: 79 F Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: (Don't have a test for nitrates yet) pHP: 7.0
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    Fish water smells.....why?

    He's the biggest parrot fish in my tank, most aggressive too. >^-^< Ok....Thank You! >^-^<
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    Fish water smells.....why?

    I don't have any wood in the tank. I'll check to make sure there's nothing rotting. Thank you >^-^< Some of my fishes were originally black before I got them, as they grow (or maybe the pellets) they change to red. Angel hasn't completely changed that black line is what's left. They are...
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    Fish water smells.....why?

    Thanks for all your advice. I'll change the bio bags more often. Usually I change the bio bags once a week everytime I change the water but the guy at the aquarium told me that I clean the filter too much it caused high ammonia levels. I just clean the hood today hopefully it'll work. Thank you...
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    Fish water smells.....why?

    This is the one that died (Angel). He stopped eatting. I noticed some color loss, and heavy breathing from him. I checked the pH, ammonia, and nitrite. pH- 7.0, ammonia- 0ppm, and nitrite- 0ppm. The water smells like rotten eggs. I don't have any sand or plants in my tank. It started smelling...
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    Fish water smells.....why?

    I have a 30 gallon tank, 17 red parrot and 1 pleco (one of my parrots just died). The water smells really bad last week and I change the water last saturday but i couldn't get rid of the smell. pH is normal, ammonia is normal and nitrite is normal. What is wrong with the water......I can't get...
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    Fish won't eat

    Thanks for all your advice but Angel died yesterday. I tried bloodworms already but he rejected that too.
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    Fish won't eat

    Thanks for all your advice but Angel died today. I tried giving him blood worms already but he rejected that too.
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    Fish won't eat

    My tank is 36in. x 12.5in. x 17in, 30gallons. I had Angel for 3 years, he usually bullies the smaller fishes. He not blowing clouds with his food, as he breaths he takes the food in but spits it back out. He also has heavy breathing and not much swimming. (I hope i haven't passed my cold on to...
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    Fish won't eat

    I have 17 red parrot fishes and one pleco, but one of my parrots (Angel) won't eat. The pH and ammonia level are normal, I changed the water 3 days ago, but it still smells like dead fish. I had angel for about 3 years, when I wave the bottle of food in front of them they all come to the surface...
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    Fish won't eat

    I have 17 red parrot fishes and one pleco, but one of my parrots (Angel) won't eat. The pH and ammonia level are normal, I changed the water 3 days ago, but it still smells like dead fish. I had angel for about 3 years, when I wave the bottle of food in front of them they all come to the surface...
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