My Fish's Eyes Are Shrinking Into Their Socket


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon tank with 9 blood parrots and 1 pleco. I noticed that one of my blood parrots appeared a bit pale, his stomach was different from the others (it was not round like the other but pinched in), but what scared me the most was his eyes. His eyes were getting smaller and they appear to be shrinking into their sockets. The rim of his eyes were very pale, almost white. He was eating regularly (but not as quick as my other fish). Yesterday I found him dead at the bottom of my tank. I don't know if this is a bacterial infection, parasite infestation, old age (I had them for about 9-10 year)? I tried soaking their food in Methylene Blue just incase (Methylene blue seem work for many of the problems I had - ich, holes in the head). I notice another fish (Flare) might be showing similar symptoms. The rim of his eyes are pale and seem to be getting smaller. I checked the water yesterday, ph: 7.2, ammonia: 0.25, nitrite: 0 and nitrate: 5.0. If anyone can tell me what is wrong or if any can propose a possible solution that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for you time.
Could be a bacterial infections or internal parasites.
Don't soak there food in methylene blue.

Signs of internal paasites are.
Long stringy white poo., or clear mucas poo.
Inflamed anus or enlarged anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Sunken in belly.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Fish will sometimes swim on is side.
Fish will sometimes have a bent spine.
Not eating, spitting food out.

Did you use a med for the hole in the head.
For hole in the head I used Hex-Out but then switched over to Methylene blue. It kind of hard to tell whether the hole in the head has returned because they scars on their heads from when I had a hydra infestation. My cousin told me the parasites should be gone but the scars will remain. I discontinued soaking thier food in methylene blue but usually I soak their food in vitamins or aquarium water, should I discontinue that as well? Checked the bottom of the tank for clear mucas poo - none found, but there are strings of white poo (probably from my pleco, I have some coral fossils in the tank and I suspect he may be sucking on the corals). No inflamed or enlarged anus and no signs of worms. I do have a bunch of snails in my filter (don't know how they got there but my cousin told me they won't affect my tank so I left them alone). My fishes do not look skinny I don't think they are bloated, and no sunken belly so far. They are not swimming on their sides and no bent spine. They are all eating normally. What I notice in the past 3 months is that some of them are getting their blacks back. When I first got them, some were all black/grey or had some black patches, but as they grew older they turned reddish orange. Now a few of them have dark black patches on their bodies. Is that a sign of parasite?

Could be a bacterial infections or internal parasites.
Don't soak there food in methylene blue.

Signs of internal paasites are.
Long stringy white poo., or clear mucas poo.
Inflamed anus or enlarged anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Sunken in belly.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Fish will sometimes swim on is side.
Fish will sometimes have a bent spine.
Not eating, spitting food out.

Did you use a med for the hole in the head.
How long have you had the ammonia reading.
Black patches are ammonia burns that are healing.
Stop using the methylene blue as some brands can wipe the beneifical bacteria out in the filter. Plus you don't need if for your fish.
I would treat your fish with Metronidazole it for internal parsites and bacterial med.

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