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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Summer - Temperature Of Tank Getting Too Warm!

    My apartment this summer is quite hot during the day, and my Tropical Fish Tank (clown loaches, gourami's and zebras) are sitting in a tank now reaching 83 degrees and I am having trouble keeping it cool! I keep putting ice cubes in a plastic baggy and and its a quick fix which doesnt seem to...
  2. J

    Species that eat Algae/Algae in Tank

    THanks! Any other suggestions in case my LFS does not have this particular pleco?
  3. J

    Species that eat Algae/Algae in Tank

    Hi... I've had a tank since May of 2004... it wasn't until winter when the sun shown directly into my apartment that algae really started to grow. How much is too much, and is algae bad? There is a coat of algae over almost everything, but I clean the tank sides regularly. Should I invest in an...
  4. J

    My fish are dying...

    Hi.. I have had my tank for 8 months now, fully cycled and everything was going well. Last time I added fish was a couple of months ago. Added two blue gourami and a couple female platy. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had 4-5 fish deaths!! Worse yet I have no idea why. I admit I haven't...
  5. J

    Molly Fry

    thats awesome, i have 7 in my tank - but they are about 3 months old now. but... the weird thing is, even though i read that at 3 months they should be about adult sized, they are still so small! 3 are actually decent sized, they are hefty fella's about 3/4 inch.... but the rest are mini! just...
  6. J

    I screwed up with my platies

    K i havent had time yet to buy ladies but oh my gosh they have gotten SO aggressive!! what causes this? one guy already has scales falling off, they spin around in these vicious circles, looks like they are sucking off each others scales, it is so horrible!
  7. J

    Opinions on Platy types

    FIrst, I am assuming that it doesnt make a difference if it is a mickey mouse platy, or a sunset platy, or whatever type of platy, for them to breed... is that correct? Do you see any differences in behavior btn the different varieties? I have a sunset, a gold, and a mickey mouse gold with...
  8. J

    nasty gourami

    what's "scrapping??"
  9. J

    nasty gourami

    well that stinks, females are hard to find, and i dont have anywhere to separate them too! guess i will see how it goes for a little while longer. is 1 ok to keep?
  10. J

    nasty gourami

    i have two new powder blue gourami that are beautiful but i have noticed sometimes they fight pretty badly, this morning the one "sucked" off a couple of the others pretty scales! what is that!
  11. J

    I screwed up with my platies

    hey thanks that was really helpful. i am not sure how I would decide which ones would go....
  12. J

    I screwed up with my platies

    ok i am going to have to add two platies that are female soon or these guys are going to beat each other up! thx for the help. can't believe this whole time i thought they were female. :thumbs:
  13. J

    new fry! will they be eaten?

    yeah its fun, right? i'd get yourself a breeder net that hangs right in your tank, get all of the fry in there and then feed them ground up flakes a couple of times a day. after a couple of weeks release them back in the tank (unless you have some really big aggressive fish, then wait til they...
  14. J

    I screwed up with my platies

    All this time I thought I had some females, because they have nice bellies, but I was looking really carefully at them recently because they have gotten really vicious with each other and I have 4 males! I really didn't want to add any more platies to the tank, but I guess I am going to need...
  15. J

    How you sex gouramis?

    How you sex gouramis? Does anyone have pictures of the two?
  16. J

    Powder Blue Gourami

    My platies and mollies have always reacted really well to a little acquarium salt in the tank, but probably wise to use only during treatments. Also how do you sex Gourami's? No clue what I have.
  17. J

    Powder Blue Gourami

    I added two Blue Gourami's to my tank today! They are beautiful, with red tips on the fins. The fish shop called them Blue Gourami's, though after looking at some pics, I think they are Power Blue Dwarfs, but I dont know for sure. Looks like this...
  18. J

    Vacation Blocks For Fry

    I have to use those vacation feeder blocks starting tomorrow and have some fry in the tank. I am sure it will be fun, fry just eat up the leftovers anyway.
  19. J

    Help White Cottony Growth on Tail

    nope, everything is fine aside from a single white lump.
  20. J

    Help White Cottony Growth on Tail

    My gold platy has a white growth on its tail, at first it looked like a cyst was was colorless, now it looks white and cottony on the one side. Fish is acting completely fine - eating and swimming around. What do I do? I will be on vacation starting tomorrow!!!
  21. J

    aquarium salt?

    salt might help but you may need an antibiotic to cure the fin rot.
  22. J

    aquarium salt?

    you're really not wasting any money - acquarium salt can be bought in any petstore and is pretty cheap and at least then you know you are using the right kind of salts.
  23. J

    how long will it take

    i let mine out at 6 weeks and they are doing great!
  24. J

    White Mollies

    I have a great big white sailfin molly who is a beauty. yesterday i noticed markings on her body - 3 vertical lines, looking as if the fish bruised her ribs (if she had ribs). didnt look like anything was on the surface of the skin, but the lines were maybe a centimeter long, 3 in a row on each...
  25. J

    White Mollies

    I have a great big white sailfin molly who is a beauty. yesterday i noticed markings on her body - 3 vertical lines, looking as if the fish bruised her ribs (if she had ribs). didnt look like anything was on the surface of the skin, but the lines were maybe a centimeter long, 3 in a row on each...
  26. J

    Growth of Babies

    So I released all 7 into the main tank yesterday and they seem to be doing great! I think they love the space and even though some are smaller they seem to be fast enough to fend for themselves.
  27. J


    I had 7 Molly fry while cycling and now that cycling is about over they are 2 months old and doing just fine. Just do regular watrer changes, like every other day to dilute the nitrites.
  28. J

    Healthy fish poop...

    the tetracolor stuff literally brings out colors in fish and i notice when i feed mine with that, they have colorful poop... weird i know.
  29. J

    Fin problems!

    I had finrot in my tank, started treatment, once I ended treatment the fins were back to normal in a day or so. I was actually really surprised.
  30. J

    Sailfin mollies acting up

    Whats Methylene Blue?
  31. J

    Growth of Babies

    Alright then! I will release them this weekend. I think they are smart enough to survive, and there are plenty of hiding places. Interesting about the hormoes or whatever stunting growth, I'll do a water change tonight. Thx!
  32. J

    Growth of Babies

    Really?? Interesting, I didn't know changes were that important. I will certainly step that up! What size then is good for putting them back in a main tank? They are in a little breeder net in the main tank right now.
  33. J

    Fin problems!

    Sounds like fin rot (brought on by stress) and can be easily cured with general antibiotics (remember to remove all carbon before treating and half the dose if you have cory's or sensitive fish)... good luck
  34. J

    Growth of Babies

    My Molly fry are already 6 weeks old and they just seem so doesn't look like it has grown at all, I call that one the runt of the group. Some are heftier, but I thought at this point I would be able to release them back into the main tank. Not so sure now. How big should they be at...
  35. J


    Oh I think you can definitely use ground up flakes, what I like to do for mine is take a Ziplock bag and put flakes in it, with some freeze dried brine shrimp and such and smoosh it up so they are tiny pieces and then feed that a couple of times a day. Would be curious to hear others response...
  36. J

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    actually for those that replied that have had previous experience at petsmart and petco, that was really helpful and interesting to learn what goes on behind the scenes. i understand maintaining all of those tanks are difficult and believe that the manager of that particular store is probably...
  37. J

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    Folks no need to take things so personally, everyone seems to have had a negative experience with these big fish retailers. It's just a shame, I was so surprised at how diseased the tanks were. Just sad I can't ever find a healthy fish to buy to add to my tank!
  38. J

    Why are my fry dieing?

    All about survival of the fittest...
  39. J

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    I passed by a Petco and Petsmart yesterday, and have stopped into a Petland on occasion, to see what fish I might want to add next and I am so disgusted by what I have seen there! Each tank was filled with disease, it was horrendous. Why would pet stores keep their tanks like that? Blantant fin...
  40. J

    black molly fry

    The fry have the ich? I had to treat a tank with ich when I had 7 brand new molly fry and the fry were very resilient to this. I think they will be fine, just watch them and do the proper water changes, etc.