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    Fish Can't Swim Down

    Thought it might be that! Thanks for the help :)
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    Fish Can't Swim Down

    I have some cherry barbs in my tank and after eating, they can't swim to the bottom of the tank. This usually lasts for about 30 mins and then they're back to normal. My other fish never have this problem. What could be causing it?
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    Marine Shrimp Tank

    So I've had a freshwater tank for a couple of years now and would like to start a small marine shrimp tank. The problem is that I don't know the first thing about saltwater tanks or shrimp! Could anyone give me some tips or point me in the direction of some good reading? Many thanks
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    What Fish?

    I'd like some advice on what other species of fish I could put in my 10 gallon tank. I currently only have 6 red phantom tetras. The following link is a list of the fish that my LFS has Thanks!
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    A Couple Of Questions

    Bristlenose pleco/catfish would be fine for this size tank. They only grow to about 10-13cm and I have 2 in my 50 litre. Just make sure that it is a bristlenose and not another species of pleco as some of them get WAAAAAY too big for a 60L! They do produce a LOT of poo though but it only takes...
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    Plant Types

    Ok so I haven't had much luck with plants in the past. Today I bought a water rose and a cryptocoryne species (the guy at the pet shop didn't know what type of cryptocoryne it was). Any tips on caring for them? Then maybe I can be more successful this time :P Just looked at pictures on the net...
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    I can never seem to grow healthy plants in my tank! I have healthy fish and haven't had any deaths for months but the plants are a different story. They get covered in algae and just look horrible. Its a tropical 10 gallon tank and the water parameters are normal. I'm not sure what type of...
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    Quick Response Needed!

    Apparently cardinals don't do too well in a brand new tank. Maby somebody can clarify this? As far as I know this is more true for neons. Cardinals are meant to be a bit hardier.
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    Sick Tetra

    He was eating normally right up until he got sick but wont eat now
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    What's Missing

    I've got one of those poster backgrounds that you stick on the outside at the back of the tank and it looks really good.
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    Sick Tetra

    I went out yesterday, came home a couple of hours later and one of my previously healthy red phantoms was lying on the bottom of the tank. I've put him in an isolation tank but he doesn't look good He can kind of swim but when he does he's completely upside down. Other than that he looks...
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    Sick Tetra

    I went out yesterday, came home a couple of hours later and one of my previously healthy red phantoms was lying on the bottom of the tank. I've put him in an isolation tank but he doesn't look good He can kind of swim but when he does he's completely upside down. Other than that he looks...
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    Sick Red Phantom :(

    I went out yesterday, came home a couple of hours later and one of my previously healthy red phantoms was lying on the bottom of the tank. I've put him in an isolation tank but he doesn't look good :( He can kind of swim but when he does he's completely upside down. Other than that he looks...
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    Algae Eater For 10 Gallon

    I've got a bristlenosed plec in my 10G and he does an awesome job at getting rid of algae. Didn't really see him at all for the 1st week but now hes a lot braver! :)
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    Neon Tetra Not Schooling

    A couple of weeks ago I inherited 2 neon tetras from a friend. Yesterday I got 4 more neons to make a school and one of the original neons schools with them but the other doesn't. The one who doesn't seems healthy and is swimming around the tank and eating. He's nearly twice as big as the...
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    Can Anybody Give Me Adivce On This Tank Setup? Cheers

    I may be completely wrong here but don't angels sometimes eat neons? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong! :P
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    Tank Upgrade

    Oh yea thats a good point ae. Thanks :) I'm so looking forward to getting this tank! So sick of not being able to fit much in my current one!
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    Tank Upgrade

    I'm thinking about upgrading my 38 litre (10G) tank and have got my eye on a 2nd hand 115 litre (30G) tank. Other than a bigger heater and filter, will this tank require anything more (maintenance and equipment wise) than my current tank? This may be a stupid question but just thought I'd ask...
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    Silver Shark Killed Itself!

    So, the most bizarre thing happened today. I turned off my tank light for the night and my silver shark must've gotten a fright because he leapt out of the water, smacked into the hood and killed himself! :( Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and if I can do anything to stop it...
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    Community Tank Stocking

    I have a 37.5 litre (9.9 gallon) freshwater tank. Is this big enough to have 2 bristlenosed plecs, 6 neon tetras and 6 red phantom tetras? Or should I just have 1 school? Thanks!