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    White Growths In Aquarium

    I think it might just be that, but its getting out of control, ive been wondering why my filter seems to be passing only 30% of the water it should... the entire tube that sucks the water up from the tank is solid white with this stuff. should i be cleaning this out ??
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    White Growths In Aquarium

    They are definitely not calcium deposits, first off they come off really easily and are slimy, where as calcium requires a bit of scrubbing and is not slimy in the least bit. they look similar to algae but they arn't green and are really fine.
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    White Growths In Aquarium

    I have been cycling my 15 gallon fish tank for almost 3 weeks with one pot belly molly, 3 days ago i went to pet smart and bought 3 more mollies and acquired a rather large piece of used filter media, apparently the filters had just been changed a few hours ago, when i inspected the media back...
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    New Fish Tank Help

    Thanks a ton guys, ive gotten into the habit of a daily 25% water change and testing practically every day looks like i am going to return the ammo lock and probably get a second fish to speed the cycle up a bit!
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    Fish Acting Strangely

    i dropped in a bit of food just to see if the fish was hungry, she went crazy and ate about 6 large flakes and is now still swimming frantically nipping at the surface looking for more food... was i under feeding?
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    Fish Acting Strangely

    Okay so im on about the 6th day of cycling my tank with the fish in, today for some reason my fish (small pot belly molly) is constantly pooping, and it is pooping white, looks kinda like bunched up wet tissue paper .. and it just kinda hangs there... I feed it a few fish flakes each day in...
  7. Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.07.jpg

    Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.07.jpg

  8. Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.22.jpg

    Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.22.jpg

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    New Fish Tank Help

    fed the fish this morning 3 medium sized flakes, for some reason she only ate them when they sank. temperature is a constant 80 degrees, i managed to keep it between 80-81 during yesterdays 80% water change. I am planning to do another 30% water change later this afternoon, and a ammonia test...
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    New Fish Tank Help

    i turned off the lights, and she's still at attacking the aquarium wall.. has been for the past 10 minutes..
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    New Fish Tank Help

    Thanks guys, i just siphoned out 80% of the water. ferris went kinda crazy cause he had such shallow water :/ and siphoned fresh conditioned water in, i also did an ammonia test, its reading in at somewhere around .10 - .20 id say, its not exactly the pale green of .25ppm Also, ferris is a...
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    New Fish Tank Help

    Hey everybody, I just started my first ever fish tank. it is a 15 gallon fresh water tank, with a heater, and a "topfin 15" filter. this is day three since I bought 2 black pot bellied mollies from my LFS. I talked to the fish expert at Pet smart about cycling before even setting up my...
  13. Photo on 2011-01-13 at 19.17.jpg

    Photo on 2011-01-13 at 19.17.jpg
