White Growths In Aquarium


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
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I have been cycling my 15 gallon fish tank for almost 3 weeks with one pot belly molly,
3 days ago i went to pet smart and bought 3 more mollies and acquired a rather large piece of used filter media, apparently the filters had just been changed a few hours ago, when i inspected the media back at home it was still moist with the previous aquarium water so i figured the bacteria in it would be live.

now onto the problem, since yesterday i have noticed a large amount of like a white coating all over everything in the aquarium, kind of like very thin hairs just growing off the decorations and the plastic in the filter. the stuff is very slimy, and from my research i believe it is not hydra, as the stuff does not float around in the aquarium, it is secured to the gravel, fake plants, etc.
what is this? is this a sign that my tank is finally cycling? My mollies seem to be eating this stuff on occasion as they bite the decorations and have been passing white poop that i can confirm is not a worm and has nothing living in it, it also looks different then the clear stomach linning that i had before from over feeding the one molly. this stuff is not growing on the fish, and the fish are swimming around normally.
Also my current filter is barely passing water through it any more, it has gotten to the point where the water is spilling over before going to the filter. most likely with those white things.

I have not had a single tiny bit of nitrite yet, and have not done a water change for a day and a half, and my ammonia is at 0.
(i use a liquid test kit) and usually after 2 days i have slightly over 0.25ppm of ammonia, which is when i would do a 30% water change. (this was with my one fish, i now have 4, and before i got the used media)
is this a indicator that my tank is cycled?

Any help or information on this, would be greatly appreciated :) i would attach a picture but the white, almost clear growth does not show up
I have been cycling my 15 gallon fish tank for almost 3 weeks with one pot belly molly,
3 days ago i went to pet smart and bought 3 more mollies and acquired a rather large piece of used filter media, apparently the filters had just been changed a few hours ago, when i inspected the media back at home it was still moist with the previous aquarium water so i figured the bacteria in it would be live.

now onto the problem, since yesterday i have noticed a large amount of like a white coating all over everything in the aquarium, kind of like very thin hairs just growing off the decorations and the plastic in the filter. the stuff is very slimy, and from my research i believe it is not hydra, as the stuff does not float around in the aquarium, it is secured to the gravel, fake plants, etc.
what is this? is this a sign that my tank is finally cycling? My mollies seem to be eating this stuff on occasion as they bite the decorations and have been passing white poop that i can confirm is not a worm and has nothing living in it, it also looks different then the clear stomach linning that i had before from over feeding the one molly. this stuff is not growing on the fish, and the fish are swimming around normally.
Also my current filter is barely passing water through it any more, it has gotten to the point where the water is spilling over before going to the filter. most likely with those white things.

I have not had a single tiny bit of nitrite yet, and have not done a water change for a day and a half, and my ammonia is at 0.
(i use a liquid test kit) and usually after 2 days i have slightly over 0.25ppm of ammonia, which is when i would do a 30% water change. (this was with my one fish, i now have 4, and before i got the used media)
is this a indicator that my tank is cycled?

Any help or information on this, would be greatly appreciated :) i would attach a picture but the white, almost clear growth does not show up
From how you discribed it, sounds like calcium deposits. You can remove this by just wiping it off when you perform your weekly water changes.

I have been cycling my 15 gallon fish tank for almost 3 weeks with one pot belly molly,
3 days ago i went to pet smart and bought 3 more mollies and acquired a rather large piece of used filter media, apparently the filters had just been changed a few hours ago, when i inspected the media back at home it was still moist with the previous aquarium water so i figured the bacteria in it would be live.

now onto the problem, since yesterday i have noticed a large amount of like a white coating all over everything in the aquarium, kind of like very thin hairs just growing off the decorations and the plastic in the filter. the stuff is very slimy, and from my research i believe it is not hydra, as the stuff does not float around in the aquarium, it is secured to the gravel, fake plants, etc.
what is this? is this a sign that my tank is finally cycling? My mollies seem to be eating this stuff on occasion as they bite the decorations and have been passing white poop that i can confirm is not a worm and has nothing living in it, it also looks different then the clear stomach linning that i had before from over feeding the one molly. this stuff is not growing on the fish, and the fish are swimming around normally.
Also my current filter is barely passing water through it any more, it has gotten to the point where the water is spilling over before going to the filter. most likely with those white things.

I have not had a single tiny bit of nitrite yet, and have not done a water change for a day and a half, and my ammonia is at 0.
(i use a liquid test kit) and usually after 2 days i have slightly over 0.25ppm of ammonia, which is when i would do a 30% water change. (this was with my one fish, i now have 4, and before i got the used media)
is this a indicator that my tank is cycled?

Any help or information on this, would be greatly appreciated :) i would attach a picture but the white, almost clear growth does not show up
From how you discribed it, sounds like calcium deposits. You can remove this by just wiping it off when you perform your weekly water changes.


Are calcium deposits slimy?
They are definitely not calcium deposits, first off they come off really easily and are slimy, where as calcium requires a bit of scrubbing and is not slimy in the least bit.
they look similar to algae but they arn't green and are really fine.
If it's that icky looking stuff that looks a bit like white mucus from a certain angle then it is quite common with new tanks and it's not going to harm the fish. In fact have a bit on the heater cable in a hatching/fry tank and it's not caused any trouble for the fry in there!
I think it might just be that, but its getting out of control, ive been wondering why my filter seems to be passing only 30% of the water it should... the entire tube that sucks the water up from the tank is solid white with this stuff.
should i be cleaning this out ??

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