Fish Acting Strangely


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
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Okay so im on about the 6th day of cycling my tank with the fish in, today for some reason my fish (small pot belly molly) is constantly pooping, and it is pooping white, looks kinda like bunched up wet tissue paper .. and it just kinda hangs there...

I feed it a few fish flakes each day in the morning, and after the flakes the fish poops brown to dark orange ( and theres no way tissue paper fell in the water)

also she seems to be hanging around the filter near the surface quite a bit (which means a bit stressed) and when she isnt she is nipping at the gravel or the fake plants or decorations or even the glass.

my water quality is fine, checked a few hours ago..
ammonia = 0.2 ppm
nitrite = 0 ppm
nitrate = 4 ppm
temperature 79

what is my fish doing / eating that it can poop up to 3 inches of white strand in under an hour :huh: ??
also my water isnt very clear (as seen in picture) Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.22.jpg

help please

a closer up picture

(this is the only fish in my 15 gallon aquarium)


  • Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.07.jpg
    Photo on 2011-01-16 at 19.07.jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 25
i dropped in a bit of food just to see if the fish was hungry, she went crazy and ate about 6 large flakes and is now still swimming frantically nipping at the surface looking for more food...
was i under feeding?

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