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  1. H

    I'm new here

    :hi: I was a newbie, not that long ago. Must say a good bunch of people, good advice, and lots of laughs, wot more could you ask for?
  2. H

    Marketting Ideas

    Call me naive, but is that really what I think it is? Yuck and they do colour pelets for fish too! That is bad. :flex:
  3. H

    Help......what is happening to my fish

    Ok, so I said that my fish were dying. I re-homed 2 guppies, and 4 molly fries to avoid further atrocities in my tank. Then one of my big mollies, looked a bit poorly, and one of it's eye looked as if it was just about to pop out and, to be honest, I was waiting for the demise of yet another...
  4. H

    Pink and Green Parrot Fish

    oops meant flourescent pink tiger barbs...... thats what comes of being blonde!
  5. H

    Pink and Green Parrot Fish

    I am by no means an expert, but there are quite a few entries relating to this. See "Pink and green parrot fish". I would suggest that you could try and take them back - although not strictly fair on your fish as you will obviously look after them well. All you are left with is the option...
  6. H

    Flourescent Pink Tiger Barbs

    Damn shame, I wasn't a member before when it was discussed. I would love to know so that I can avoid that place or any place associated with it and I am sure that other newbies would feel the same. :no: Respect your decision though.
  7. H

    Help......what is happening to my fish

    :flowers: Thank you. I certainly hope you are right. I respect your greater knowledge of these things! It's quite sad losing fish, not being that experienced at it didn't realise that you get quite attached to the slippery things.
  8. H

    Help......what is happening to my fish

    Good call, my tank is approx 3ft x 2ft x 1ft? I have now passed on 4 mollie fry and 2 guppies to someone with a larger tank, but a lot less fish. Although now one of my mollies has a sticky out eye, looks like it will pop out at any moment - although generally healthy otherwise. Do you think...
  9. H

    blood worms

    dont' know about the fish, but probably a health hazard to humans given the smell! Seriously, I've not had any problems with my fish because it is frozen. Try the live ones it will give your fish something to can hunt it's food down. It must be lonely on it's own give it something...
  10. H

    blood worms

    I get frozen blood worms for my fish and the water looks like paddington station in the rush hour when they are fed, the clown loaches tend to get more than any of the others. The babies give it a good go too. (they do make your hands smell though!) :sick:
  11. H

    hi im a newbie

    'Scuse me for being blonde (no really I am!). My guppies have had babies, as have my mollies. But to be honest I don't know how to tell when they are in the family way. I do know how to tell the male from the female, but my females look permanently pregnant............are they.......could...
  12. H

    Another Newbie

    [FONT=Optima][COLOR=blue]Hello to you all. Have all ready been in touch with some of you, as I have a problem (?!). Now that I have done that thought I would make myself known to you all. :thumbs:
  13. H

    Help......what is happening to my fish

    I am impressed with all of this help, cheers! The tank is about 25 litres (?). I do a water change each weekend and had the water tested last weekend - It was just right. There are 5 neons, 5 harlequins, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 clownn loaches, now only 2 guppies, 3 platties + 2 babies, 4...
  14. H

    Help......what is happening to my fish

    Thanks for that, appreciated. The tank has been set up for some months, helped by my brother, who has gone on to a bigger and better tank. Although, he doesn't have a clue to my fish problem (already asked him and I thought big bro's were meant to be helpful!) The Gouramis are dwarf ones, so...
  15. H

    Help......what is happening to my fish

    I am experiencing dying fish....... I have many tetras, 2 gouarmi's (1 male, 1 female), 2 clown loaches, mollies, guppies and platties. Over the last month or so the guppies have been dying one by one. The tails start to look as if they have been nibbled at, then they have been looking as if...