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  1. J

    Yoyo Loaches

    Thanks so much = ) I hope to get the dwarves tomorrow haha = D
  2. J

    Yoyo Loaches

    @Baccus, I think the yoyos taking out a few guppy & platy fry isn't too problematic, possibly even a positive as I feel a little over-run but fry atm. I'm a little confused as to why the yoyos would prey on neon tetras but not adult guppies which are approx the same size and have a fancy tail...
  3. J

    Yoyo Loaches

    Helloo I want to reduce the snail population in my 200l tank and I'm fed up of removing them daily by hand now lol Read about how loaches can sort the problem so I researched clown loaches which i've decided get far too big for my tank. So I moved onto zebra and yoyo loaches. I'm siding towards...
  4. J

    Please Help Fish Stuck In Other Fish Mouth Urgent

    I've seen a post like this somewhere else before, the owner of the fish said he tugged the little fish out and realised that his big fish's mouth was stuck open too likes yours. He thought he dislocated it's jaw or something haha I think I remember people just telling him not to unnecessarily...
  5. J

    African Dwarf Frogs

    Thanks for the advice peeps, I reckon I'm gunna buy a new tank for them... Whats a good size for say about 3 whilst being as spatially economical as possible? Oh and I know this sounds like a ridiculous question but do they smell? Haha! Whether they do or not will determine where I'll put them...
  6. J

    African Dwarf Frogs

    Hello! I have a 200L tank atm which has 10 neons, 7 glass bloodfins, a sunset platy and a bristlenose pleco. Its heavily planted across the back of the aquarium and i have piece of bog wood in there. So i was on youtube and somehow managed to get to African dwarf frogs from watching...
  7. J

    New To Fish Keeping- Need Floating Plants

    Hi, I just bought some Glass Bloodfin Tetras and completely forgot to buy the floating plants that I meant to whilst I was there. Is a few anacharis ok for them? Or do the need a more dense shelter? Thanks.
  8. J

    Platy And Swordtails ~ Problems...

    Hello, 2 problems with my fish~ hope you can help. Firstly both of my newly introduced swordtails have started showing symptoms of ich; they keep flicking against the gravel and plants but I can't see any white spots on them at all? Should I proceed with an ich treatment anyway? And if so...
  9. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    You say you don't put Platies and Swordtails together. What's wrong with crossed offspring? :huh:
  10. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Ok, good point. I do want breeding Angelfish sometime but not now as the tank is not big enough for angel fish and how ever many babies they produce. I'll just slot 'breeding Angelfish' into my to-do list for life haha :good: Maybe full steam ahead with the shoalers though. If anyone could...
  11. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Ok, lets just remove everything from this equation so far apart from my tank and the angelfish. I read somewhere else that Angelfish get really territorial during spawning, but will only chase other fish away, not kill..? Plus, if I don't want a pair then what do I want if buying Angelfish? Or...
  12. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Thanks for the replies, this is my current status. Ok, because I'm so easily swayed I've decided that I will go ahead with Angels :) I want to only buy a young pair but I understand that you can't sex them until they are about to spawn... So how can I make sure the two I buy are male and...
  13. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Really? That's great news! :D It's kind of a win win situation if they fit comfortably and sort of limit the population of the platies & swordtails!
  14. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Thanks for replying so fast! Ok, Angelfish sound way too troublesome haha, won't bother with them. I cant really help the numbers of platies and swordtails unfortunately. The platies consist of one known male and loads of younger ones that will probably have at least a few females. & The guy...
  15. J

    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Hello! I'm sort of a beginner fish keeper as I only started having tropical fish last July; before that I just had my beloved yet slightly dopey goldfish in a biorb. :) Now I have a 50 US gallon tank! First I bought 2 sunset platies which bred and produced 3 litters before the mother died...